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Goldfarmers getting smarter?

Posted: 2008-01-03 01:59am
by Stormin
On my server there are ~7 groups of gold farmers, 5 of which are enemy realm so I can farm them. I go down to where they are if I can't get a decent group and kill them but lately they have actually been able to defend themselves.
They are moving in convoys and they seem to have hired on decent players to act as bodyguards, my group of 4-6 usually have no problem with 2, sometimes even 3 groups of goldfarmers but add in real players to the fight and we just get swamped.
Before a couple days ago, I was just able to pop an invigoration potion and kill them all by training 50 monsters onto them while they aoe'd and pulled aggro, but now when they see mob trains coming they stand still and just spam heals.

Browsing other forums and Youtube it seems that the farmers in WoW are still retard monkeys, why the hell did you guys have to send the smart ones my way?
Anyone else ever get nasty surprises when they expected an easy time dealing with the farming companies?

Posted: 2008-01-03 04:46am
by Ritterin Sophia
Wow, it took them this long to think of an idea that was devised thousands of years ago?

Oh well, at least you can brag that your server is where all the smart* players go. :lol:

*By MMO standards at least.

Posted: 2008-01-03 06:05am
by Dooey Jo
General Schatten wrote:Wow, it took them this long to think of an idea that was devised thousands of years ago?
Oh man, history is repeating itself! Soon they'll need full out wars to get them all. And then the farmers will send their mercenaries to kill and steal from other farmers.

You should try and see if you can make their bodyguard turn on them. That should be funny. OR: Try to join them and become an inside agent and set them up for ambushes. You can help them prevent a faux ambush so they'll trust you.

Posted: 2008-01-03 09:32am
by Stormin
Dooey Jo wrote: Oh man, history is repeating itself! Soon they'll need full out wars to get them all. And then the farmers will send their mercenaries to kill and steal from other farmers.
I have seen the farm groups try to fight each other once, it was pathetic. They would move at each other and try to stand on top of one another to cast while the other group just moved away a little bit then started casting when the first group tried to catch up.
These groups consist of two players controlling all 8 characters, in albion it is 5 ice wizards with high damage aoe centered around the character itself, 2 clerics for heals and enhancement spells and a minstrel that all of the characters are stuck to to move around with.
The other realms are pretty much the same setup, 5 point blank casters 2 healing classes and a third to supply either buffs or crowd control.

You should try and see if you can make their bodyguard turn on them. That should be funny. OR: Try to join them and become an inside agent and set them up for ambushes. You can help them prevent a faux ambush so they'll trust you.

Nah, tonight I am just going to build a decent group rather than picking up less than a full group of effectivly random players. 8 good players can usually beat 24 goldfarmers and 8 random decent players if we have surprise, my 6man at the end of yesterday had no trouble using timered abilities to survive long enough to get the farmers themselves before having to pull back or die to the guards.

General Schatten wrote:Wow, it took them this long to think of an idea that was devised thousands of years ago?

Oh well, at least you can brag that your server is where all the smart* players go. :lol:

*By MMO standards at least.

If they were smarter they wouldn't even be where they are, which is pretty funny. In the area they farm they make ~50,000 gold an 8 hour shift per group. 781gold per character per hour and 1000 gold sells for about 50 cents.

Posted: 2008-01-03 10:22am
by Molyneux
If you're talking about WoW, isn't goldfarming a bannable offense? I know that in FFXI use of, say, a fisher 'bot is enough to get your account kerploded...

Posted: 2008-01-03 10:41am
by Ritterin Sophia
Stormin wrote:If they were smarter they wouldn't even be where they are, which is pretty funny. In the area they farm they make ~50,000 gold an 8 hour shift per group. 781gold per character per hour and 1000 gold sells for about 50 cents.
I said by MMO standards, stop strawmanning my arguments! :x :lol:

Posted: 2008-01-03 11:43am
by Ghost Rider
Pfft the only gold farmers still farming on WoW are the retarded, because of a few changes in the way they made gold earning work. Most of the people who buy from them are usually the dumb or people who justify "My time is worth more then this!!!"...which beggars the question, why spend it on WoW if such? And no, even high end raiding is nowhere near the money sink it used to be.

A lazy blind bastard can earn around 20-30 gold from dungeons and cooking. A lazy bastard can earn 50-60 from flying and other, with finally the innovative can easily earn 100 or so from dailies alone. This is without the standard farming rituals that permeate most MMOs.

Also given that equipment is easy to obtain AND not purchased by the Auction House makes most of gold a shiny thing you waste on exorbiant gems....because you are so fucking bored and have no idea what to do after getting a epic flyer(sorry +2 to a couple stats is the height of twinking).

So the goldfarmers migrate to territories that money is still valuable and means something other then "I have 12K, three epic flyers, and shiny purple all over my e-peen!"

Posted: 2008-01-03 11:47am
by Ghost Rider
Molyneux wrote:If you're talking about WoW, isn't goldfarming a bannable offense? I know that in FFXI use of, say, a fisher 'bot is enough to get your account kerploded...
Pfft, like Blizzard cares, they just made it able to ignore, not get rid of. I have an infinite ignore list because spammers are no long spamming whispers, or grouping...just now they are screaming in big cities their spam.

Blizz does a purge to make people think they are doing something about it.

Posted: 2008-01-03 12:06pm
by Molyneux
Ghost Rider wrote:
Molyneux wrote:If you're talking about WoW, isn't goldfarming a bannable offense? I know that in FFXI use of, say, a fisher 'bot is enough to get your account kerploded...
Pfft, like Blizzard cares, they just made it able to ignore, not get rid of. I have an infinite ignore list because spammers are no long spamming whispers, or grouping...just now they are screaming in big cities their spam.

Blizz does a purge to make people think they are doing something about it.
Ugh, least in FFXI they actually try to keep botters out, and I've never had a problem with spam.