Note the totally awesome 'lol you are stupid to expect anyone ever to ever pay money for a game, I will never post here again' thing. Needs more hit-and-run!Bobbias wrote:I agree with the first post. I love this game, but if it's any more than $10, I'm not likely going to buy it.
Here is my reasoning: Since torrents and cracking have become so common that it's possible to get nearly every single game on the internet for free, a game must really be worth the money to buy it. The internet is changing rapidly, and if you still cling to the old ideas that a game should automatically make you money if someone likes it, then you're going to have a hard time.
Now, a game must truly prove itself worthy of being bought, because most people don't like to part with their money very much.
The internet is becoming increasingly more free and open for everyone, and people expecting money for every service they provide is going to hurt. Look at myspace, look at StepMania look at youtube, and rapidshare/megaupload, photobucket. All of those sites are providing services to the people. Some of them have pro accounts you can pay for for extra features, but they all do a basic service, and do them rather well. Unless you really need th pro accounts, you're not going to buy them, but they still offer the basic service for free.
That is he model new game makers need to follow, acknowledging that not everything is going to get people to pay unless they offer something extra for the money, something above and beyond the basic product itself. It's the mentality that you're not just paying for the game, for the product, but for extra service, something the free players don't get that makes things better.
I understand everyone saying that you need to pay, and I agree, but I don't agree that it automatically deserves that much money because honestly, as cool as it is, it could be better. I've played some Metalcore songs, and I've played other types of music, and I find that anything with guitars in it doesn't render all that well. Especially throwdowns, and such. The engine can be refined a LOT, even now.
I'm not saying it sucks, because it is really fun, but I'm simply saying that just because it's good, doesn't mean it is excellent. It's innovative, and a good game, but I wouldn't consider it a Great game yet, because the levels stil don't match the song as good as something a StepMania simfile maker could do.
( ... rch=Search some songs are terrible, but search for Reach, or DukAmok, or Toph, or Kilga, along with stepmania and see players who are big names in the scene, and all make really good notecharts by hand)
And I'm done here, I've stated my point, but I don't feel like fighting with people. You can feel free to use some of my ideas to make points and all that, but don't bother directly responding, because I'm not going to check here again today.

And I hate a lot of shit, but the Audiosurf beta was fucking COOL. It reads your MP3s/AACs/etc to create a Wipeout-style track based on tempo in full rollercoaster 3D, and you grab beats in various colours to play a columns style game for points. It's quite well done, heaps of fun, and WAY harder than shit like GH3 because istead of 'following' a wall of notes, you have to weave in and out grabbing only the beats you want for the best score. I'd pay 10USD for it in a second.
Metal and techno will give you epilepsy, though. FUN epilepsy.