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I Armed Assault really that bad?

Posted: 2008-01-16 05:30am
by weemadando
Being a total whore for OFP - I have to ask, is it actually that bad, or is it just not as good?

Mainly this relates to me wondering is ArmA + Queens Gambit for 80AUD worth it?

Posted: 2008-01-16 09:40am
by Vympel
It's shit. It does nothing to rectify OFP's clunky interface, but decides it'll be a fantastic idea to crank up the difficulty level to Obscene Sadomasochism, and throws in some annoying bugs to boot.

I deleted the game in disgust when I finished a part of one of the early missions, and, in the course of an in-game cutscene where your character is not shown loading into some waiting Strykers - he was killed. Repeatedly.

Posted: 2008-01-16 09:46am
by JointStrikeFighter
Since its been heavily patch alot of the insane difficulty issues have apparently been fixed.

Posted: 2008-01-16 10:30am
by defanatic
Also, it is rather inefficiently programmed, so even on quite decent computers, you will notice a fair bit of chuggyness.

Posted: 2008-01-16 12:48pm
by Arthur_Tuxedo
Yeah, it runs like a hog and the difficulty is truly excessive. I never finished the Red Hammer expansion because of difficulty, and this one is a lot worse. I can imagine player-made scenarios being good, though.

Posted: 2008-01-16 05:31pm
by CaptHawkeye
JointStrikeFighter wrote:Since its been heavily patch alot of the insane difficulty issues have apparently been fixed.
But they're still pretty out there. A lot of scenarios and mission objectives still center on the player accomplishing some generally impossible task no sane officer would ever expect his men to do. Combine that with the poorly designed engine, and AI that's dumbshit even when set on max, and you can see the problem.

Besides all that, the game was just half assed from the start. It's built on the same engine as the previous games, so nothing really new could be done with it. In a pinacle of sheer retardation, they STILL used OFP's shitty command system and AI. Even though Codemasters fixed both of those things quite nicely in the Xbox release of OFP. (I'm not shitting you, the friendly AI in OFP:Elite was better than the player sometimes. And the command system was streamlined to work with the Xbox's D-Pad. It still wasn't great, but it was a vast improvement.)

The game was actually a step backwards. But hey, i'm such a god damn whore for the whole series, i'm still looking forwards to ArmA 2. But not more than i'm looking forwards to Flashpoint 2. By the way, Codemasters said they were going to release a new trailer soon.

Posted: 2008-01-16 05:47pm
by Psychic_Sandwich
Since its been heavily patch alot of the insane difficulty issues have apparently been fixed.

Whereas before, only the keenest eyed, most steady handed superhumans were permitted to enter the army of obscure third world shitholes (I refer here to soldiers shooting you off the top of the water tower with a single headshot while running around in circles, firing from the hip and in many cases not even facing in your direction), now they're slightly less keen eyed and steady handed superhumans, who can't see and aim over two kilometers with pinpoint accuracy. They still seem to have perfect night vision, though. :x

Posted: 2008-01-17 02:47am
by weemadando
I think I'll just stick with my outrageously modded OFP then.

Posted: 2008-01-17 02:54am
by Pablo Sanchez
I played ArmA. It was pretty hard, yeah? I gave up after about the third mission, because I (just me, with no help at all) was ordered to blow up a bridge and destroy three T-72s with infantry escort. I managed to beat the mission but decided that if the game was throwing that at me just a couple of missions in, I really had no chance at all of beating it.

Posted: 2008-01-18 10:57am
by CaptHawkeye
Pablo Sanchez wrote:I played ArmA. It was pretty hard, yeah? I gave up after about the third mission, because I (just me, with no help at all) was ordered to blow up a bridge and destroy three T-72s with infantry escort. I managed to beat the mission but decided that if the game was throwing that at me just a couple of missions in, I really had no chance at all of beating it.
Same here. Even the most hardcore of ArmA fans i've met admit the mission design is inexcusably bad. One of my biggest problems is how terrible the AI is at CQB. Sorry, but the old Flashpoint engine just can't do that shit. My squad gets so terribly lost and broken manuevering through a city that you'd think they were all stone drunk, and blindfolded.

By the way, somewhat OT, but some pictures pf OFP2 have been posted in the official forums. You can find them there, or on this fansite. (Not english, scroll down.) Some were also pulled from a German game magazine.