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BL discontinues both warhammer RPGs

Posted: 2008-01-28 01:10pm
by Gunhead
BL announcement

Hope you all enjoy the brand spanking new WH40K RPG that just came out, the line will be discontinued after the next supplement. Along with WFRP.

Fuck BL, fuck the novels and fuck whoever made the decision.

In addition. Fuck the fact I preordered DH just so they'd keep publishing more RPG supplements for WFRP too. I don't give two hoots if the novels are the god given source material for the rpgs. I don't give a rats ass if they're the greatest piece of literature to grace the man kind. I want fucking rpgs with rules, tables, maps, monsters and whatnot.

So on this note. FUCK!!


Posted: 2008-01-28 01:13pm
by Vendetta
To be fair, no-one involved in the upper levels at GW has half a clue about running a successful IP franchise any more, given that half the management structure comes from Boots.

Posted: 2008-01-28 01:13pm
by Feil
Wonder if they'll let Green Ronin pick up the label and continue producing.

Posted: 2008-01-28 01:49pm
by Dartzap
The novels do seem to be getting more and popular at the moment, but it certainly should not have led to them pulling the plug like this.

Posted: 2008-01-28 02:13pm
by Aaron
Vendetta wrote:To be fair, no-one involved in the upper levels at GW has half a clue about running a successful IP franchise any more, given that half the management structure comes from Boots.
That was pretty clear as soon as people noticed the policy on GW tattoos and fanfilms. What puzzles me though is why they put the effort into developing and publishing it if they were just going to discontinue it.

Posted: 2008-01-28 02:26pm
by Ritterin Sophia
My bet? They're trying to stimulate demand. Basically teasing people with it so that demand increases and next time it comes out again they can jack the price up even more.

Games-Workshop is simply full of assholes, only producing a couple hundred of those beautiful leatherbacks should be enough to show anyone that. One would think that if they were trying to break into RPG's they would've taken a page out of their most successful competitors book.

Posted: 2008-01-28 02:27pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Wait, so does this mean we might not even get the DH core book we preordered on Amazon? They have it listed for a March release and if the damn thing ends up getting canceled...

God damn it, GW, why can't you just pull your fucking business model out of the 1980s? You are killing your own product!

Posted: 2008-01-28 02:49pm
by Bedlam
The core rule books are out. I picked up a copy from waterstones on Friday and the local games shop has them in as well, the GM's and characters packs as well.

Posted: 2008-01-28 02:54pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Yeah I know they're out, but for some reason Amazon still has it listed as a preorder until March, and Uts ordered it from there to save $20.

EDIT: Oh God damn it, now they're listing it as temporarily out of stock. That could so totally go either way. :evil:

Posted: 2008-01-28 03:19pm
by Academia Nut
Fuckity fuckity fuck!

Damn it, my pre-order had better arrive. I was looking forward to that game.

Seriously though, someone really needs to line the upper management of GW up against a wall before they kill their own brands with disgusting levels of IP mismanagement and incompetence.

Posted: 2008-01-28 03:28pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius

Didn't they just completely sell out of Dark Heresy... on pre-orders alone?. Dear sweet mother of god, shouldn't that tell them something? What, are they trying to reproduce Sony's apocalyptic failure with the PS3?

edit: jesus fucking hell

Posted: 2008-01-28 03:29pm
by Dartzap
I think that the announcement means that whilst they are not making new stuff for the RPG's, they are still going to be printing and supporting the current ones, atleast for the time being.

Posted: 2008-01-28 03:44pm
by Feil
You'll get your preorders, and a chance to buy even if you didn't preorder. They're just not going to be release anything else after September.

So, we get the core rulebook, a player handbook (The Inquisitor's Handbook), and a monster manual (Desciples of the Dark Gods). We also get supplimental rules published online, for vehicles at least, and probably for some other stuff.

What we don't get are the planned sequel versions which rescale the game to allow for characters whose power level has exceeded that for which Dark Heresy was designed.

Posted: 2008-01-28 04:02pm
by Kuja

Posted: 2008-01-28 04:03pm
by Vendetta
Or, of course, world expansions, alien race campaigns and PCs, and all the rest of the jazz that causes D&D to take up more bookshelves than is sensible.

It's still not quite on the level of Rackham fucking their entire playerbase in the ass with Confrontation 4 and it's shitty prepainted plastics, but it's still stupid.

Posted: 2008-01-28 04:07pm
by Imperial Overlord
Feil is correct. I'm just appalled. Pen and Paper RPGs aren't the biggest money makers, this was highly anticipated, beautifully done, and the first print run sold out on preorders alone. Even for GW with its legendarily nasty "screw the fans and crush any effort to increase the value and exposure of the IP" this is new low.

Posted: 2008-01-28 04:22pm
by Feil
Imperial Overlord wrote:I'm just appalled. Pen and Paper RPGs aren't the biggest money makers, this was highly anticipated, beautifully done, and the first print run sold out on preorders alone. Even for GW with its legendarily nasty "screw the fans and crush any effort to increase the value and exposure of the IP" this is new low.
Quoted for truth. :(

I just hope none of my prospective players find out until after I've gotten the game and hooked them on it :wink:

Posted: 2008-01-28 04:30pm
by Imperial Overlord
On the other hand, now that the initial shock has worn off and I'm left stewing with spite and fury, they'll be releasing a fair amount of useful material before they close up shop.

Earthdawn has been dead for fifteen years and I have no problems running campaigns with the material I have for it. I can do the same with Dark Heresy.

Still fucking pissed.

Posted: 2008-01-28 05:12pm
by andrewgpaul
It's not ideal, but a judicious application of the WFRP material might be useful for creating Ratling and Eldar characters (and Squats, if you're that way inclined), although you're on your own when it comes to equipment.

Posted: 2008-01-28 06:15pm
by Stark
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Wait, so does this mean we might not even get the DH core book we preordered on Amazon? They have it listed for a March release and if the damn thing ends up getting canceled...

God damn it, GW, why can't you just pull your fucking business model out of the 1980s? You are killing your own product!
I thought 'killing their own product' *was* their business model.

Posted: 2008-01-28 06:33pm
by Utsanomiko
No, it's "identify their best-selling product, cancel everything else, freeze all capital and brand recognition growth, and reduce customer base to the smallest population."

What really peeves me is there won't be any Rogue Trader or Space Marine-focused core sequel books now. The latter was rumored to sound like it would have been a great supplement for epic combat (taking down the equivalent of dragons... and dungeons...), and we definitely have been in need of some more-detailed information on Rogue Traders.

Hell, we haven't really heard much on them since it was claimed they each got their own 'contingent of Space Marines'. Which in post 1st Edition terms would be a bald-faced lie of '40 acres and a mule' proportions.

Or maybe as big of a lie as 'we're going to support this RPG with big releases every 18 months'.

Posted: 2008-01-28 06:47pm
by Hotfoot
Wow. Fucking weak.

Seriously, what the fuck? This is perhaps the first 40K product outside of Dawn of War I've purchased in YEARS, and they kill it?

Way to go, GW/BL. That's lame as hell.

Posted: 2008-01-28 07:32pm
by Vehrec
I am hereby boycotting GW and all their intellectual properties. No Soulstorm, no omnibi or anything, I'm swearing off the goddamn product line until they wise up and stop killing the awesome. And relax that stupid stance on tattoos. If I want the Imperial Eagle, I want to be able to get the Imperial Eagle.

Posted: 2008-01-28 07:43pm
by KlavoHunter
They can ban you from getting a tattoo?

Fucking wankers.

Posted: 2008-01-28 07:47pm
by Aaron
KlavoHunter wrote:They can ban you from getting a tattoo?

Fucking wankers.
They can't ban it but they could sue you if they discover you have one.