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Character Picture

Posted: 2008-02-14 01:42pm
by Bedlam
I've playing a Zabrak (Darth Maul type pointy headed guy) in a Star Wars Saga game at the moment and the GM has asked that we provide a picture of our characters. As my drawings are terrible I tooking to steal someone elses, I've checked out wookipedia and none fit, I've also tried Heromachine but I cant find one that has the right horns.

Does anyone know where I might find a picture to use?

Posted: 2008-02-14 04:02pm
by Havok
Does he have the flesh on or off his horns? And do you want it to look like Maul, or more like the Zabarak that was o the Jedi Council?

Posted: 2008-02-14 04:09pm
by SilverWingedSeraph
I may have some suitable pics, but could you provide more information about this character, so I can narrow it down a bit?

Posted: 2008-02-14 05:38pm
by Bedlam
Oh, you asked a roleplayer to talk about his character, this could take a while.

He's a Tech based Scoundral. Hes got a very poor strength and generally low physical stats. My background idea is that he almost died in a plague along with the rest of his family when he was young and was left weakened. He was raised by a distant relative and had to survive on his wits for most of his early life, but was trained at martial arts that didn't rely on strength by his relative.

He got off his home planet as qucikly as possible by joining the military and then hacking the computers to give himself a passing grade at the exams. He got caught by one of his tutors who was impressed with the skills he demonstrated and fast tracked him into the engineers. He was fast tracked into the engineers and was picked for a behind the lines mission to capture sepratist weapons data during the clone wars (first adventure), then he saw he clones turn on the Jedi and saw where the empire was going, decided he didn't want anything to do with it and jumped ship as quickly as possible.

He ended up on a middle of nowhere space station where me met up with a jedi and clone he knew from the previous adventuare and and long with a few others they were recruted by a shady character to ship frozen spy away from imperial forces to Alderan (second adventure). Now hes trying to free an imperial Admeral, who was providing information to the proto alliance, from a secret imperial jail (third adventure).

Basically I see him as not very physically imposing, faily short and defently not muscled, possibly even a bit over weight. Probably with flesh covered horns. I dont want him to look much like Maul at all really. Clothes wise good hard wearing gear, like leathers, with lots of pockets by probably somewhat shaby and badly fitting.

My characters just not much of a Bad Ass, physcially anyway. Mentally hes much sharper than he looks and currently has the position of the group wise ass and joker.

Posted: 2008-02-14 06:33pm
by Old Plympto
Try looking through herea bit. I think there are some Zabraks here that you can use. If not, try requesting it on the forums. (Currently the search function is offline- so you have to browse a bit)

Posted: 2008-02-21 02:54am
by Havok
I did this today. I didn't like the idea of someone who survived a plague being chubby, so I made him skinny. The other figure is for reference as a "standard" hero character.


Posted: 2008-02-21 03:17am
by Bedlam
Wow, thanks.

Posted: 2008-02-21 01:11pm
by RogueIce
havokeff wrote:I did this today. I didn't like the idea of someone who survived a plague being chubby, so I made him skinny. The other figure is for reference as a "standard" hero character. ... racter.jpg
Your "standard" hero character sure does have that "Look at me, I'm a fucking hero and I know it bitches" smile down pat. :)

Posted: 2008-02-21 01:47pm
by Bedlam
On a related note, I'm also looking for a photo of a character for a Unknown armies game, I've got a few in mind but some of you might have better ideas.

The characters for the game are all members of a writers circle. My character is a (very) minor celebrity who had had a few short stories published. However, hes a plagiarist who preys on such groups to get his ideas from.

Basically I've got in mind a picture of someone trying to look as cool as possible and going over the top, probably wearing dark glasses and smoking. Extra points if he has a haunted look (the characters main fear is that someone will find out he has no artistic talent of his own). The characters male and in his mid 20s.