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Red Alert 3 trailer released
Posted: 2008-05-17 11:50am
by defanatic
Erm... The Red Alert 3 trailer has been released. It is here...
Posted: 2008-05-17 12:07pm
by Resinence
Looks ok I guess, more of the same. But it's RED ALERT, which counts for something I think

At least it looks like they are FINALLY using a new god damn engine.
Posted: 2008-05-17 12:08pm
by Ritterin Sophia
As always for Red Alert, the trailer sucks, the good parts are always the opening video.
Posted: 2008-05-17 12:28pm
by Mr Bean
General Schatten wrote:As always for Red Alert, the trailer sucks, the good parts are always the opening video.
As proved in the original
Red Alert 1 Intro
And the sequel
Red Alert 2
Posted: 2008-05-17 01:15pm
by Ritterin Sophia
Oh, I do have one gripe. No new lines? Seriously? They sound exactly the same as RA2.
Posted: 2008-05-17 01:55pm
by Lazarus
Looking good, although I'm hoping there'll be a bit of polishing of the graphics, the monocolour ID patches on the units are too big so it looks a bit cartoonish...
I'm sure there will be new sounds, but they aren't ready yet so they used old ones for the trailer.
Posted: 2008-05-17 11:32pm
by defanatic
General Schatten wrote:Oh, I do have one gripe. No new lines? Seriously? They sound exactly the same as RA2.
I noticed that too. But the game is currently being released in october or november or something. So... Plenty of time to fix up some of the textures, sounds and bugs and what-have-you.
Posted: 2008-05-18 02:39am
by Covenant
I'm normally extremely optimistic when it comes to stuff like this, but it just looks awful. It continues all the trends I dislike about the way modern C&C franchise games play (from what I see) while also making the colors eye-bleedingly scorching. I'm not impressed, and I feel it's a bit of a letdown. If they want to go the Cartoony route then they to actually own up to the difficulties of making that work. Tiny little aircraft carriers the size of an infantryman bother me for a number of reasons.
Posted: 2008-05-18 03:59am
by Laughing Mechanicus
Personally, I think this looks great so far. The visual styles of both sides are really well developed and the simple quality and level of detail on the units rivals any other RTS I've seen (bar perhaps the Relic RTS games, but they are on a different scale). I also liked the way the water reacted to impacts and explosions with nicely rendered ripples and waves. The attack bears models or animations looked a bit rubbish though.
Another thing I liked is they re-used some of the old concepts from Red Alert 2 (in modified form) which were scrapped for RA2 because of technical limitations of the engine - the Soviet spider-like walking tanks and the Allied Land-Battleships (although the sides that got them were reversed in RA2).
My only worries about this game are a) the music, as I don't think they will be able to match Frank Klepacki's work on the older C&C games (they certainly didn't for C&C3) and b) the speed of gameplay, as I found C&C3 to be just too fast - a 10 minute game just doesn't feel like much of a game to me, but they have already said they are looking to move the "average" game for RA3 up to 30 minutes, which is much better.
Also, looking forward to modding this, as they are hopefully moving away from the XML system they used in C&C3 and back to ini files (at least that's what it looked like in one of the videos I saw of a developer working on the code).
One thing I found amusing - a couple of weeks ago I designed and created a new Helicopter Gunship unit for the C&C Generals mod 'Rise of the Reds' which I'm working on (
pics here) but in this new trailer we see the Soviets get a new Hind based helicopter gunship which looks almost extremely similar to mine, so everybody's going to think I copied it.
Posted: 2008-05-18 04:17am
by Ritterin Sophia
Pretty cool mod, but the Berkut? Can I ask why?
Posted: 2008-05-18 04:22am
by Laughing Mechanicus
General Schatten wrote:Pretty cool mod, but the Berkut? Can I ask why?
Purely because it looks very cool and is well known, we are well aware it's never going to enter service in reality. We most definitely aren't trying to do a "realistic" mod, although we are keeping the crazy technology to a bare minimum.
Essentially we are trying to emulate the same kind of design process the original sides had in Generals.
Re: Red Alert 3 trailer released
Posted: 2008-05-18 09:22am
by wautd
Everything looks like it's some kind of plastic toy

Posted: 2008-05-18 12:18pm
by TC Pilot
I've been worried about this game for months. Red Alert was the greatest RTS game I ever played and one of the best games (pretty much only topped by TIE Fighter) in general. Part of why it was so great was its story, a dark alternate reality, something the developers threw out when they got the delusion that Red Alert was some wacky cartoon when it came time to make the sequel. And they sadly seem to be sticking with that.
At the very least I hope they make a good game and improve over the utterly retarded AI of RA2.
Posted: 2008-05-18 05:42pm
by Natorgator
TC Pilot wrote:I've been worried about this game for months. Red Alert was the greatest RTS game I ever played and one of the best games (pretty much only topped by TIE Fighter) in general. Part of why it was so great was its story, a dark alternate reality, something the developers threw out when they got the delusion that Red Alert was some wacky cartoon when it came time to make the sequel. And they sadly seem to be sticking with that.
Finally, someone who feels the same way I do. The new stuff they have just looks outlandish and I have a hard time wrapping my head around it. I still vastly prefer the original Red Alert.
Posted: 2008-05-18 06:08pm
by Stark
Wasn't RA2's direction just a response to fans? Most RA fans I know of love the shit out of RA2's Scooby-Doo approach.
Posted: 2008-05-18 08:10pm
by Hawkwings
That looks exactly like C&C3. RA is supposed to be more "realistic" and the tiberium-verse is supposed to be the cartoony one!
Posted: 2008-05-18 11:04pm
by Nephtys
Hawkwings wrote:That looks exactly like C&C3. RA is supposed to be more "realistic" and the tiberium-verse is supposed to be the cartoony one!
Because you know, RA2 was serious. With the super-armored zeppelin bombers. Giant squids. Killer robot spiders that sabotage tanks. Teleporting time-eraser soldiers. Tanks with holograms that turn into trees.
Posted: 2008-05-18 11:13pm
by Losonti Tokash
But RA2 was just a bastardization of the original RA which was super serious. With its time travel device that usually only teleports unless the plot demands fucking with the timeline. Or maybe the secret weapon that makes things invincible and is called the Iron Curtain. And tesla coils. And Apache helicopters in the 40s. Along with the GPS.
Can't forget the Chronotanks either!
Posted: 2008-05-19 12:42am
by Chris OFarrell
The plastic toys hurt my eyes....
Posted: 2008-05-19 01:18am
by TC Pilot
Losonti Tokash wrote:But RA2 was just a bastardization of the original RA which was super serious.
Yeah, gassing and strafing civilians, watching a woman get tortured, seeing a general get strangled and poisoned, and a man suffocated and buried alive is such a lark.
With its time travel device that usually only teleports unless the plot demands fucking with the timeline. Or maybe the secret weapon that makes things invincible and is called the Iron Curtain. And tesla coils. And Apache helicopters in the 40s. Along with the GPS.
I would say that's not neccesarily what makes the difference between 1 and 2. RA managed to at the very least take itself seriously and try to pass itself off as a marginally plausible alternate reality. RA2, despite the background situation of World War III and a few breaks in the plot, generally remained a campy, tounge-in-cheek story from "hootin' nickle" beginning to "Romanov in hammer-and-sickle underwear" end.
Chronospheres and Iron Curtains are one thing (they're derivatives of Tesla and Einstein's plot-neccesary time machine research). Giant squid, dolphins, cloning vats, and weather control devices were something else.
Posted: 2008-05-19 01:27am
by Losonti Tokash
TC Pilot wrote:Losonti Tokash wrote:But RA2 was just a bastardization of the original RA which was super serious.
Yeah, gassing and strafing civilians, watching a woman get tortured, seeing a general get strangled and poisoned, and a man suffocated and buried alive is such a lark.
Oh, come on. The poisoned tea was a running gag throughout the whole game.
Posted: 2008-05-19 01:42am
by TC Pilot
A running gag? It happened twice. And the second time she immediately shot him point-blank repeatedly because she'd been physically and sexually abused by Stalin any number of times.
Posted: 2008-05-19 01:58am
by Losonti Tokash
I remember it happening 3 times, but it's admittedly been more than ten years since I last played the Soviet campaign so I'll give that to you.
Posted: 2008-05-19 02:08am
by The Yosemite Bear
Nephtys wrote:Hawkwings wrote:That looks exactly like C&C3. RA is supposed to be more "realistic" and the tiberium-verse is supposed to be the cartoony one!
Because you know, RA2 was serious. With the super-armored zeppelin bombers. Giant squids. Killer robot spiders that sabotage tanks. Teleporting time-eraser soldiers. Tanks with holograms that turn into trees.
It's the Elven Military might at it again, those aren't tanks, those aren't trees it's the Elves being sneaky.
Posted: 2008-05-19 02:29pm
by YT300000
I wonder if all the Russian buildings will be churches in this one too...
I also find it interesting that one of the screams they have (appears twice, near the middle of the trailer) sounds exactly like the BOB scream from Marathon.