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Largest Hard Drive
Posted: 2008-05-22 12:43pm
by Kitsune
Not what is the largest hard drive which anyone has but what is the most space of hard drives which anyone has used? Also, what is the majority of the space taken up by?
For example, my desktops each have a 250 Gig hard drive. I think it has around 40 gigs remaining and I have 86.8 Gigs of music videos on the hard drive, 21.5 gigs of mp3 files, and 17.9 Gigs of PDF files (mostly gaming books)
Posted: 2008-05-22 12:47pm
by Mr Bean
1.7 Terrabytes, the full backup of a dozen DVD series.
Minus that... about 440 gigs worth of game installs, files and pron
Posted: 2008-05-22 12:48pm
by Admiral Valdemar
If I never burnt anything to optical media and I had terabyte drives, then I imagine I've got a couple of TBs worth lying around in the form of random video, images and programs etc. that just aren't needed to be accessed all the time.
Right now, I simply have about 80 gigs on my Ubuntu installation, with the Windows XP one having near half that, mostly in the form of games.
Posted: 2008-05-22 12:51pm
by Shinova
Extremely rough off the head estimate of 500 - 700 gigs of anime, h-games, manga, doujins, pictures, etc.
Posted: 2008-05-22 01:21pm
by phongn
My 1TB RAID array has about 70GiB left of space.
Posted: 2008-05-22 01:30pm
by General Zod
Between my two 500gb hdds, I've got less than 10gb of free space. They're filled up with a combination of TV shows, pr0n, anime, and music.
Posted: 2008-05-22 05:42pm
by Uraniun235
I'll have to check usage (none are filled to capacity) when I get home, but here are the drives I currently use:
1 - 1TB Western Digital "Greenpower" SATA drive (bulk storage, most programs/games) - 559GB used
1 - 36GB Fujitsu 15000RPM SCSI drive (system, swap file, some programs) - 23.2GB used
1 - 72GB Fujitsu 15000RPM SCSI drive (Steam, UT3, Supreme Commander) - 46.5GB used
1 - 1TB Western Digital "Greenpower" SATA drive (bulk storage) - 620GB used
3 - 250GB Seagate SATA drives (soft RAID-5 array, bulk storage) - 395GB used
1 - 300GB Seagate SATA drive (pornography) - 172GB used
1 - 10GB Western Digital drive (system) - 6.93GB used
Total used: 1822.63GB
There are also a bunch of DVD-Rs I have stuff archived onto.
Also a hard drive each in my three laptops but they don't really count.
EDIT: Usage now edited in.
Posted: 2008-05-22 06:50pm
by Pu-239
1 250GB Western Digital SATA hard drive in desktop
1 320GB Western Digital IDE hard drive in server, which has started to die.
Posted: 2008-05-22 08:59pm
by aerius
250GB Western Digital SATA plus a 1TB SATA Seagate.
Right now I only have around 120GB taken up mostly by lossless music and some porn, but when I get around to putting all our CDs in FLAC and copying over all my vinyl records as well, I'm guessing around half the space will be gone.
Posted: 2008-05-22 09:52pm
by Lisa
1tb drive has movies, music and programs
2x250gb with home vids and personal documents photos etc
1 500gb drive for time machine
and in my laptop i have 250gb drive with osx and vista on it (soon to triple boot but i've been lazy)
Posted: 2008-05-22 10:55pm
by phred
The 80Gig hard drive on my PC is about half full.
I just bought a 500Gig external drive it has all my music and vids on it. somewhere around 60gigs and counting as I get the rest of my cds on it
Posted: 2008-05-22 11:40pm
by Xon
My desktop has two old 2x200gb WD. One is the OS drive, the other has games & music on it.
As for my fileserver;
Drive / Free (%) / Used (%) / Total
Scratch/temp - 984.6 GB (70.5%) / 412.3 GB (29.5%) / 1396.9 GB (4x750gb seagate in RAID10)
Storage - 570.9 GB (15.3%) / 3154.3 GB (84.7%) / 3725.2 GB (5x1tb WD in RAID5)
Planning on putting another 3 disks into the RAID5 array soon due to running low on space.
The Storage attay is mostly full of TV eps, anime & movies. The Scratch array hosts a bunch of VMs and also holds a lot of temp files which havent been deleted yet(I dont keep .rar packed files, just what was in them).
Posted: 2008-05-23 10:52am
by loomer
297 gigs, sadly. Thinking on upgrading soon. All SATA, naturally.
7.7 gigs free. The rest is porn, games, music, applications, etc.
If it counts, I also have at least 60-80 gigs of burnt porn, 30-40 gigs of burnt movies, ~100 gigs of burnt shows, and probably 20-50 gigs of burnt programs. All cleared to make space.[/u]
Posted: 2008-05-23 12:47pm
by darthbob88
My laptop's got an 87GB drive, or at least that's what My Computer says about it. 25 gigs are free. Of the used space, about 12 gigs are music, 3 gigs are porn, 3.5 gigs are Freespace2, and 10 gigs are World of Warcraft. I've been meaning to get some more hard disk space. I also, if it matters, have about 20-25 gigs of media burned to DVD. So, yah. Ph33r my ginormous hard disk.
Posted: 2008-05-23 01:01pm
by WesFox13
Me, I've used up about 37% of my 177 GB harddrive (The Partition used for windows) with another partition that's about 8.35 GB for backups. I mainly put on my C: drive; Games, Furry Pictures/Pronz

, small video clips, and that's basically it.
Posted: 2008-05-23 02:43pm
by Master of Cards
5 gigs left on my laptop drive which is programs on top of programs (60 gig)
My external has 70 gigs on it and mostly TV shows and porn.
Posted: 2008-05-23 04:12pm
by Shroom Man 777
How do you dudes use such copious amounts of space?!

Posted: 2008-05-23 04:59pm
by Uraniun235
Well, I'd say at least 60GB of my usage comes from games, if not more. My Steam folder consumes over 33GB by itself, and I've only got Valve-produced games (and a few mods for those games) in there. UT3 consumes nearly 8GB; same for Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance. I've got a bunch of other smaller games as well.
I like to make ISO images of my game discs so that if they require the disc to be loaded while playing (ARGH FUCK YOU PUBLISHERS) I can just load the image into Daemon Tools and be done with it. Fortunately, my tastes in gaming have not yet intersected with a game which is designed to shit its pants just because Daemon Tools is running. These images consume about 100GB. (I don't have all of my games installed at the moment.)
I've got a little over 38GB of music stored on my computer.
The rest of it is videos. Bitrate and quality vary, from standard-definition resolutions where an hour of video can take up ~350-700MB, to high-definition videos where an hour can take up ~1-2GB.
To be fair, I've also got some duplication going on between my desktop and my server. Not only as a lazy form of backup of certain files (The truly important stuff gets backed up to a new DVD-R every few weeks), but also because some files are nice to have a local copy of without having to pull it from the server over the network.
I also have a bunch of stuff archived onto DVD-Rs. I could easily shove another 80GB onto a hard drive if I wanted.
Posted: 2008-05-23 07:03pm
by fusion
I have used an amazing 5 gigs at my height with windows XP professional taking up about 60% of the space.
Now I have 2.5 gigs on my 18 gigs laptop drive. With 60% taken up by a modified windows XP home.
Posted: 2008-05-23 08:30pm
by Magus
1 TB firewire external for all my video/audio work, as well as keeping movies and other large media that I don't need to access frequently. I've got about 80 GB on there of royalty-free production music I get access to through my department.
250 GB USB external for music libraries, program ISOs, and backups
80 GB onboard, mostly games, A/V programs, music, and documents.
Posted: 2008-05-24 06:22pm
by Icehawk
On my main system I have:
Primary HD - 160GB SATA - 110 Gigs free (Used only for the OS and installed apps)
Second HD - 200GB SATA - 51 Gigs free (Mostly anime and other misc vids and installer files for various apps)
Third HD - 320GB SATA - 75 Gigs free (More anime, images, and all my pron)
Will be getting another drive, waiting for the 500 gig drives to go down in price a bit more.
Posted: 2008-05-24 10:04pm
by muse
120GB, all but gone. I never thought music and photos could take up so much space. I'm undecided on whether I should buy a new HD or a whole new computer.
Posted: 2008-05-25 02:01am
by Minischoles
The HD on this is 500gb, and only about 20 of that is free with that soon rapidly filling up, as well as nearly 2 full external ones of 120 each. Combination of a lot of games, movies, TV shows, work from nearly 2 years of college, an absolute ton of music and various other more mature things for personal use.
Its really easy to fill up a HD if you're not paying attention. I always thought 'ah i've got 500gb i'm never gonna fill that up' its only after the warning flashed up on my toolbar saying low disk space left that i realised how much stuff i had on there.