PHP XML help
Posted: 2008-06-05 09:41am
I seem to be having problems accessing my xml file using PHP. Supposedly the server has PHP 5, but these simple codes are still generating errors. Am I doing this wrong, or is the server not using PHP 5?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Code: Select all
$xml = simplexml_load_file('2PH.xml');
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: simplexml_load_file() in /usr/local/pem/vhosts/107093/webspace/httpdocs/sonn/alink.php on line 15
Code: Select all
$xml = new DOMDocument();
Fatal error: Call to undefined method: domdocument->load() in /usr/local/pem/vhosts/107093/webspace/httpdocs/sonn/alink.php on line 16