R:TW Recommended Mods

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Moderator: Thanas

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R:TW Recommended Mods

Post by The Vortex Empire »

I've been playing Rome Total War lately, as M2TW has been getting a little stale. I was wondering if there are any must have mods for the game.

Ones that reduce training time for units would be good, taking two turns to recruit good units makes it take forever to raise an army.
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Post by Gandalf »

You can dick around with the building times easily enough.

I don't have the game installed right now, but if you can find the build times line, and just replace 2 with 1, all will be right.
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Post by Darth Tanner »

or a 0 and get the entire build que in one turn.

The Hadrian (buildings) and Caligula (units/ships) editor tools do all this for you and they even have batch use tools to change multiple entries at once.

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Post by Thanas »

Do you have BI?

If so, Invasio Barbaorum is the best mod ever. Seriously, it fixes most of the problems BI had in the history department and even has better looking units.

For Vanilla, try either Rome Total Realism or Europa Barbaorum.
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Post by Maxentius »

Thanas said it. Invasio Barbaroum also has a number of sub-mods that alter the period of the gameplay, such as the reigns of Aurelian, Julian, and Justinian.
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Post by ray245 »

You can also try Lord of the rings total war.
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