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Your most badass kill in a game
Posted: 2008-07-20 09:06pm
by Schuyler Colfax
The title is self-explanatory. Genre doesn't matter, could be a shooter of a hack or a hack and slash game. I can't seem to remember mine so I'll have to get back to on that.
I did have this pretty awesome kill today playing Enemy Territory: Quake Wars earlier today. I was just getting used to the Sniper proffession on that game so I was playing with the computer on easy. Basically a Strogg constructor was trying to fix a turret and I just popped up behind behind him with a pistol and shot him in the head at point blank, I actually leaned sideways so it would look cooler.
Posted: 2008-07-20 09:20pm
by Stark
Can we make them up?
I recently killed near a dozen tanks with a single TA in WiC. It's not badass, but it pretty much won us the game.
Posted: 2008-07-20 09:21pm
by DPDarkPrimus
Headshot with a pump-action shotgun from all the way across the map on de-dust2 in Counter-Strike.
The screen was filled with many lols over that.
Posted: 2008-07-20 09:29pm
by Block
I think blowing a guy's arm off in DH at long range and having him insta-bleed out was pretty freaking awesome. FPSwise I'd say kicking a German's head off on my way down while landing on top of another one and killing him in Medal of Honor Airborne was pretty insane.
Posted: 2008-07-20 10:05pm
by Shinova
In the Half-Life mod Specialists, a guy I was duelling kicked me off the top of a tower and I plummetted into the bottomless below and perished....... but not before I chucked a knife upwards into his head, killing him before I died.
Posted: 2008-07-20 11:08pm
by Lonestar
Stark wrote:Can we make them up?
I recently killed near a dozen tanks with a single TA in WiC. It's not badass, but it pretty much won us the game.
I did that with an
incredibly lucky "carpet bombing" TA. Just had it pushed a little farther back so the other guys didn't move because the indicator was "off center".
Has this made me a badass killing machine yet?
Posted: 2008-07-20 11:27pm
by Feil
I once killed hundreds of space invaders with nothing but my little green space gun. Even in the face of unbeatable odds, I never backed down!
EDIT: I even got some of the red ones!
Posted: 2008-07-20 11:52pm
by Darth Yoshi
I am particularly fond of the one time in Halo 2 where I not only survived nearly getting run over by a Ghost, I blew it up with the sword. I've never been able to do it again, but what I believe happened was that I locked on to the guy, and because we were both moving, the sword hit the Ghost instead of the guy, destroying it and killing him anyway. Yeah, that was awesome.
Posted: 2008-07-21 12:01am
by Pulp Hero
Robert E. Lee: Civil War General
As the Confederates I completely routed the North at the battle of Gettysburg, killing or running all enemy units off the map and finishing the battle in two days. (This was after about six months of playing the game and learning how to exploit the AI and map.)
Posted: 2008-07-21 12:39am
by Hawkwings
Lonestar wrote:Stark wrote:Can we make them up?
I recently killed near a dozen tanks with a single TA in WiC. It's not badass, but it pretty much won us the game.
I did that with an
incredibly lucky "carpet bombing" TA. Just had it pushed a little farther back so the other guys didn't move because the indicator was "off center".
Has this made me a badass killing machine yet?
I killed about 2 players worth of heavy tanks and two players worth of repair tanks with two heavy artillery barrage TAs. It was glorious. Everywhere they ran, THERE WAS MORE ARTILLERY!
Posted: 2008-07-21 12:40am
by Lancer
Mine is not the story of the most badass kill, but the most badass kill that would have been. It goes as follows:
Way back when I was in high school, we would play Unreal Tournament over the LAN in Comp Sci after we were done our work (or if we were out on lunch break). This happened with great frequency, with Deathmatch and CTF being the most common gametypes. One day, we were playing Deathmatch in Morpheus, a map which, for those of you who either are too young to know what I'm talking about or are too old to remember, was based around three towers with staggered levels, low-gravity, and a small platform at the bottom of the map (anything below that was instant-death). So, as the game ran it's course, I found myself in a three-way tie for first place, and any one of us who scored the next kill would win and end the game. I was running around with the rocket launcher at the top of one of the towers when I spot one of my rivals down at the bottom platform. Now, as you may remember, the rocket launcher in Unreal Tournament could fire up to a salvo of 8 rockets/grenades in either a spread or a tight salvo, as well as lock onto targets. Taking no chances, I loaded up a full 8 rockets, locked onto my rival, and fired them in a tight circle formation, then moved back, confident in his demise, as even 2 direct hits from a rocket are guaranteed to kill a player who doesn't have the overshield and keg of health powerups. As it was, he spots one of the poor fools in the game who was struggling along simply to stay in the middle of the rankings, and kills him with a headshot just before my rockets impact. The game freezes, and everybody's view switches to rotate around the winning player, at which point everybody notices the octuplet of rockets that were about to smear him across the lower platform.
Posted: 2008-07-21 12:41am
by Venator
UT3 - used the Scorpion (jetbike with a kamikaze mode that ejects the rider) to attack the enemy Core in Warfare. Did a suicide run when it's health got taken down, and fired a rocket in mid-air, blowing up the Core and winning the match.
Double headshots while flashbang-blind in CS Source was a runner up for luck.
Posted: 2008-07-21 12:43am
by Napoleon the Clown
Sticky grenade on a Banshee. My Brother-in-Law didn't notice this until he died. I laughed.
Or maybe GoldenEye, when I accidentally stuck a mine on a gun and blew someone up a few minutes later. I found it funny.
Posted: 2008-07-21 12:48am
by Stark
Hawkwings wrote:I killed about 2 players worth of heavy tanks and two players worth of repair tanks with two heavy artillery barrage TAs. It was glorious. Everywhere they ran, THERE WAS MORE ARTILLERY!
Yeah but I'm talking about a single A-10 strike here. It's not often there's that kind of tank density ingame.
Posted: 2008-07-21 12:56am
by Ender
Last cruise, big thing in our division was playing CoD4. I was mediocre at it, better then most in berthing, but within our division I was regarded as the handicap on team play. One of our guys kept talking shit about it to me (really great guy, one of my best friends, entertaining as all hell, but talked a lot of shit to be funny) kept riding my ass about it really hard. So one day he is going on and on, and in response to me saying he was barely any better, he started talking more shit about how he was so good he could take on any other 3 and have the most kills. This claim of he was so good and I couldn't do that evolved into a bet - the tow best guys in the division and him on a team vs me. First one to 20 wins. At stake was all the beer you could drink next port (which was going to be a Jimmy Buffet concert).
Well, in the end I won with a flashbang and P-90 to kill one of the overconfident great guys who was trying to sneak up on me, but got confused in his screen watching and was going away from me rather then towards me.
I got really really REALLY drunk next port.
Posted: 2008-07-21 01:09am
by Joviwan
My favorite was back in highschool, when we had MC1 (digit-art computer pod. a bank of 35 top of the line circa 2002 machines, and so many open periods for us tech staffers to dick around... bwahahaha) hooked up with Action Quake 2, an oldschool mod of an ancient game even by the day's standards.
I wasn't terribly good at the game, but it was horrendous amounts of fun anyway because of the game's mechanics, namely the inventory/buy system and the fact you had to bandage to stop yourself from bleeding out. Oh, and jump kicking. Which brings us to my story.
We're on a map called Perl Manky Kickfight, a big square room that funnels down in tiers to a big square ring. We had made our own gametype, which was everyone on one side, no guns, no armor, and they can only kick people. One guy on the other side, a bunch of throwing knives. Go at it. Whoever kills the knife guy gets to have the knives next round.
We had six or seven dudes playing, which mean it was a 6 on 1 game most of the time, and I got the knives exactly once that day. "It's who? Shit, just jovi. Hurry this up, I want a turn with the knives!" was the general feel. The round starts, I purchase the knives as they all start bunny-hoping at me like a swarm of locust, and start clicking like mad. I tossed 7 knives, the first going wide... and the other six sinking firmly between the eyes of everyone trying to kick at me. There was a quiet silence around the room for a moment before the senior techstaffer looked up from his monitor. "What. The fuck. Just happened?"
Never happened again. Good day, though.
Posted: 2008-07-21 01:25am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Napoleon the Clown wrote:Or maybe GoldenEye, when I accidentally stuck a mine on a gun and blew someone up a few minutes later. I found it funny.
Man mines in GoldenEye were
3-4 player mine games: crazy time.
Posted: 2008-07-21 01:53am
by Qwerty 42
Wasn't mine, but my brothers and I were playing Tales of Symphonia. The first time we got to cast Indignation was a beautiful thing.
Posted: 2008-07-21 02:18am
by Academia Nut
Back a year or two ago when I was playing WoW, I was hunting this one boss solo, I have no idea on the exact particulars, but basically I had to go up the side of this cliff onto this series of catwalks and such. I think it was a goblin operation. Anyway, since this is WoW and fighting more than one guy of your level always seemed suicidal to me, I kept getting my ass kicked by the target and his two mechanical bodyguards. So finally I'm like, "Fuck this" and decide to just concentrate everything on the guy I'm here to assassinate and then grab his head without even bothering to try and survive. I'll just use the spirit healer, hand in the quest and call it a day.
So the fight comes and I manage to kill the bastard while his minions are clawing me a new one. I'm almost dead but I manage to loot the corpse. Since using the spirit healer is a pain in the ass and if I want to get my body back I'll probably get killed again upon respawn by the minions, I decided to make my corpse more easily recoverable by leaping off the catwalks with like half a percent health remaining.
I hit the water of the lake below the cliff and take no damage.
It is at this point that I go holy shit and realize how cinematic that whole thing was. I was playing a warrior, so basically the whole fight could have been represented by me charging into combat, lopping off the boss' head, grabbing it before it hits the ground, and then leaping off to dive gracefully into the water like some sort of movie assassin.
Oh, and multiple fatalities in Age of Conan with melee weapons are just fun. Cleave through one guy's leg and then bury your axe in his buddy's chest. Classic.
Posted: 2008-07-21 02:33am
by Edward Yee
Ehh, this one isn't a single kill, but in this one match (I believe 8 vs.
Combat Arms, team deathmatch ("elimination") with a 140-team-kills threshold, on the Junk Flea map, I managed to end up with a 25/12 record -- my most kills ever in an online shooter, and possibly my best k/d ratio in such a match.
The key? Instead of relying on
my shitty M16A3 default (which for some reason not only does the worst damage of all primary weapons -- barely better than the M92FS default pistol -- I did an "Enemy at the Gates" and kept picking up other people's much better weapons.
(Due to the rental-period system, I'm not willing to pay for gear unless I'm going to play often enough during the subsequent time.)
Posted: 2008-07-21 02:42am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
I can barely remember what I was doing five minutes ago, so I don't recall some of the more spectacular things I'm sure I've done at some point or another. So I shall have to relate just the most recent bits.
Forgotten Hope 2:
I spent most of my time in FH2 either on foot being next to useless or tanking it up... the handful of efforts I gave at flying a Stuka ended only in misery and humiliation. As it happened, however, I stumbled upon a low population server with some planes free, so I jumped into the ME109 and fumbled around for a bit so I could learn to fly. I caught on quickly enough and soon had a handle on the basics.
This accomplished, I began to notice some enemy fighters and ground attack planes harassing friendlies on the ground. I dropped in behind one and killed him easily enough, so I figured it was time for a little encouragement. I went and fired up Iron Maiden's "Aces High" and set it on endless repeat, and had a huge, uninterrupted kill streak of enemy fighters that even extended into the next map - I was never shot down, and in fact I did so well that I ran completely out of ammo several times and had to land to rearm until our airfield was captured and I was forced to zoom around the map buzzing enemy tanks at low altitude to distract them because all I had left were 72 machinegun rounds and 2 cannon rounds, all of this to the tune of "Aces High." Finally I landed at the captured airfield, taxied over toward the flag, jumped out and captured the point, got back in my plane, taxied over to the runway again and rearmed and got back in the air for the remainder of the map.
More recently I spent some time learning the artillery system. I got the hang of it and had a lot of fun with a QF 25 Pdr, but I was later on a mortar and no one was calling targets. So I resorted to simply chugging out rounds blind, aiming in the general direction of enemy points. I put out about 30 rounds without hitting anything, but then right as the map was about to end I scored two blind kills from my random mortar bombardment in rapid succession.
Posted: 2008-07-21 03:03am
by Darth Raptor
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Man mines in GoldenEye were dope.
3-4 player mine games: crazy time.
Set on License to Kill so if the World's Slowest Fireball so much as singes your eyebrows, you're done.
Posted: 2008-07-21 03:40am
by weemadando
Most stylish - a recent one in that it's from GTA IV. In a Banshee screaming through Algonquin in some Freemode MP. I clear a hill get airtime and the bumper goes straight into the face of another player running down the road in the other direction.
Most insane - A super-man dive off a tall building in CoD1 and killing two dudes while falling with the Garand before landing in the crater where the radio just appeared, dropping to just about dead in health, but being prone in there and getting the capture just before I was killed.
Most bad-arse - SWAT4, playing the VIP, I lost all my escorts early on, but managed to roll through the whole goddamn level (it was the half-way house one) with only my .45 for company. Managed to take down quite a few guys with head shots, before pepper-spraying the rest during my mad dash.
Posted: 2008-07-21 04:19am
by Vendetta
Got a melee kill on a bunnyhopping freak in Halo 3. When I watched the replay, it looked like I'd punched him right in the balls.
Posted: 2008-07-21 04:33am
by 2000AD
Team Fortress 2, TC_Hydro, the part where you have to go over the top and there's the hole of instant death. Dropped three people into the hole with a single compressed air blast with the pyro.