The link is to their forums, so I broke it, but Eric Gibson, publisher of WEGs is seriously meaning to sell the franchise with all intellectual properties.
I'm tired of all the work for negative reward. No good deed goes unpunished, as they say.
WEG and all it's properties are for sale, and I'm taking bids. I've been talking with some of the more interested publishers already but I was recent bitched out (what else is new) for not offer WEG for sale to fans publicly.
Eric Gibson
Publisher, West End Games/
Purgatory Publishing Inc.
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
Unfortunately, I think all that they really have left is TORG and maybe one or two more things. Their Fantasy, Adventure, and Space settings were more like generic templates.
I was REALLY looking forward to the WEG system going OGL-ish. Looks like that won't happen now.
Do not meddle in the affairs of insomniacs, for they are cranky and can do things to you while you sleep. The Realm of Confusion
"Every time you talk about Teal'c, I keep imagining Thor's ass. Thank you very much for that, you fucking fucker." -Marcao SG-14: Because in some cases, "Recon" means "Blow up a fucking planet or die trying." SilCore Wiki! Come take a look!
The Yosemite Bear wrote:It's been so long, do they have any IPs left besides Paranoia?
of course the computer is always your friend.
If they still have the IP for paranoia, I can see Mongoose Games snapping it up, what with them publishing the books and all.
Same with Star Wars, I can see WotC snapping that up in an instant, what with them publishing the books and all...
Do not meddle in the affairs of insomniacs, for they are cranky and can do things to you while you sleep. The Realm of Confusion
"Every time you talk about Teal'c, I keep imagining Thor's ass. Thank you very much for that, you fucking fucker." -Marcao SG-14: Because in some cases, "Recon" means "Blow up a fucking planet or die trying." SilCore Wiki! Come take a look!
Eric was a fan who bought it for a hefty chunk of change, charged a bunch of people money for a preorder that he never shipped and still, to my knowledge, has yet to get anyone a refund.