It's hard to help you overcome your fears if we don't know what you're scared of
Let's break it down, step by step.
Step 1.1: Install Xcode.
It looks like Xcode contains your compiler, debugger, and all the other good parts that are required for programing in C/C++. Just so you know.
You get it from your OSX disk or from
Just follow the instructions there.
Step 1.2: Install Fink
Download site for fink is
here, pick the version of fink that corresponds with the type of processor you're running OSX on (PowerPC or Intel) and the version of OSX you are running (10.1 - 10.5 or 6 or whatever number they're at know.)
Again, follow the instructions.
Step 2.1: Create a folder
Where do you want to store all this crap? Make a folder for it.
Step 2.1a: Getting there in the terminal.
I suspect this is the start of the part that scares you.
Start the terminal.
Getting around in the terminal is not that hard, it simply requires knowledge of arcane secret formulations of letters, like cd and ls.
A crash course in what the basic commands mean is
In short, the commands cd (change directory), ls (list files/folders in this folder) and pwd (present working directory -- or, where am I?) will be your new friends.
Oh, yeah, commands are case sensitive, so cd Desktop is different than cd desktop. If you start going down into the wrong folder, cd .. (thats two periods) means go up one level.
Step 2.2: Getting the code.
Navigate, in the terminal, to the folder you wanted to store all the crap in.
Subversion is a method of tracking changes in files and folders. It is used a lot in programming to keep track of every little change that is made in programs. What we're going to do is use Subversion to download the latest copy of this program.
Like they said:
Code: Select all
svn co ultrastardx
Handy tip: you can paste the code into the terminal, usually by right clicking and selecting "paste", or the key command is [shift]+[insert] for the terminal (I think)
Subversion will download the latest code and folders into the folder you execute it from.
Step 3.1: Build
Dive down into the folders it has downloaded (folder/Game/Code) using the cd command.
and build the program from source using these commands:
(Note that running these commands will probably throw a bunch of random messages up in the terminal (e.g. "warning: function your-mom not allowed") but should return you to the command prompt when done.)
./ means, roughly, "run this program"
Here, autogen is a shell script, or a compilation of commands not dissimilar to the ones you have been running. This probably organizes the files before they are used (or its a handy little script to erase your entire computer, but I doubt that.)
Wikipedia tells me this tweaks the source code so it runs best on your system.
This converts the source code (which humans can read) to machine code (for your computer to read). This can take a while. It took me 5 minutes or so to compile the source for the Marathon game.
That should get you started. Ask if you have any problems.