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What to do with old PC hardware?
Posted: 2008-08-07 12:21pm
by Darth Wong
Hey guys, I've got some old hardware that's taking up space and collecting dust in my basement:
- An old Dell Dimension XPS600. Yes, it's a 600MHz Pentium-3.
- A home-built 3GHz Pentium-4 with 1 GB of RAM, a Hercules sound card with breakout box, a hard drive whose capacity I've forgotten, and no video card.
- A Hauppage WinTV-PVR USB2. It works fine but I want to get rid of it because I find the drivers to be really, really annoying.
Does anyone know what the best way to dispose of this crap would be?
Posted: 2008-08-07 12:28pm
by General Zod
Ever consider
freecycling it? It's a great way to get rid of stuff you don't need anymore.
Posted: 2008-08-07 12:30pm
by The Yosemite Bear
Well aside from Frankenstining for someone who doesn't use a computer that much, you could always send it to Goodwill/Salvation Army who will be happy to frankenstine it to resell at one of their stores. Or you could part it out onto E-bay....
Posted: 2008-08-07 01:05pm
by Darth Mall
Some towns do computer recycling. I know my town does, but they charge a $25 fee and take up to 6 computer items.
But if you want, I could take the tuner off your hands

Posted: 2008-08-07 02:43pm
by Keevan_Colton
There's a fair few charities in Toronto that are always on the lookout for servicable computer bits.
Posted: 2008-08-07 03:17pm
by Joviwan
A tiny, tiny Beowulf cluster?
Re: What to do with old PC hardware?
Posted: 2008-08-07 10:19pm
by TimothyC
Darth Wong wrote:Hey guys, I've got some old hardware that's taking up space and collecting dust in my basement:
- A home-built 3GHz Pentium-4 with 1 GB of RAM, a Hercules sound card with breakout box, a hard drive whose capacity I've forgotten, and no video card.
Were I closer I'd ask how much for the P-4.
Oh Hell - How much for the P-4, and how much does it weigh?
Posted: 2008-08-07 11:10pm
by Braedley
Do you know what socket the P4 is? I may want just the CPU and give my myth computer a little boost.
Posted: 2008-08-08 07:23am
by Lagmonster
Mike, I don't know if it's available in your area, but here in Ottawa the best place is The Trailing Edge recyclers. They not only take old equipment off of people's hands, but they re-sell cheap used frankenmachines at good prices to people who can't afford big. It's also a great way to pick up used parts you might need at insanely low prices.
There absolutely HAS to be an equivalent business in Toronto. Just feed 'computer recycling Toronto' into google. Failing that, enquire at your local technical college. Sometimes they have programs to take old electronics on as learning scrap.
Posted: 2008-08-08 07:37am
by Aaron
Posted: 2008-08-08 10:18am
by Solauren
Too bad the Dell XPS600 isn't a laptop, or I'd offer to give it a good home.
Oh well.
Or, you could try Kijii, and sell them to make money
Posted: 2008-08-08 11:20am
by Alferd Packer
The P4 plus the tuner card would make an excellent homebrew PVR, if you don't already have a TiVo or the like. Solutions like Mythbuntu are getting pretty close to turnkey with the proper hardware installed. And even if you have no need for it, it would still be a fun project, maybe something to do with your kids.
Posted: 2008-08-08 11:41am
by CaptainZoidberg
I'd give it to the good will. I'm sure someone out there needs an old computer...
Posted: 2008-08-08 03:49pm
by aerius
Simple. I call dibs on the P4 and WinTV PVR. My parents could use a new computer whenever they get back from their world trip.
Posted: 2008-08-08 06:55pm
by Rye
I'm going to pass on my computer to a hospice when I buy my new shit.