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Nuclear Knights
Posted: 2008-09-07 06:34am
by Dooey Jo
Screenies and info
We made this rather hilarious, and super-controversial(!) game almost three years ago, I just never posted about it (I was probably considering expanding it, but never really got the time). But here it is, play it! Even
Ernest Adams thought it was hilarious (at least he laughed at the guy with the bat, and the sniper turning into a cactus).
Also, the sniper is supposed to be placed on the arrows with guns on them, if you're wondering why he's just screaming and running away.
Posted: 2008-09-07 06:42am
by MKSheppard
It is a hard-to-define game, with elements similar to both Lemmings and Metal Slug (and if you've played those games, you know they are pretty different; one a slow puzzle game, the other an intense shooter). You take on the role of the leader of a desert country, Nuclearistan, and your goal is to stop an inspector from the World Nuclear Authority from finding your nuclear weapons stockpile. At your disposal, you have three different types of soldiers: A guy with a bat, a sniper, and a bomber. They all try to take out the inspector in different ways, and you will have to carefully time their placement in order to successfully assassinate him.
Posted: 2008-09-07 02:55pm
by Zixinus
How am I supposed to play this game?
I'm really confused.
Posted: 2008-09-07 04:23pm
by DarthShady
He he. Awesome Game.
Zixinus wrote:How am I supposed to play this game?
I'm really confused.
You are supposed to drop the soldiers into the inspectors path so they can kill him. It's all about timing it right.
Posted: 2008-09-07 09:39pm
by Cycloneman
Woo, third place!
Also, I found an exploit you might wanna fix: putting all your bats right next to the nuclear bomb so they'll kill him is an astonishingly easy way to help beat the levels. You can still beat the shit out of him for a couple seconds while he's cheering, and combining that with well-placed bombers and snipers where you can fit them (while not running across the map, trying to stick all your bats in the right spot) can make it absurdly easy and more an exercise in how quickly you can scroll across the map than how good you are at timing things.
Posted: 2008-09-08 06:12am
by Dooey Jo
Cycloneman wrote:Also, I found an exploit you might wanna fix: putting all your bats right next to the nuclear bomb so they'll kill him is an astonishingly easy way to help beat the levels. You can still beat the shit out of him for a couple seconds while he's cheering, and combining that with well-placed bombers and snipers where you can fit them (while not running across the map, trying to stick all your bats in the right spot) can make it absurdly easy and more an exercise in how quickly you can scroll across the map than how good you are at timing things.
Oh crap, that really is a game killing bug. I'm actually surprised now that no-one thought of that before, since it's pretty common for people to try to drop things on the inspector while he's dancing next to the bomb... We should move the drop box to the other side of the screen, that should fix it. Also, you won't get much time bonus if you kill him like that
Zixinus wrote:How am I supposed to play this game?
What DarthShady said. Scroll the screen by pressing the right mouse button and drag, and drop soldiers by press the left mouse button. The bat swinging guys have to be placed a bit in front of the inspector, so their swings can hit him (check the animation); the snipers are placed on the roofs so their bullets can hit; and the exploding burkas have to be placed even farther from the inspector because they run towards him before blowing up. When the inspector is low on health, health packs drop down for him to pick up, but they always fall in front of sniper positions, so you can use snipers to destroy them.
MKSheppard wrote:YES
And there you have it

Posted: 2008-09-08 06:16am
by wautd
Nice artwork. I like the Inspector and his insane laughter
Posted: 2008-09-08 06:20am
by DarthShady
wautd wrote:Nice artwork. I really like the Inspector
Dude, you are supposed to hate the Inspector.
I discovered the bug myself last night, but the game is still lots of fun.
I laughed like a madman when I saw the nuke behind the mirror in the background.
Posted: 2008-09-08 06:35am
by Dooey Jo
Yeah, the artists were great, there are tons of weird little details (like the radioactive snow man made of sand, or the singing minaret). It's awesome how much the inspector looks like Hans Blix