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Most WTF moment in Boardgames
Posted: 2008-10-07 05:43am
by PainRack
We all know what this is. The moment when your mech headshot someone with a gauss rifle twice and rolled a 2 on target location, then 10 and rolled twin gyro hits. When your Space Marine squad broke three Ork/Gretchin tribes in the same turn. When you rolled the dice just right in Monopoly, escaping the dreaded hotel row (and then ended up in jail because you rolled doubles 3 times:D)
So, what is your most recent memorable WTF moment?
So far, I think my most memorable incident ever was during an epic game with my brother, and having won initative, I decided to let him move first. He challenged, "you sure?"
And he then promptly CHARGED my Land Raiders with the surrounded, promptly to be wiped out by the holy powers of Lascannons and heavy bolter tribe of Goff Orks...... and of course won.
Pardon me while I laugh when people say WH40k ISN"T about meelee attacks:D
Re: Most WTF moment in Boardgames
Posted: 2008-10-07 06:20am
by The Grim Squeaker
Sneak betrayals and one downed soldier capturing my castle in Game of Thrones is rather generic.
(And would invite Ace to ramble on about how he facilitated my complete and utter annihalation in those cases).
Twilight Imperium:
I prefer the half hour of two players, each with 2-3 times my number of planets and a gargantuan amount of ships. (Two Warsuns /Think half a Death star, lots of big ships, carriers, fighters as meat shields...). They decided to turn against me (Well, one did and he convinced my other neighbour to attack as well).
Within a turn I had just 3 systems left. Each stacked with upgraded) PDSs (Think ESB Ion cannon - bigass defense blasting anything entering threatened space), and with the upgrades I could effectively make 6 attacks a turn (with ships having 1-2 "HP" each) against all three systems and 2 attacks against the system he (the first attackor) had to move his forces through. And I had a reroll with each attack (hits were percentile based), and could make another reroll each turn and had a 67% chance of hitting anyway.
I wiped out fleet after fleet after fleet, even when he convinced my second neighbour to attack my weak flank (where the overlap of the PDSs was weaker geometrically) I still kept blasting them to shreds, including a total of some 3-4 warsuns destroyed and/or damaged (He kept using it as ameat shield since it could take 3 hits).
Eventually, the other players won the game while everyone was focused on me.
It will be a long time (This was over a year ago) until I forget his face when I reached for a dozen dice and mentioned what I'd need to roll to wipe out his fleet.
Pity I lost, but it was very...Russian.

Re: Most WTF moment in Boardgames
Posted: 2008-10-07 08:09am
by Oskuro
Playing a game of Risk, I was reduced to a single territory, and was creeping around the map, from America to Asia, moving my whole force, and having the previous territory being swiftly taken. At a given point, being virtually surrounded, every other player was smirking, expecting me to do a final stand and lash back at one of the stronger players in an attempt to weaken them before the others, I instead attacked the other weakest player, whose only territory was now beside my army, and crushed him.
The WTF moment came for everyone else, when I revealed that my mission card was to deafeat said player, and thus, I had just won the game.
Re: Most WTF moment in Boardgames
Posted: 2008-10-07 10:37am
by Solauren
Nice moment with the mission card.
WTF Moment:
Game: Stock Ticker
My family kept in the 'big money' end of the board with their stocks. I kept in the 'doesn't pay' with one stock, and had only one paying off.
Near the end of the game / timelimit, my stock went from 60, and jumped 50 points or so (that's 3 good dice rolls). I then sold it all, and had more cash assets then the three of them combined.
I won.
WTF Moment:
Game: Risk (no mission cards, just conquer everything).
Little sister was down two territories. She conquered the two 1 person beside her. Each one had 5 cards. She had 4. That's 14 cards, and she turned in 5 sets. (Set 4 -

She went from 6 men to a bone crushing army.
Re: Most WTF moment in Boardgames
Posted: 2008-10-07 11:18am
by Azazal
2005 40K Grand Tournament in Chicago, reduced to a single squad Iron Warriors at the end of turn 6, I decided what the hey and charged the 1000 Sons Land Raider, I had nothing to loose. Squad and champion had furious charge, champion had a power fist, so hot the front of the raider with his power fist, str 9 after modifiers. Rolled a 6 to penetrate the armor, then rolled a 6 on the damage table, causing the raider to blow up, killing a sorcerer and squad of 1000 son. My squad's rank and file was unscathed by the blast, but sadly, the champion did not escape and was killed in the blast. Made for a funny and WTF ending to the game, and the champion has since been named Khan.
Re: Most WTF moment in Boardgames
Posted: 2008-10-07 11:27am
by Jade Falcon
Played Battletech a while ago, now I can't remember the Mechs involved, but I'm sure they were the extra heavys for the most part. Play had just started and I basically alpha striked. My lasers missed, my LRM's missed, and my two MGs....well one hit for one point of damage. It, however turned out to be a critical strike....on an ammo bin of LRM ammo which caused a chain reaction utterly destroying the enemy mech.
The rest of my play didn't do so well, but that first strike was basically luck.
Re: Most WTF moment in Boardgames
Posted: 2008-10-07 11:41am
by Karza
I was playing a game of Battlefleet Gothic as Eldar against Chaos and managed to destroy a Murder-class cruiser and three escorts with a single bomber squadron. Basically the squadron scored 4 hits on the cruiser, one of them critical. The crit caused a bulkhead collapse, instantly hulking the cruiser, and then the catastrophic damage roll resulted in a warp core implosion that destroyed three nearby escorts. That's something like 6 rolls of six and 4 of five or better out of 14 rolls, and that's not counting the rolls determining what the warp core implosion does

Re: Most WTF moment in Boardgames
Posted: 2008-10-07 01:14pm
by Imperial Overlord
Mechwarrior game I was GMing. One of the players had been captured and escaped in a Clan Warhammer IIC. He was coming in late to help the rest of the team in a knock out brutal battle going down to the wire.
The two enemies left that were really giving the players a hard time were a Summoner and a Warhawk. They had been trying to kill the Summoner for a while, but it had used its speed, terrain, and jumpjets to make itself a hard target while dishing out the damage. The Warhawk was untouched because the players had concentrated their firepower on other Clan 'mechs and the Summoner.
So the Warhammer guy enters the battle. The leader of the players is Star's The Dude. The Summoner has taken a beating, but it's still fighting and threatening to turn the flank and riddle any 'mech that doesn't take it seriously with its lasers and targeting computer. Both the Summoner and Warhawk pilots are shit hot.
The Dude looks at the Warhammer pilot's player. "Phil, get over hear and help us finish off the Summoner."
Phil replies with "I want to kill the Warhawk."
"Phil, it has more armour than a Battlemaster and it's untouched. The Summoner is closer, it's hurting and it's being a pain in the ass. I'm ordering you to kill that Summoner."
Phil stomps the Warhammer forward and declares, "I'm going to shoot at the Warhawk with my ER PPCs. I could get lucky and get a head shot."
The Dude smiles and says "Phil, if you do this and don't kill the Warhawk, I'll kill you myself." This is not an idle threat.
Phil says "fine." He rolls the dice. Head hit with ER PPC. The cockpit is fried. Warhawk goes down.
The Dude strokes his goatee. Imagine the most sinister goatee stroking possible. You're close to how evil The Dude looks when he strokes his goatee. "Okay Phil, you get to live."
Re: Most WTF moment in Boardgames
Posted: 2008-10-07 02:30pm
by KlavoHunter
Whilst testing a 'Mech I had made in HMPro in games of Megamek, both matches I played ended in my custom 'Mech's Heavy Gauss headcapping the enemy 'Mech.
And in a Star-on-Star game of Clanner 'Mechs I played with a fellow named LostInSpace, we had no less than 5 ammo explosions throughout the game - each and every one was nonfatal to the 'Mech that suffered it, but made the pilots black out each and every time. The board was littered with immobilized 'Mechs with their pilots napping.
Re: Most WTF moment in Boardgames
Posted: 2008-10-07 02:36pm
by White Haven
Aaah, crazy battletech stories. I'll reference two of them, both from different segments of the crazy multi-year campaign we used to have going. In fact, now that I put m memories back together, they're from the same BATTLE.
Our merc unit had been kicking ass and taking names throughout the Inner Sphere and the Clan front since the late 3040s, so those mechwarriors that survived the intervening decades were both veteran beyond belief and, being successful, very well kitted. I'd just blown everything on custom clantech modifications to my Marauder II...nothing crazy and internal, just weapons, but that's bad enough when you take a ride like that, swap the PPCs up to clan-flavoured ERs and the spinal mount to an LB-20x. Anyway, background over, the command staff is alone on a periphery world, negotiating a contract before we bring up the rest of the unit (By that point, we were essentially a light combined-arms regiment), and a company attacks the capitol city we're currently occupying. Of unmarked, white-painted Banshees. We later found out that these were a Word of Blake unit, part of their whole 'We own the Periphery, and everything else cool in everywhere' initiative. In any case, first turn, I pick a random Banshee in range (most of the company) and fire...clean its head off. After the game, the GM informed me that that'd been their unit CO, who he'd given a zero gunner. Oops.
Later that same battle, we're running for our lives trying to get off-board while the enraged most-of-a-company-of-Banshees-still charged after us. I'd had a hip blown out, and so here I am, using my jump jets to sail through the air and landing with a busted hip actuator, making pilotting skill rolls every landing, to keep pace with them and get off-board. When designing the mod, I came within an inch of yanking the boosters for more armament, but I decided to leave them in...and I would have lost it in its first ever game if I had.

Re: Most WTF moment in Boardgames
Posted: 2008-10-07 03:30pm
by Rawtooth
In Warmachine, I beat Dan Brandt, the Quartermaster for Privateer Press, at Templecon '08. I won a pre-release studio-painted Epic Nemo. I also trailed just behind the 2nd place Nationals finalist in the Hordes finals, only losing out the Circle Orboros faction and Best Overall awards in the last game.
Re: Most WTF moment in Boardgames
Posted: 2008-10-07 05:45pm
by Qwerty 42
Landing on "Go Back to Start" twice in Dinosaurs: Extinction.
Re: Most WTF moment in Boardgames
Posted: 2008-10-07 11:32pm
by Vehrec
Not really a 'boardgame' but...
So my best friend since forever is running a game of D&D. It's Me, my brother, Pete, Dustin and the guy who lives in Dustin's Trailer. My brother is playing a rogue/fighter with throwing daggers, I'm an Athar Priest, Pete's changing characters every other session, the Guy's got a Barbarian, and Dustin. . . Dustin has embraced the Rule of Cool and has a Warlock flying through the air with a sword.
Having befriended the local Norse king, we hitched a ride on magic clouds with his court Wizard to retrieve a magic item of great import that may be used by the Doomguard to Unseal the Cage. Not wanting the Lady to flay us for our failure to prevent this, we're going to get this artifact. . . whatever it looks like. When we arive at our destination, the deal is going down, and I don't even have time to buff anyone before Dusting swoops in, going right for the dwarf with the best armor and the freaky black Katana. The dwarf makes one slice at him, connects cleanly, and Dustin's character goes POP as the sword drinks him up like a sphere of annihilation. It's the doomifact we're after, and we only get it by my keeping the Wizard alive long enough to dump all his Level Nines on the enemy and my brother making good on his deal with a drow god of necromancy and gaining a 7 ECL boost in the process.
Re: Most WTF moment in Boardgames
Posted: 2008-10-08 05:11am
by 2000AD
Monopoly: Causing my friend to freak out and shout "GOD FUCKING DAMNIT!"
I had Old Kent Road and Whitechapel with hotels on (the first 2 propeties after Go for non-London version players) and all 4 stations so landing on Kings Cross (1st station after Go) was giving me £200. Combined with the income tax square it meant that for about 10 times in a row as soon as he passed Go to get the £200 he was passing it straight over to me (or the bank for the tax). Everyone was missing his multi-house on Mayfair and Park Lane (the big 2) but my shitty little run down hotels on the Browns were raking it in, the psychological warfare just broke him down.
Re: Most WTF moment in Boardgames
Posted: 2008-10-08 03:10pm
by RazorOutlaw
I recall a session of Castle Risk where we were blatantly not following the rules. Patrick, a guy who wasn't really part of the group but occasionally joined us "nerds" to have some fun, decided to load up all of his armies onto a boat and launched a seaborne invasion to another player's island. At this point Patrick controlled the map. This player, Domenic, held out against fifteen or so separate armies with his one (he must have the magic touch with his dice) and in the end Patrick decided to retreat in shame with only two armies left in his boat. Honestly what were the chances?
Re: Most WTF moment in Boardgames
Posted: 2008-10-08 04:25pm
by Jaevric
My first Btech game. A poor, unknowing sucker, I was curious about the game and wanted to go a round with a friend of mine who actually plays seriously. I picked a basic, old-school Warhammer out of the box because it looked cool and got a "normal" pilot.
He trotted out his fully-upgrade-to-modern-gear BattleMaster with a top-notch pilot and proceeded to smash me from one side of the board to the other.
After a few rounds, my 'Mech was down an arm, one of its medium lasers, and had serious leg damage. My buddy walked his (barely dented) BattleMaster over to gloat. I'd put a couple of SRMs into the head earlier and some other minor damage, but the fight had been pretty one-sided.
So I fired everything I had left into him when he stopped to gloat and got a headshot from my remaining PPC and medium laser, damn near cooking my Warhammer but blowing his BattleMech's head clean off.
He just stared at me a moment then started banging his head on the tabletop.
Re: Most WTF moment in Boardgames
Posted: 2008-10-08 04:37pm
by AK_Jedi
during a game of Catan, we had a remarkable turn of unlikely rolls. for something like 7 or 8 times in a row, we rolled a 2, the least likely number to roll. Nobody ever puts settlements on a 2 tile since it is so unlikely. Through chance, I had a settlement on that tile, and was the only one to get resources for 2 full rounds. Needless to say, people were pissed.
Re: Most WTF moment in Boardgames
Posted: 2008-10-08 04:43pm
by Civil War Man
AK_Jedi wrote:during a game of Catan, we had a remarkable turn of unlikely rolls. for something like 7 or 8 times in a row, we rolled a 2, the least likely number to roll. Nobody ever puts settlements on a 2 tile since it is so unlikely. Through chance, I had a settlement on that tile, and was the only one to get resources for 2 full rounds. Needless to say, people were pissed.
I only played Settlers once. Do you want to know why?
Early in the game, someone rolled a 7. The bandit was moved right next to one of my towns, and then proceeded to sit there for a good 90% of the game. Needless to say, I lost.
Re: Most WTF moment in Boardgames
Posted: 2008-10-08 05:32pm
by Isolder74
There was one time when I was playing Yahtzee where I early in the game got a Yahtzee then a couple of turns later got one all 6's. then the next turn I got another one. Needless to say I ended up getting 7 Yahtzees in that game. I was very dumbfounded. Largest Yahtzee score I have ever seen.
Re: Most WTF moment in Boardgames
Posted: 2008-10-08 06:15pm
by NeoGoomba
There was a game of Arkham Horror where me and my friends were getting curbstomped by the rush of monsters, and the event cards were royally fucking us in between turns with monster surges. Then, in one single turn (due to, I'm guessing, terrible shuffling), my character draws two Eldrich Signs (I think thats what they are called - the instant Gate closers), and someone else drew a third, allowing us to bottle up the entire board within 3 turns, giving us the win.
Horray for Ashcan Pete and his magic artifacts!
Re: Most WTF moment in Boardgames
Posted: 2008-10-08 06:31pm
by Civil War Man
It's not so much Ashcan Pete and his magic artifacts as it is "this Elder sign (which is the name for it, btw) only has a little bit of coffee grounds on it."
For another story, I once played Arkham Horror single player (yes, they have rules for that). Can't remember which old one it was, but it was a fairly easy one.
Anyway, first turn, gate opens up a couple spaces away from me, and a cultist or something pops out. I walk over, kill it, jump in. First other world encounter is easy.
Next turn, monster surge. A really scary monster pops out of the gate (like a Star Spawn or Gug). Another pretty mild other world encounter.
Next turn, gate opens, luckily to the same other world. Why lucky? Because the card said that after opening the new gate, close one gate on the board (it's in one of the expansions). The new gate has another piddily easy monster (a maniac, I think), so I close the one with the scary monster standing in front of it. I then pop out of the gate, kill the maniac, and close the gate.
And that's it. All gates on the board are closed. One of the victory conditions is for the players to possess gate tokens at least equal to their number. All gates were closed, there was one player, and the players were in possession of one token.
Took me half an hour to set up, and 5 minutes to win.
Re: Most WTF moment in Boardgames
Posted: 2008-10-08 07:07pm
by Kodiak
My WTF Moment:
Game: Warhammer Fantasy Battles
My army: Dwarf Slayer Army
His army: Bretonnians
The setup.
So, we were playing a 2000 point battle over fairly open terrain. I was making my first use of the dwarf slayer army, complete w/ the goblin hewer and doomslayers (Look 'em up, they're awesome). So, he has crazy bretonnian knights that can charge all over the place and I have an army of dwarves that never break in combat (slayers rock, you see). He had maneuvered a large troop of knights into position to charge a block of my slayers and called out the charge. At that moment I revealed a "rune of slowness" which basically made his charge fall short by 3 inches. As such, on the next turn I charged HIM with a troop of slayers that each got 2 attacks. Slayers rock (did I mention that?) and so he lost combat resolution. What happened next was the most ridiculous piece of ridiculousness I'd ever seen:
1. He failed a leadership test of 11
2. His bretonnians knights turned and fled TWO INCHES from my dwarves
3. My slayers pursued and cut down 16 bretonnian knights including his general
4. His troops breaking and fleeing caused 3 other units to force break-tests. The all failed.
5. 1 of his units of knights turned and fled towards my "slayer pirates" who were able to stand and shoot. The Slayer pirate ability of being "festooned with pistols" gave me 22 shots, 20 of which wounded. Unit destroyed
6. Another of his units turned and fled directly off of the battlefield
7. A unit of pikemen turned and fled, exposing their flank to my goblin hewer. A hewer gets 1 d3 shots per rank, or in case of a flank shot, 1d3 per column. He failed to notice this and on the next turn when he rallied neglected to face front. My hewer mowed them down.
8. My doomslayers maneuvered through forest and charged into 2 other units, destroying or panicking them.
In 1.5 turns I elminated over 900 points and lost almost nothing. I am now no longer allowed to play a slayer army

Re: Most WTF moment in Boardgames
Posted: 2008-10-08 08:13pm
by Jaepheth
Was playing Axis and Allies as the Germans and decided to launch an air raid on Britain...
Fuckers rolled all 1s on their first roll and completely wiped out my Luftwaffe.
Japan and I were still victorious in the end however.
Re: Most WTF moment in Boardgames
Posted: 2008-10-08 09:13pm
by Ryushikaze
AK_Jedi wrote:during a game of Catan, we had a remarkable turn of unlikely rolls. for something like 7 or 8 times in a row, we rolled a 2, the least likely number to roll. Nobody ever puts settlements on a 2 tile since it is so unlikely. Through chance, I had a settlement on that tile, and was the only one to get resources for 2 full rounds. Needless to say, people were pissed.
In a similar vein, I was on two adjacent 11s, both of which were ore and which I had built a city on as a matter of course, and a three, a wood. It hadn't gotten me a whole hell of a lot of resources, but it was my second placement, and I'd managed to move out to the ore port. I had two cities, 1 in the 11/11/3 juncture and three settlements, two of which were on either 11. I was doing well, but another player was at 9 with a largest army and longest road, and just needed to make a city to win. So, then comes the round where I roll an 11. I decide to hold onto the ore for a turn because I know I need to rush to win.
Then the next guy.
Then the guy after that.
Then the guy after that.
Hoping for an 11, and not a 7, I rolled the dice. A 3. Two wood. With the ore and wood I just picked up and cards already in my hand I go from 7 points to win in a turn.
Similarly, in another game, I had a total of 2 cities and a settlement on an 8 wood. So, I pick up 5 a turn. After 2 rounds of 8 in a row, I hold all the wood in the game. ALL of it. Did I mention I had the wood port?
Before my turn, someone else plays a Monopoly. On wood. I hand him the stack. He fails to win the game.
Re: Most WTF moment in Boardgames
Posted: 2008-10-09 02:46am
by Zablorg
Ok, well six and a half years ago when I was understandably not financed enough to get much in 40k, I decided to go to the hobby center for their weekly gaming day. I couldn't bring in my poorly painted dreadnought as it was a bit too late in the game, so I had to bring in my pitifully small forces of poorly painted marines.
It was a team battle. The shop was using small plastic toy bears and spiders and stuff as "NPC" enemies. My role in the battle ended in two turns. On the first turn, all my marines were forced to engage with a spider, which wiped ot nearly half of them. The second turn, one of my allies vehicles blew up and managed to propell itself two-hundred meters away, directly onto the remainder of my forces.
Yeah, I didn't even get to fight an enemy.