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RE5 TGS "Play God" Trailer
Posted: 2008-10-09 03:33pm
by Admiral Valdemar
Wow. Just... wow.
EDIT: If that video causes your browser to screw up, then you can download it from Gamespot too. I like how Wesker is back and likely going to settle that score from CV: X. About time. The music and visuals are jaw dropping. The setting reminds me of the first act of MGS4, though the work done on the character designs is just incredible. Even if the gameplay is exactly like RE4, this will be
the title of next year.
EDIT 2: Changed URL to better quality, shorter trailer.
Re: RE5 TGS "Play God" Trailer
Posted: 2008-10-09 07:09pm
by Stark
That looks pretty flash, but listen to yourself. You just said the best game of 2009 could be a rehash of a 2007 game with better graphics!
Oh wait, the game industry. You'll probably be right!
For an RE5 noob, what's the buzz on playstyle? RE is complete shit, but 4 managed to make it interestnig for the first time in ten years and I'm interested to know if they'll go more in that direction (hopefully with more cool dynamic shit) or if they'll go back to boring as fuck linear stupid puzzle bland fighting nonsense.
Re: RE5 TGS "Play God" Trailer
Posted: 2008-10-09 07:34pm
by Ford Prefect
RE5 is basically RE4 on steroids. From what I've read, it plays more or less exactly like RE4, but with more cool dynamic shit. The enemies are more numerous and more agressive, so fighting them appears to involve a whole lot more weaving and dodging and punching dudes in the face than RE4. From what I've seen, Redfield ends up grappling on more than a few occasions, and at times it almost seems overwhelming. I think dynamic is perhaps a good word for it.
PS. That was so flashy I can't help but be excited. I'm so shallow.
Re: RE5 TGS "Play God" Trailer
Posted: 2008-10-10 12:46am
by Joviwan
Is there a version of the trailer with audio that my human ears are capable of understanding?
Re: RE5 TGS "Play God" Trailer
Posted: 2008-10-10 03:11am
by Admiral Valdemar
I should have said I was commenting more on
this trailer, which is a better quality, recut version of the longer one. Best download it too.
Stark wrote:That looks pretty flash, but listen to yourself. You just said the best game of 2009 could be a rehash of a 2007 game with better graphics!
Oh wait, the game industry. You'll probably be right!

Looks "flash" is an understatement. It is the beauty queen of next gen right now, but given I see nothing else of note on the horizon really worth waiting for, flash or not, I see this as potentially being Awesome Shit, not Awesomely Shit.
For an RE5 noob, what's the buzz on playstyle? RE is complete shit, but 4 managed to make it interestnig for the first time in ten years and I'm interested to know if they'll go more in that direction (hopefully with more cool dynamic shit) or if they'll go back to boring as fuck linear stupid puzzle bland fighting nonsense.
Pfft, the Resi games are all cool, bar the Gun Survivor ones that tended to fail miserably. I love playing the original '96 version for the AMAZING acting. You will never find a better performance from paid people in a videogame with their voice.
But, this will be RE4's action horror style with a far different setting and more of an actual plot (RE4 seemed to be stand-alone in the end, like a side-story building up to this) and far better graphics to give better atmosphere, which they'll need given it's during the day most the time. Frankly, RE4 but with better stuff is a winner for me. I'd rather they did that than try something totally new and cock it up, especially after this wait.
Stark, this or
Bayonetta for best game of teh futuar?!

Re: RE5 TGS "Play God" Trailer
Posted: 2008-10-10 01:24pm
by Molyneux
Admiral Valdemar wrote:Pfft, the Resi games are all cool, bar the Gun Survivor ones that tended to fail miserably. I love playing the original '96 version for the AMAZING acting. You will never find a better performance from paid people in a videogame with their voice.
You''re joking, right? Please tell me you're joking.
Re: RE5 TGS "Play God" Trailer
Posted: 2008-10-10 01:28pm
by Admiral Valdemar
Molyneux wrote:Admiral Valdemar wrote:Pfft, the Resi games are all cool, bar the Gun Survivor ones that tended to fail miserably. I love playing the original '96 version for the AMAZING acting. You will never find a better performance from paid people in a videogame with their voice.
You''re joking, right? Please tell me you're joking.
No. i is totally srs, sir.
The original RE is the very epitome of how
not to voice act. Thankfully, the remake changed that (and the trailer for RE5 shows they kept up with that tradition of hiring people who actually emote). I hear a remake of RE2 may be in the works too.
I really want that melody played from around two-minutes into the Play God trailer (the three and a half minute one). They're using a full 100+ piece symphonic orchestra. Oh, and Jill, the hell happened to her? I expect Sheva to die. She doomed herself as soon as she said "partners to the end". Poor girl.
Re: RE5 TGS "Play God" Trailer
Posted: 2008-10-10 03:55pm
by Molyneux
Admiral Valdemar wrote:Molyneux wrote:Admiral Valdemar wrote:Pfft, the Resi games are all cool, bar the Gun Survivor ones that tended to fail miserably. I love playing the original '96 version for the AMAZING acting. You will never find a better performance from paid people in a videogame with their voice.
You''re joking, right? Please tell me you're joking.
No. i is totally srs, sir.
The original RE is the very epitome of how
not to voice act. Thankfully, the remake changed that (and the trailer for RE5 shows they kept up with that tradition of hiring people who actually emote). I hear a remake of RE2 may be in the works too.
I really want that melody played from around two-minutes into the Play God trailer (the three and a half minute one). They're using a full 100+ piece symphonic orchestra. Oh, and Jill, the hell happened to her? I expect Sheva to die. She doomed herself as soon as she said "partners to the end". Poor girl.
Remember Poe's law, combined with the difficulty of discerning tone through plain text. Glad to hear (read?) that you were just kidding, though.
I can't watch the trailer at work, but I'll give it a look-see when I get home.
Re: RE5 TGS "Play God" Trailer
Posted: 2008-10-10 04:41pm
by JLTucker
Admiral Valdemar wrote:I hear a remake of RE2 may be in the works too.
Where did you hear this? I am more interested in this than RE5.
Re: RE5 TGS "Play God" Trailer
Posted: 2008-10-10 04:55pm
by Admiral Valdemar
Molyneux wrote:
Remember Poe's law, combined with the difficulty of discerning tone through plain text. Glad to hear (read?) that you were just kidding, though.
I can't watch the trailer at work, but I'll give it a look-see when I get home.
You have
no sarcasm detector at all. It's blindingly obvious I was taking the piss.
JLTucker wrote:
Where did you hear this? I am more interested in this than RE5.
Bro read it in a magazine, I believe. Shall get better source when I can. Much as I want a remake of RE2, I can't imagine anyone not being psyched for this given the wait alone. RE4 is getting worn out from repeat plays, I think the disc is crumbling.
Re: RE5 TGS "Play God" Trailer
Posted: 2008-10-10 08:26pm
by Molyneux
Admiral Valdemar wrote:Molyneux wrote:
Remember Poe's law, combined with the difficulty of discerning tone through plain text. Glad to hear (read?) that you were just kidding, though.
I can't watch the trailer at work, but I'll give it a look-see when I get home.
You have
no sarcasm detector at all. It's blindingly obvious I was taking the piss.
Er...I thought that that was pretty much what I was saying.
Re: RE5 TGS "Play God" Trailer
Posted: 2008-10-12 10:32am
by Zixinus
About the previous trailer linked: what's with the Japanese and making their superhumans show off? Like dodging each individual bullet? Are they not trained soldiers that attack and disarm an enemy before they have a chance to even make a shot?
As for RE5 in general: meh.
RE was always shit: from the fixed camera bullshit (it was always resoundingly horrible, in any game), from the glichy combat to the nonsensical puzzles. I never finished one and never care to. Even RE4, which seemed to at least try to brake away from the usual bullshit, bored me after a while.
Re: RE5 TGS "Play God" Trailer
Posted: 2008-10-12 03:04pm
by Admiral Valdemar
No, you just don't like survival horror, the games are perfectly good pieces of entertainment. One can say the same of any horror game out there. If it isn't an FPS, most people get bored. It's great that you shared that with us.
It's "break", by the way.
Re: RE5 TGS "Play God" Trailer
Posted: 2008-10-12 04:44pm
by Ford Prefect
Zixinus wrote:About the previous trailer linked: what's with the Japanese and making their superhumans show off? Like dodging each individual bullet? Are they not trained soldiers that attack and disarm an enemy before they have a chance to even make a shot?
I could talk about how Wesker is a maniac with a superiority complex, or about how his 'teleportation' is almost certainly a very short ranged ability (given that it's clearly based on the bullet dodging powers of the Verdugo and Krauser from RE4), but I don't think I need to.
Re: RE5 TGS "Play God" Trailer
Posted: 2008-10-12 04:54pm
by Admiral Valdemar
It's not teleportation, it's just Wesker is that quick, which was established in his last real appearance in CVX where he totally owned Chris. Even if you ran back and took shots from afar, you'd either face him rushing you in no time at all, or you'd hit him and do jack shit. The virus Wesker has is far better than anything else branched off from the Progenitor strain (which made the whole trying to make off with the T- and G-viruses and Las Plagas sample seem silly. He has the ultimate supersoldier in his blood).
Re: RE5 TGS "Play God" Trailer
Posted: 2008-10-12 06:14pm
by Ford Prefect
Admiral Valdemar wrote:It's not teleportation, it's just Wesker is that quick, which was established in his last real appearance in CVX where he totally owned Chris. Even if you ran back and took shots from afar, you'd either face him rushing you in no time at all, or you'd hit him and do jack shit. The virus Wesker has is far better than anything else branched off from the Progenitor strain (which made the whole trying to make off with the T- and G-viruses and Las Plagas sample seem silly.
Of course it's not actual teleportation, but it's fast enough that it might as well be. I didn't know he could do it in CVX, though.
He has the ultimate supersoldier in his blood).
Emperor Palpatine recognised that one does not create the perfect monster, simply so that it can't kill you.
Re: RE5 TGS "Play God" Trailer
Posted: 2008-10-12 07:02pm
by Admiral Valdemar
Ford Prefect wrote:
Of course it's not actual teleportation, but it's fast enough that it might as well be. I didn't know he could do it in CVX, though.
In CVX, he showed extreme speed and strength, so it was foreshadowing for him really showing off at least. How Chris or anyone expects to beat him I don't know. He's not an idiot either, since he was a research scientist at the original Arklay facility.
Emperor Palpatine recognised that one does not create the perfect monster, simply so that it can't kill you.
True enough, I suppose his "new world" is going to come about from a combination of the bio-weapons created by Umbrella and found in Spain by Saddler. With the ability to produce such inhuman beasts from the T-virus (I'm assuming the G-virus died with Birkin) and control them with Las Plagas parasites, then he's got a real threat to the world. Starting it in that clusterfuck continent that is Africa makes it even easier. The trailer does show a production model Tyrant seemingly being infected with a parasite of sorts, like the Nemesis was.
Re: RE5 TGS "Play God" Trailer
Posted: 2008-10-12 07:48pm
by Ford Prefect
Admiral Valdemar wrote:In CVX, he showed extreme speed and strength, so it was foreshadowing for him really showing off at least. How Chris or anyone expects to beat him I don't know. He's not an idiot either, since he was a research scientist at the original Arklay facility.
It's like Leon beating Krauser, though actually more lopsided. At this point in time, Chris has not actually shown any sort of luicrously superhuman feats of acrobatics and precognition, but his arms are
True enough, I suppose his "new world" is going to come about from a combination of the bio-weapons created by Umbrella and found in Spain by Saddler. With the ability to produce such inhuman beasts from the T-virus (I'm assuming the G-virus died with Birkin) and control them with Las Plagas parasites, then he's got a real threat to the world. Starting it in that clusterfuck continent that is Africa makes it even easier. The trailer does show a production model Tyrant seemingly being infected with a parasite of sorts, like the Nemesis was.
Once I knew Wesker's involvement in RE4, I knew it was going to eventually come to playing mix and match with all the various monsters that appeared. It could be like the sort of hilarious min-maxing that you sometimes see in versus debates, where every possible advantage is heaped up.
Re: RE5 TGS "Play God" Trailer
Posted: 2008-10-12 07:49pm
by Stark
Defining 'survival horror' (a genre that is pretty much 95% RE, so it's really just 'diablo genre' all over again lol) as 'crap fixed cameras' and 'hopeless combat' is pretty disingenuous. You might SAY 'survival horror' is limited resources + dangerous environments, but it's REALLY HONESTLY stupid puzzles + limited environments. RE is both not 'horror' (it's simply 'gore', generally really bad graphics too) and barely 'survival' (the games swing widely between 'dodge all zombies because there's 2 bullets in the game and knives are better' and 'OMG TEH SMGZ KILL EVERYON'), so the name itself irritates the shit out of me.
The first dozen or whatever RE games are just bad text adventures with postcards attached. RE4 actually put a bit of 'survival' into the genre by allowing you to DO ACTUAL THINGS TO SURVIVE and have THINGS ACTUALLY CHASE YOU. More of this is good, because the old formula sucked shitballs.
Frankly, the best 'survival horror' game would be something open like Fallout 3 with a high degree of environment interaction, where you actually have to solve survival-based problems like shelter and food and not 'shotz teh mans' 'eat weed lol' and such.
Re: RE5 TGS "Play God" Trailer
Posted: 2008-10-12 08:07pm
by Admiral Valdemar
It was limited to the consoles of the day, which is why they went with the style of gameplay at the time which has passed on over to what RE4 delivered. Like
Final Fantasy moved to full 3D when it was possible to do proper environments that didn't look like ugly polygons with horrible 8-bit textures slapped on. This is one of the reasons why a remake to RE2 would be a great bet, assuming they go with it. The remake of the first game was far more atmospheric because you didn't break a rib laughing at the hilarious dialogue. I know
I want to make a Jill sandwich. With Rebecca!
The games have huge sentimental value all the same, even if some of the experiences are quite tedious compared to what you can expect from RE5. I always loved the cutscenes in the sequels and the scores were excellent. If you want pure awesome, you should check the Game Boy Color project started by some UK company that got canned after a few months development. Yes, we have it on the DS now, but you've not seen horror until you've seen it on a Game Boy Color. It's beyond description.
Ford Prefect wrote:
It's like Leon beating Krauser, though actually more lopsided. At this point in time, Chris has not actually shown any sort of luicrously superhuman feats of acrobatics and precognition, but his arms are huge.
He's a manly man, what can one say? I'm still hoping Wesker's story is tied up in this installment, which pretty much ends the franchise too given, much as I love the guy and the plot, I don't want this to be dragged on like so many other franchises. There's needs to be a graceful end, just as MGS4 delivered, not a cash cow.
Once I knew Wesker's involvement in RE4, I knew it was going to eventually come to playing mix and match with all the various monsters that appeared. It could be like the sort of hilarious min-maxing that you sometimes see in versus debates, where every possible advantage is heaped up.
That's what I figured. He's letting everyone find or develop these things so he can drop in, piss on their parade and make off with their own research. He said he was going to resurrect Umbrella, but I somehow don't see their stock floating too well after he stabbed Spencer in the back and the US government dismantled the company.
Re: RE5 TGS "Play God" Trailer
Posted: 2008-10-12 09:50pm
by Anarchist Bunny
The real thing I find glaring about that trailer is that Wesker is kicking everybody's ass in pair of stripper boots.
Re: RE5 TGS "Play God" Trailer
Posted: 2008-10-13 05:09am
by Admiral Valdemar
Because he can. You not get the condescension when saying "Poor performance indeed"? If he can beat the shit out of you in kinky boots, the guy will do it for added arsehole points.
Re: RE5 TGS "Play God" Trailer
Posted: 2008-10-13 06:25am
by Ford Prefect
To be hoenst, my main complaint at the moment (simply because I can actually judge it from trailers) is that they aren't using Richard Waugh for Wesker's voice. It's kind of trivial because D.C. Douglas does a fine job, but I prefer the voice he had in RE4.
Re: RE5 TGS "Play God" Trailer
Posted: 2008-10-13 06:43am
by Zixinus
No, you just don't like survival horror, the games are perfectly good pieces of entertainment. One can say the same of any horror game out there. If it isn't an FPS, most people get bored. It's great that you shared that with us.
How did you get from RE being shit to me not liking survival horror?
I played Penumbra and Silent Hill (a title I consider superior because there are far less fixed cameras) and liked them. Hell, I would add Condemned to the list.
I admit that I am not a big fan of horror in general, but I still like survival horror.
Re: RE5 TGS "Play God" Trailer
Posted: 2008-10-13 07:42am
by Admiral Valdemar
I don't see how fixed cameras is a problem for the series. It never was for the likes of Final Fantasy and related titles. Now that the games are more action oriented and the consoles more powerful, such graphics aren't needed now for such effect. There are flaws to the first few games, but camera angles ain't one of them. I can think of some games with 3D environments where the non-fixed camera is atrocious.