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HTML Writing Question

Posted: 2008-10-28 02:04pm
by Kitsune
I create documents which I post on my website using a fairly old word processor.
It leaves the page in a very raw format when I convert to HTML and use an old copy of Netscape to reformat the page (for example it changes "<Strong>" to "<b>") and then use notepad to complete the work (Add graphics, additional coding, and that sort of thing)

Is there any other program which others use to reformat pages in the same manner as I use Netscape.

Re: HTML Writing Question

Posted: 2008-10-28 02:30pm
by Solauren
Hotdog might do it

Re: HTML Writing Question

Posted: 2008-10-28 06:26pm
by Starglider
What is 'a very raw format'? Rich text? Plain text?

Open Office is free, can load virtually anything (as of v3.0) and has a fairly good HTML output capability. It's a full featured office suite though and thus fairly heavyweight. There are hundreds if not thousands of freeware file format convertors out there but I tend to just download them and try them as needed instead of keeping them around. I can't recommend one for HTML because I always write that directly in jEdit (I finally switched from the venerable Programmers File Editor this year :) ).

Re: HTML Writing Question

Posted: 2008-10-29 02:45pm
by phongn
Starglider wrote:What is 'a very raw format'? Rich text? Plain text?

Open Office is free, can load virtually anything (as of v3.0) and has a fairly good HTML output capability. It's a full featured office suite though and thus fairly heavyweight. There are hundreds if not thousands of freeware file format convertors out there but I tend to just download them and try them as needed instead of keeping them around. I can't recommend one for HTML because I always write that directly in jEdit (I finally switched from the venerable Programmers File Editor this year :) ).
PFE? Now there's a name I haven't heard in a long time!

Re: HTML Writing Question

Posted: 2008-10-29 03:42pm
by xammer99
You might also try NVU.

Re: HTML Writing Question

Posted: 2008-10-31 07:08am
by Ariphaos
I always use notepad++ but then my websites tend to be php / python...