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Which WoW server
Posted: 2008-11-24 07:51am
by dragon
So which servers do most of the people here play on? Looking for a good non-pvp server.
Re: Which WoW server
Posted: 2008-11-24 01:20pm
by Darmalus
Well, I play Horde side on Malfurion in the guild Horde for Hire, and I am just about to start playing Alliance side on Silver Hand, but I have no guild there, as I am playing to follow a friend of mine mostly.
Re: Which WoW server
Posted: 2008-11-24 01:57pm
by White Haven
Mannoroth Alliance here, but it's a PVP server, alas.
Re: Which WoW server
Posted: 2008-11-24 03:36pm
by Temjin
I played on the Undermine server (canceled my account a few months ago, due to strained financial situation. Thinking of starting it up again within the next few weeks.) Had a Healadin and a reputation as a great healer on there. PVE, but just about dead last time I logged on.
Re: Which WoW server
Posted: 2008-11-24 05:25pm
by Broomstick
My usual server is Thunderlord, which is PvP (I'm Horde, Black Axe Clan). My PvE or "normal" server is usually Shandris, where I play Alliance as part of Victoria's Secret, a guild with a membership rule. The rule is that your character must be female - we don't care what YOU are, just that your toon is a girl.
Re: Which WoW server
Posted: 2008-11-24 06:27pm
by Enforcer Talen
Cenarion Circle, Alliance side. My name is Morghul
Re: Which WoW server
Posted: 2008-11-24 08:29pm
by Molyneux
Bloodhoof, Hordeside, Mukaro (tauren druid); I'm party of a furry-friendly guild there, Order of the Claws. Or Claw. I can never get it straight.
Emerald Dream, Hordeside, Jokarna (orc shaman); I can't stand PVP servers, but a friend plays there.
Shadow Council, Alliance, Pelennor; I just wanted to try out a NE warrior.
I've also got a gnome mage on Bloodhoof, Gnanoha.
Re: Which WoW server
Posted: 2008-11-24 11:40pm
by Slacker
Durotan, Alliance side, while I play Horde on Dragonblight. I play the Alliance toon more, but somehow I have two Horde 70+, and only 1 Alliance.
Re: Which WoW server
Posted: 2008-11-25 12:30am
by Boyish-Tigerlilly
I play on Whisperwind. It has a good population. My name is Jatu or Wiggumsia or the Alliance and Solani for Horde.
Re: Which WoW server
Posted: 2008-11-25 02:41pm
by Civil War Man
I play on Tanaris. Low to Moderate population, PvE server. It's a pretty Alliance-heavy server. Apparently for a while after the server began the Horde economy was virtually non-existant. And even now the Neutral AH is little more than the Green Hills of Stranglethorn Book Depository.
Re: Which WoW server
Posted: 2008-11-26 11:33am
by Lancer
I play Horde on Misha, historically a medium-pop PvE server. Of course, with the release of WotLK, the population's exploded with Death Knights of all sorts and there's still a lot of Paladin activity, but that's probably true of all the servers.
Re: Which WoW server
Posted: 2008-11-26 12:37pm
by Ayrix
I play Alliance on Madoran. It used to be a pretty small, slow server but since they opened transfers we've gotten a lot of people in. We were a bit alliance heavy before, but now I just plain have no clue.
Re: Which WoW server
Posted: 2008-11-27 09:55pm
by Steve
Not playing currently, but I have Alliance characters on Cenarion Circle. Primary is a Dwarf Protadin, Rhysdav, Level 70. But I haven't played since July.
Re: Which WoW server
Posted: 2008-12-01 04:52pm
by darthbob88
Alliance on Suramar. Nice normal server, with a surprisingly helpful population, barring Brismoore, the local troll. Mains are Boonie, 72 Human Retadin, and Samonin, Fury Warrior of same race and level.