I haven't played AC6 unfortunately, I will eventually, but not yet. So my comments are restricted to AC4 and AC5.
I believe that AC4 has the best story, and is by far the most realistic. It really and truly feels like a real war. ISAF needs naval superiority to invade the main land, for example, but instead of just going straight after the enemy fleet, first they take out its fuel and supplies forcing it to stay in port where it's vulnerable,
then an assault is launched. And of course every time you do an operation you don't get the feeling like it's the only thing going on. It is implied or outright stated that there are concurrent operations elsewhere that you are not participating in becasue you can't be in more than one place at once. Indeed, there are a few missions where you are engaged in a
support role on the peripherals of the main operation, primarily Northern Eye and Breaking Arrows. Furthermore, you can see the front lines moving in other parts of the continent as the rest of the ISAF forces have their own successes without your help, especially when you are engaged in specialized strike missions that require only one or a handful of very skilled pilots.
Contrasts this with AC5,
nothing happens unless you are at the centre of it. You get the feeling that the Sand Island and 8492nd squadrons are the
entire Osean Air Force. Every time you go back to Osea the front line doesn't move an inch. It would have been real nice if after you take the mantle of Razgriz you could see the Yuktobanians slowly re-gaining lost ground on the map. Then of course the missions themselves feel dissapointledly small scale. There's just me, my three wingmates, and a dozen friendlies. What the hell happened to the massive multi-pronged assaults of the previous games? It is simply ridiculous that this is supposed to be a war between two
Superpowers and it feels like Croatia and Serbia going at it. The only missions, where you truly get any sort of sense of scale are Front Line, where you fend off a massive Yuktobanian invasion force headed for Sand Island, and you get to hear radio chatter of friendlies fending off enemy troops that actually made it ashore; the Desert Thunder/Lightning missions, where you are supporting an armoured spearhead after it broke through the enemy lines; and Sea of Chaos, the mother of all Ace Combat naval battles. Everything else? Piddly battalion sized engagements. No wonder the belligerents can invade each other in a matter of weeks and the whole war is almost over in a few months.
Plus, where the hell is my massive furball mission? Goddamit Project Aces, AC4 had
two, Shattered Skies and Megalith, why the hell can't AC5 with twice as many missions have at least one?
Everybody loved the mission, it is simply unbelievable that they neglected to put anything like it in the sequel.
One thing though, AC5's radio chatter? Way better. I prefer the people they hired to do the voice acting that time around, and the scripts too are more fun and realistic. It struck me as sudden and pleasant surprise during the third mission. You go into your first real battle and the airwaves are filled with harried voices expressing shock, fear, panic, command. Some reporting damage, some trying to regain control, some just consumed by sheer and utter terror. It is
chaos and it is
war, pure and undiluted. By the time I heard, "Incoming missiles, begin Phalanx fire." Immediately followed by, "
NO! You're firing on the docks!" I was in awe at how perfectly they had captured the magnificence and beauty of it. Man, that mission would have been effin' perfect if it had more aircraft, both enemy and firendly.
Some other thoughts:
Adrian on March 25, 2008 wrote:I have yet to play Zero, but between 4 and 5, I have yet to decide which one I like better.
Despite the fact that AC5 has two world super powers ducking it out, it fails at feeling truly
epic in the way AC4 did. The former has six missions: Shattered Skies, Bunker Shot, Emancipation, Whiskey Corridor, Siege of Farbanti, and Megalith, that really stand out in your mind because they are awesome battles between huge forces. AC5, despite having almost twice as many missions, only has half as many
epic ones: Front Line, Desert Arrow, and Sea of Chaos. Granted, those three missions didn't pull any stops, particularly the two sea battles, but given that the other 29 missions are basically, "Sand Island Squadron beats everyone up", I found myself disappointed by the overall lack of
epic. Some might say that most missions in AC4 are "Mobius 1 beats everyone up", and that's true, but at least it felt like my allies were helping, even though they weren't.
Then there is the fact that AC4 has no pacifistic jerk-offs (damn you Chopper, you
grate on my
nerves every time I play Lit Fuse). Finally, the story of Shattered Skies is better. I don't know how to explain it, it sort of touched me in a way Unsung War didn't quite manage. Mind, both stories are great and inspiring, I think the Project Aces guys can really spin a good yarn, and both times I got watery eyed at the end. However, the sense of satisfaction, of accomplishment, is a bit greater with the former game.
Having said that, AC5's game play totally blows AC4 away. The flight modeling is more realistic, and so much better because of it. In AC4 I never really did get a "feel" for my fighter, I'd find myself wondering if the Immelmann I just pulled was too tight, and then I'd get my answer by getting shot down. I also found myself crashing against the ground, the sea, the buildings, the bridges, Stonehenge, Megalith... pretty much everything that I could crash my plane into. AC5 doesn't have this problem, I know where my fighter is, I can feel what it's doing, the aircraft's motions are intuitive and natural. Not only that, every plane feels completely different, the light fighters are nimble, the heavy fighters are brawny, the A-6 is a whale, the Mig-31 is a rocket, the Sukhois turn on dimes, and you really get to know why pilots love to fly the F-22 so much (I never fly it in AC4).
Then they toned down all the air-to-air missiles, especially the cum encrusted QAAMs, and beefed the air-to-ground munitions, making me very happy. The enemy fighter AI is noticeably better, and they even occasionally use their special AAMs (as opposed to never). Though Ofnir and Grabacr's last stand completely fails to measure up to Yellow Squadron's, maybe it's because the former outnumber you 2-1 and the latter 5-1. Mission wise, despite the sad
epic deficiency, the fact that ground and air forces actually co-operate this time around was really a nice touch, and I really appreciated having so many missions. Plus, the game is more challenging overall than its predecessor, which I thought was a tad too easy. Finally, AC5 looks beautiful, not to say AC4 wasn't pretty, but... damn those planes look sexy, and there's so many more of them too!
On second thought... I know which one I like better. Shattered Skies is more fun when you're remembering it, but Unsung War is more fun when you're actually playing.
I'm sticking to that conclusion. I stand by my criticisms of Ace Combat 5, but despite the poorly executed storyline, despite the massive holes you could fly a Bear through, despite the small scale, despite the lack of
epic and furballs, and despite its various other flaws, I find Unsung War to be the better game over Shattered Skies. The recurring characters you personally interact with, greatly improved radio chatter, higher quality of acting, gorgeous animations, and clearly superior flight and combat physics all merge toguether to form a more immersive experience. I feel more the real fighter pilot when I fly as Blaze than when I fly as Möbius-1, and I enjoy it more too.
Steve wrote:This all leads up to the last mission and the attack on Megalith to thwart the Erusean diehards, where your wingmates call in as "Moebius #" and the Eruseans' remaining corps of elite pilots expressing amazement when one asks to find "the ribbon fighter" and the stunned answer of "They're all ribbons!" comes through.
That was so dammed fun, they grabbed eight of the best pilots in the ISAF Air Force, gave them ribbon insignias,and made them Möbius-1's wing mates so the remaining Yellows would
shit bricks when they saw them coming.
Ace Combat 5, OTOH, stuck poor Blaze (aka you) with a flight of whining pacifists who bitch about taking the war to an enemy that, just a month and a half prior had, y'know, launched an unprovoked Pearl Harbor-style attack on your country.
Kei might be a pacifist, but she's a pretty tough (and fairly hot) pacifist... Plus Grimm and Chopper give off bigger whining vibes than Kei anyway.
The problem with AC5 was Chopper, in fact, it was Chopper starting with the invasion of Yuktobania. They flanderized him in the space of a few missions, and the storyline suffered from it, I'm cool with every other character, hell I'm cool with Chopper in most missions.
Incidentally, another retarded moment was him ditching in the Stadium because he didn't want his fighter to crash on anybody. First problem: there must have been at least a dozen different blocks on fire by then from the battle, it hardly made a difference. Second problem:
there was a wide river.