The trailer is hereMesa wrote:The wait was just long enough for all kinds of crazy bets to be made, but time to cash those in, because the Black Mesa Trailer is good to go and up for viewing! You can download it from a few different places, or watch it on youtube. We hope this gives you a small taste of what the game will be like, and we hope it was worth the extra wait!
We also forgot to include some great Power Up shots by Kim Dahlgren, so be sure and check those out on our media page! This officially concludes our media release, but not future updates! And as stated in the trailer, the days this mod stays in development are truly numbered. Hang tight, because at long last, it is coming.
Four years of work coming togther, the trailer states a simple 2009 release date. Not when in 2009, but we are under a year at this point which is good to hear.
And the trailer looks good with nice flip fades even if that SMG sounds anemic I look forward to what they can do with the old girl.