Master Debater beta (opinions)
Posted: 2008-12-09 05:20pm
I have made a game, yet again, but before I take it too far in one direction or other, I'd like to get some opinions on the general idea and basic gameplay. And everything else too, basically.
Download (it's about 14 MB)
Screens + some info (and also download link)
You move around with the arrow keys, jump/select with ctrl, enter is the "action button", and escape pauses the game (and cancels cancellable things), but all the controls are configurable, and it's also possible to plug in a controller and use that. I've tested with an Xbox360 controller, but I'm sure it'll work with most types (though the key codes are probably different, so you might have to configure them). To get you started, you can talk to the old guy in the toga, but there are eight other characters in the town, seven of which can be debated in the right circumstances.
The things I'm mostly interested in is:
- The "Debating Mode": Is it fun/boring/gimmicky/weird? Does it flow "naturally" from the other gameplay mode; is it easy to understand why a debate was started (if there wasn't an obvious "start debate" choice)? A few techniques have "action commands" (Humour, Advanced Humour, and Your Mother). I was thinking all of the techniques would have this, though I haven't been able to create something natural, yet fun for the other argument types (for logical arguments, I was thinking about letting the player solve some simple math or something, but that's just terrible), but apparently the way they did it in Paper Mario is a trope. What say you? I personally thought that was a pretty nice addition to IMO generally tedious RPG-type battles.
- Navigating the town: Is it disorienting when the perspective suddenly changes when you press the up/down keys to go down alleys and run around corners and things, or is it easy to get used to?
- "Non-linear" stories. It's currently not very noticeable in the demo, but the outcomes of some debates and some semi-unconscious choices like visiting certain places, affects the story in certain ways. Like that infatuated guy with the rose (he's in an alley). It's possible to convince him that he doesn't have a chance with that girl, so he doesn't even try, and this might cause the story to go in a different direction than if you can't convince him, or something else. So the points where the story fork are supposed to be non-obvious like that, which will hopefully make it seem like the story isn't non-linear, it's just a natural story, but it happens to be pretty different between different players. How do you feel about that idea? (Don't worry about the implementation, I'm pretty sure I've figured out how to do it in a manageable way)
- The art style and sounds/music. It's supposed to be a pseudo-Roman world, but I obviously don't have the time to create super-next-gen resources, so I did something simple.
Also, yes, I know what the name is slang for. This game is obviously not supposed to be serious business
So yeah, help please
Download (it's about 14 MB)
Screens + some info (and also download link)
You move around with the arrow keys, jump/select with ctrl, enter is the "action button", and escape pauses the game (and cancels cancellable things), but all the controls are configurable, and it's also possible to plug in a controller and use that. I've tested with an Xbox360 controller, but I'm sure it'll work with most types (though the key codes are probably different, so you might have to configure them). To get you started, you can talk to the old guy in the toga, but there are eight other characters in the town, seven of which can be debated in the right circumstances.
The things I'm mostly interested in is:
- The "Debating Mode": Is it fun/boring/gimmicky/weird? Does it flow "naturally" from the other gameplay mode; is it easy to understand why a debate was started (if there wasn't an obvious "start debate" choice)? A few techniques have "action commands" (Humour, Advanced Humour, and Your Mother). I was thinking all of the techniques would have this, though I haven't been able to create something natural, yet fun for the other argument types (for logical arguments, I was thinking about letting the player solve some simple math or something, but that's just terrible), but apparently the way they did it in Paper Mario is a trope. What say you? I personally thought that was a pretty nice addition to IMO generally tedious RPG-type battles.
- Navigating the town: Is it disorienting when the perspective suddenly changes when you press the up/down keys to go down alleys and run around corners and things, or is it easy to get used to?
- "Non-linear" stories. It's currently not very noticeable in the demo, but the outcomes of some debates and some semi-unconscious choices like visiting certain places, affects the story in certain ways. Like that infatuated guy with the rose (he's in an alley). It's possible to convince him that he doesn't have a chance with that girl, so he doesn't even try, and this might cause the story to go in a different direction than if you can't convince him, or something else. So the points where the story fork are supposed to be non-obvious like that, which will hopefully make it seem like the story isn't non-linear, it's just a natural story, but it happens to be pretty different between different players. How do you feel about that idea? (Don't worry about the implementation, I'm pretty sure I've figured out how to do it in a manageable way)
- The art style and sounds/music. It's supposed to be a pseudo-Roman world, but I obviously don't have the time to create super-next-gen resources, so I did something simple.
Also, yes, I know what the name is slang for. This game is obviously not supposed to be serious business

So yeah, help please