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Wifi security question
Posted: 2008-12-29 03:18am
by Sarevok
I heard WEP is rather unsecure. But lots of people including me use it. So I was wondering what are the risks of relying on WEP. Is it possible someone could use my internet for free, take a lot look my shared folder or do other mischief that often happens in unsecured wifi networks ? If so what are the chances of it actually happening ? Can any 12 year old script kiddy do it with a downloaded program or is it a exotic exploit the average person need not worry about ?
Re: Wifi security question
Posted: 2008-12-29 03:43am
by Dominus Atheos
All you have to do is google "wep cracker" and the first result will direct you to a program that can find the passcode to let them on that network, after which it's like you don't have any encryption at all.
Re: Wifi security question
Posted: 2008-12-29 08:24am
by Beowulf
Cracking WEP is the work of literally 5 minutes with a cracking program. Do not use unless you have no alternative. It is something that any 12 year old script kiddy can do.
Re: Wifi security question
Posted: 2008-12-29 08:40am
by DaveJB
The only situation where WEP might be justified is if you have some really old device that's incompatible with WPA (such as the DS). Otherwise, WPA or WPA2 is a far safer bet.