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Tecmo's Deception (et. al.)

Posted: 2009-01-03 01:36pm
by Chardok
I figured you massive nerds would know this better than I (Since I am quite a mediocre nerd)

Are there any games in the style of the Deception series (Or Dungeon Keeper, if you like) that have been release for any of the next-gens? Or even if any of the deception series are available for downloade on Live Arcade or something - More than that: are there any games in that vein currently in the works? I really miss those reppy-type games.

Re: Tecmo's Deception (et. al.)

Posted: 2009-01-03 03:18pm
by Ohma
Well, not really next gen, but there is Ghost Master for the Xbox. It's somewhat close-ish to what you're talking about. Sort of a combination of Dungeon Keeper, The Sims, Deception, and Freedom Force.

The only other game I can think of that's "next-gen" and is at all close to that would be Overloard, but that's really more like Pikmin than anything else.

Re: Tecmo's Deception (et. al.)

Posted: 2009-01-03 04:54pm
by Tasoth
Trapt was the most recent edition of the Deception line for PS2. I have a copy of it somewhere.

EDIT: I'm even nice enough to get a link to the gamespot review. Don't say I never did 'nuffin for you for christmas...

Re: Tecmo's Deception (et. al.)

Posted: 2009-01-04 01:09pm
by Joviwan
Trapt was... interesting. I played it for a while before I gave it to somebody else. The plot was silly but depressing, once I actually looked up what was happening and who the characters were. The gameplay kept me going for a while, because it IS kind of fun to try and set up a rube goldberg series of lethal pitfalls to see how many times you could knock someone around a room or into the room's deadly lava-wheel-spiked-man-eating-water-clock or whatever.