EA actually put in a "phone home" command in Crysis Warhead. That big fiasco that Mass Effect had shortly before release? I guess EA decided that not even revealing it this time around is better. I did some googling and found enough stories to confirm this. To this very day EA denies that Warhead even does this, except people have proof of Warhead trying to connect to the internet when people used firewall sniffing programs.
I wouldn't have known if it weren't for a combination of factors myself. I went on vacation for 10 days. When I get home my internet connection was dead for some reason. I wanted to play some single player games and I figured I would fire up Warhead. I get the strangest damn error. I think to myself EA couldn't possibly have actually done that. I try again, same error. When the internet comes back up I do some research and find out EA really did do this, and yet they refuse to acknowledge it at all. Even the Steam version of Warhead has this same feature.
I'm sorry EA, but I am not buying another product from you for some time. I am not going to stand by and let you fuck me over like this. No, I am not declaring that I am going to pirate your games. That gives you idiotic justification to use more of this bullshit. I am going to find legal cracks for the games I have purchased from you. What a fucking joke. Spore was one of your most heavily "protected" games and yet its also the most heavily pirated game to date. Congratulations you fucking morons. Your not stopping the pirates, but you are pissing off your customers.
I guess you could call me the perfect loyal customer. I have 11 EA games installed on my computer right now. The oldest game being Battlefield 2, and that came out in 2005. And thats just whats installed on my computer. No more EA. Until you stop this DRM bullshit, I am not purchasing another title from you.