Rogue 9 wrote:
Awwwww, widdle Stark doesn't like my gaming. Is widdle Stark gonna cry?

Jesus fucking Christ, get the fuck over yourself.
You ignorantly suggest an RTS in a thread asking for hotseat games and people laugh at you. I laugh at you, in a post full of actual suggestions, and you single it out and attempt to flame me. That is, as they say on Star Trek,
Do the later Worms games have proper weapon/etc configurability? The later games had really silly weapons that pretty much killed the non-random element, but were usually more polished otherwise.
And don't forget Buzz Aldrin's Race into Space is hotseat. There's a hackjob remake that works in modern OS's out there as well. It's heavily theme-reliant, but if you think rockets are cool it's fun to play.

If you can get Chaos Overlords working, it's hella fun as a light strategy game with a bit of humour.
If you were REALLY brave, you could play When Two Worlds War, a very early hotseat, split-screen RTS before the RTS genre existed. It's got bad pre-mouse controls, but it's an 'interesting' game. Star Control is better of course.