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Codex Adeptus Mechanicus
Posted: 2009-01-25 09:30pm
by Elheru Aran
Well, after reading 'Mechanicum' and hearing a good deal about what all's been going down, including speculation about a Codex: AdMech, I thought I'd see what all people thought about such a thing and how it might look...
Personally, I think it's quite possible. GW brought out Codex: Chaos Daemons, why not bring out the Mechanicus on the Imperium's side?
HQ: Fabricator-General (doesn't have to be the Martian one, just the forgeworld's F-G), Archmagos, Magos-General? Something like that...
Elites: Skitarii or some variation thereof? Knights? (it probably goes without saying that the Knights would be a 0-1 unit, and they'd be something like Dreadnoughts)
Troops: Skitarii again, Tech-Guard
Heavy Support: Knights? Tanks augmented by the powerful knowledge of the Mechanicum? Light Scout Titans?
Fast Attack: Bikers, hover-tanks...
What do y'all think, eh?
Edit: Mods, if this belongs in G&C, kindly punt with my apologies. Ta!
Re: Codex Adeptus Mechanicus
Posted: 2009-01-25 09:48pm
by Zor
Combat Servitors are a must. Also, tech guard should be better armored and armed (Hellguns being standard) but cost more: given that the AdMech's control of industry, it would make sense that they would get better gear.
Re: Codex Adeptus Mechanicus
Posted: 2009-01-25 09:54pm
by Falkenhayn
The first unofficial Codex Mechanicus hit the internet around '97-'98. What I didn't know is that Tim Huckleberry kept up with it, for five years apparently.
For Inspirational Purposes
Re: Codex Adeptus Mechanicus
Posted: 2009-01-25 09:59pm
by Shroom Man 777
The skiitari are nowhere near elite. At least, the depiction of them in the Cain novels are pretty... well, not underwhelming, but they're not overwhelming either. Just whelming.
Re: Codex Adeptus Mechanicus
Posted: 2009-01-25 10:14pm
by Falkenhayn
Shroom Man 777 wrote:The skiitari are nowhere near elite. At least, the depiction of them in the Cain novels are pretty... well, not underwhelming, but they're not overwhelming either. Just whelming.
Skitarii in
Titanicus are quite the opposite. The only distinctions I can draw between Titan Legion Skitarii and Astartes are that the Astartes are more intelligent individuals, and the Skitarii are more aggressive and possibly more durable.
My guess is that there's a difference between Tech Guard/Explorator Skitarii and "We Protect the Avatars of the Machine God" Skitarii.
Re: Codex Adeptus Mechanicus
Posted: 2009-01-26 03:22am
by Bedlam
There was a Mechanicus army list in one of the previous versions of 40K (about 2 editions ago I think).
I cant remember much about it apart from the electropriests who were close combat berzerkers who created electric fields around them to deflect incomeing fire and shock the enemy. I remember there was a chance of each of them 'burning out' each turn.
Re: Codex Adeptus Mechanicus
Posted: 2009-01-26 06:09am
by white_rabbit
HQ: Fabricator-General (doesn't have to be the Martian one, just the forgeworld's F-G), Archmagos, Magos-General? Something like that...
A fabricator general taking the field would be a bit unlikely, or if he did, it'd be inside something rather large, even for an Apocalypse game!
Arch-magos would be more than senior enough.
Elites: Skitarii or some variation thereof? Knights? (it probably goes without saying that the Knights would be a 0-1 unit, and they'd be something like Dreadnoughts)
Praetorians, as described in Dark Apostle, genetically engineered + excessive cybernetic weaponry. Electro priests might be in here as well, they are Marine killers.
Heavy Support: Knights? Tanks augmented by the powerful knowledge of the Mechanicum? Light Scout Titans?
Ordinatus minoris, three times the length of a Russ, with minor Titan scale weapons
Or maybe Leman Russ executioners, the Ryza Skitarii are supposed to field entire formations of tanks equipped with plasma cannon.
I think Knights would be doable, they are only twice the height of a dreadnaught, more or less, and fairly skinny.
Dark Apostle has a lot of the troop types attributed to the mechanicus, might be worth reading.
Re: Codex Adeptus Mechanicus
Posted: 2009-01-27 03:09pm
by NecronLord
Indeed. This is making up rules for a game, albeit a sci-fi one. This belongs in Gaming and Computers.
Re: Codex Adeptus Mechanicus
Posted: 2009-01-27 04:40pm
by Khaat
I started working with Tim Huckleberry's list years ago, but then the new IG came out (with doctrines, etc), so an Adeptus Mechanicus force can be whipped up in far too many ways.
Knights are superheavies. That means an "allied" force organization chart, with its own HQ+2Troop requirement (which would doubtless look like the Imperial Armor method: 2 troop (paladin) "tanks" per HQ or Elite "tank" (baron). It would allow for fast attack (lancers) and heavy units (wardens).
GW will not, however, allow AdMech troop types ever rival Space Marines (even if they fixed the point values), probably not even elites. Skitarii will remain up-gunned (and modified) guardsmen, Servitors will remain stupid, lumbering grunts, and if robots ever make a comeback, they'll be in the heavy support category, with all the old toys: rapier laser destroyers, thudd guns, mole mortars, conversion beamers....
HQ - Tech Magos (with their faction figured in), Tech Priest, Tech Guard Commander (and their support units, rhino or chimera transport options)
Elite - Tech Marines (up to 3 as one selection), Dreadnauts (but only in forces without robots), Electro-Priest squads,
Troops - Skitarii (Tech Guard), Servitors (gun or melee), Machine Cultists (levy), (rhino or chimera transport options)
Fast Attack - Sentinels, Land Speeders (I would go "counts as" SM land speeder, closed and BS4 "with servitor crew"), Cycle and/or gravbike gangs (including sidecar bike opion).
Heavy Support - any Imperial tank, robots (0-1 maniple of up to 4 robots and their tech adept), oddball stuff (rapiers, tarantulas, mole mortars, conversion beamers, etc, probably in groups of 1-3 per selection)
The one factor that gets forgotten is that Tech Guard are supposed to interface with Imperial Guard seamlessly. An Explorator force will be a questing Tech Magos with whatever he can get (or wants), and Forgeworld Defense forces will be any- and everything that can be mobilized.
... I'm sure I left something important out.