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WoW PVP server

Posted: 2009-01-29 03:41am
by phred
Honestly, how sad do you have to be to run around Westfall or Stranglethorn at level 80 hunting lowbies? :banghead: I like to think I'm not a complete asshole, but while I was doing SM runs a couple times I was in a bad enough mood to kill anything that got too close to the road on the run up.

Now that I'm in outlands I finally started seeing something approaching fair fights out there

Re: WoW PVP server

Posted: 2009-01-29 06:54am
by Lord Revan
well it seems to be a problem with the PvP population in general not just PvP realms, I've seen and been subject to (on both sides) to fare share of ambushes (and I don't mean being attacked while I had PvP tag active (I play in PvE realms), but activily and clearly waiting until I was incapable of responding to their attacks properly (with their PvP tag inactive ofc) either due to PvE fight or lvl difference) and raids to lowbie settlements (in all but few cases on the defenders side).

it almost seems like a mark of a "pro"-PvPer that you avoid fair fight and much as possible and try to annoy the other faction even if there's nothing to gain (those people who raid lowbie settlements generally flee in panic if anyone who's less then 30 lvls lower then they shows up and I mean honest to god rout not some fighting retreat)

Re: WoW PVP server

Posted: 2009-01-29 04:22pm
by 2000AD
It's why the more meaningful PvP takes place on regular servers. You only take part if you want to.

Re: WoW PVP server

Posted: 2009-01-29 04:56pm
by Oskuro
Ahhh, the wonders of consequence-free griefing. If there's something videogames prove, is how big of an asshole most players are. It's be nice to ennact a lineage2-kharma system for a day, and see them cry.... oh, wait, that already happened with the Dishonorable Kill system! Apparently, locking up lowbie quest zones by killing the NPCs is an integral part of the WoW experience. Who knew!

Re: WoW PVP server

Posted: 2009-01-29 05:57pm
by Crown
phred wrote:Honestly, how sad do you have to be to run around Westfall or Stranglethorn at level 80 hunting lowbies? :banghead: I like to think I'm not a complete asshole, but while I was doing SM runs a couple times I was in a bad enough mood to kill anything that got too close to the road on the run up.

Now that I'm in outlands I finally started seeing something approaching fair fights out there
Gank-a-thorne Vale is a known griefing zone, suck it up matey. And how the hell are Horde ganking Ally's in Westfall? That's an Alliance only zone, they shouldn't be flagged for PvP.

Not that I condone that behaviour, but I think you'll find that most of these guys are going for the easiest Achievement that rewards a title 'The Explorer' and they are bored out of their mother fucking skulls so griefing a few lowbies here and there is kinda fun for them.

Oh, and P.S. The amount of times Crossroads has completely been whipped of the map as far as quest givers go, will be of at least 10 orders of magnitude greater to what Westfall has ever had to endure.

Re: WoW PVP server

Posted: 2009-01-29 06:54pm
by Ghost Rider
phred wrote:Honestly, how sad do you have to be to run around Westfall or Stranglethorn at level 80 hunting lowbies? :banghead: I like to think I'm not a complete asshole, but while I was doing SM runs a couple times I was in a bad enough mood to kill anything that got too close to the road on the run up.

Now that I'm in outlands I finally started seeing something approaching fair fights out there
It's a PvP server and the majority of WoW(regardless of actual age) are 10 year old buttfuckers who couldn't PvP unless they have the advantage. So looking for real PvP? Seriously go to another game, WoW is and has always been a PvE game with PvP attached to go "We haz WARZ!!!!!!!". As Crown put it, suck it up. There have been known areas of ganking since the day PvP started and when you reach each new expansion there will be a Rogue/Death Knight/Ret Pally/Arcane Mage that will look for fresh meat.

And before anyone asks I do remember the wonderful horror that was Tarren Mill/Southshore. Fuck Crossroads. There were days you never went to that area unless it was to die horribly or you were a level 60 Warrior/Paladin weilding the Obsidan Blade to laugh at anyone less then epic to two shot.

Re: WoW PVP server

Posted: 2009-01-29 07:46pm
by phred
Ghost Rider wrote:And before anyone asks I do remember the wonderful horror that was Tarren Mill/Southshore. Fuck Crossroads. There were days you never went to that area unless it was to die horribly or you were a level 60 Warrior/Paladin weilding the Obsidan Blade to laugh at anyone less then epic to two shot.
I know. It's still going on. It's the closest Alliance flightpath to SM, so when you start doing those instances you're finally high enough to start returning the favor.

I think i ask my friends why we moved to that server when we came back about once a week

Re: WoW PVP server

Posted: 2009-01-29 09:17pm
by Crossroads Inc.
Im on a PvP server myself <ventureCo> and I really can't cry one once about anyone who willingly chooses to come to one and then complain about it. It is far from sarcastic to say people go around Actively looking for lowbies 30 or more levels lower to gank and slaughter. Even once you hit 70 you weren't safe, on Sunwell island there was an alliance rogue named Yizz who became infamous from specfically targeting people both in combat and under 50% of life, he wouldn't even go near you unless those two targets where met.

As for Tarren Mill and Southshore... I didnt get to finish the quest there till i was in my 50's

Re: WoW PVP server

Posted: 2009-01-29 10:17pm
by Thirdfain
Crossroads, you're on Venture Co? Why?

I have played exclusively on PvP servers. I find the concept of being constantly hunted to be sort of appealing. The levelling up quests were mostly boring. Adding in the slight chance of being attacked by an incredibly powerful psychopath only added a pleasant thrill of danger, magnified a million times the few times I was able to escape. Later, when I was in my 50's and 60's, I got to take part in some pretty sweet team PvP exercises- For instance, my old guild, the Stranglethorn Pirates, would take over the boat between STV and the Barrens. We'd all be dressed up in pirate gear stinking drunk, and if any ally tried to take the boat, we'd kill them horribly. It was fun, it was more than a little mean, but it provided a unique experience you won't get on a non-pvp server.

Re: WoW PVP server

Posted: 2009-01-29 11:11pm
by Crossroads Inc.
Thirdfain wrote:Crossroads, you're on Venture Co? Why?
It is one of the few servers where the Horde outnumber the Alliance >:)