My ideas:
While the idea of a separate Battle map and a strategic map has its merits, it does has its flaws as well.The battle is now completely cut off from its environment. In ETW, CA has addressed the issue to some extend by improving the AI behave.
However, things such as constant harassment, wrecking the army campsite and their supplies stores. Other than that, speed issue has never been addressed where actual physics has been applied.
For example, the effectiveness of a charge is determined by the speed and momentum your units gain over time. Their speed will increase as they run, making a charge more effective at certain times. However, if they charge for too long, they will lose their momentum and slow down.
This is one way to prevent micro-managers from winning the battle. Controls over your troops is also too easy. Orders do not reach units so easily until you have the ability to micro-manage the battle. Sometimes, the units should attack in ways you do not expect them to, if the unit is not properly trained for example.
Sometimes, the AI needs to be able to reflect how a unit will behave if you fail to take notice of your unit. Bear in mind that not only should the AI General be human-like, the units you are commanding are supposed to be humans as well.Will any unit in real life be so dumb to let their flanks be attacked? Most likely, the unit commander would detach some units to secure or protect their flanks to some extend, until support arrive. A unit that can be independent and aware of the threats they faced, and respond as a logical person should.
In the mist of fighting, do you think the unit will just stand there until their general ordered them to react? They will react, but sometimes in a manner that is not effective. Some times a unit can flank the enemy on their own, while other time, they will let themselves be surrounded, due to the different units being unable to coordinate with each other.
Moreover, the units in the game does not display agent like behavior. Units don't behave as a group of men, and behave more like a unit. When a rout occur, some people in the unit will rout, while others will stay. A unit in the army does not rout as one unit. They routed as a person, routing one by one.
If the commanding officer of the unit is killed, the unit will be affected. Some may choose to rout, while others will stay back and form a solid line. You can't order your troops to give ground. You can use units that is flexible for instance, and being able to adapt them to different situation and etc.
Nor does the unit interact their army with the environment to a full extend. While rocky terrains means your entire army can't stand on that rocks, a defender should have time to deploy sub-units to scatter themselves all over those rocky terrain. Huge gush of sands does not disrupt the unit ability to understand orders.
You can't expect help from outside the battle box, such as having supporting troops bringing in fresh ammo for instances. Your troops can't re-equipped themselves with weapons and armor stolen from the enemy for instance. Your troops for some reason cannot be trained to use a large number of unit formation available.
Can a infantry unit make use of multiple formation?
In the next CA revolutionary game as compared to their evolutionary game, they need to factor all this issue in, and re-design the total war system from scratch if they have to. Many of those stuff that cannot be represented by a mod.
So total war fans, instead of complaining about realism issues such as uniforms, complain about the hard-coded realism issue in the game engine itself. I do not want a block of chess set wearing historically accurate uniforms and armour. If I want that, then I would play a Computer chess game. I would not be playing a total war game where I can see them not just as a bunch of units, but as an individual men.
Hey, the AI is not supposed to be around to ONLY represent the enemy general, the AI can be used to represent the environmental challenges, and the individual units and men under your command. I want to command an actual army, not chess pieces. I also want to limit people from further abusing the game system by taking detailed notes on the units stats. In a real battle, you don't have such a detailed information available to you.
Commanding a chess set and an army is two different thing. We have a computer for a reason, instead of using the computers to give us better looking units, how about giving us an actual and accurate depiction of an army?
My idea does has numerous flaws, but I do believe some ideas can work, and provide a more realistic depiction of massed fighting in the past. Feel free to tear apart any stupid ideas, as always.