Stormin wrote:Ugh, I really don't like having three posts in a row but the original warhammer online thread is way down there and this isn't worth its own thread. Here is a guide a guildie of mine did up for people moving from WoW to Warhammer to picking their classes. I feel it's inaccurate on several classes since she never played most of those classes but it should make an okay guideline.
Priest: Shadow
If you were a player who enjoyed "helping" the group through your damage and buffs, you may enjoy the Archmage or Shaman careers. This Archetype thrives on a balance of damage and healing done. Healing spells done will charge up the strength or effectiveness of your damage spells (up to 5 charges) most notably either increasing the power of the spell or shortening the cast time. Damage spells done will likewise improve the strength or effectiveness of your healing spells (also up to 5 charges) either increasing the strength (healing done) of your heal spell, or shortening the cast time (for powerful instant cast heals) etc. If you've ever been locked in damage mode as a shadowpriest and wished you could drop a heal in shadowform, the balance of Archmage or Shaman will likely appeal to you. However be warned that in the climate of the Warhammer game world, these classes are viewed by others as healing classes, and you will be expected to fill empty HP bars when needed. Alternatively, Archmage and Shaman careers may also be largely enjoyed by the former Discipline Priest to a large extent based on the survivability as a healer/caster hybrid as well as the flexibility. If you specced your priest in such a way as to solo, you will find a similarly rewarding experience with Shaman or Archmage. This is also a viable path for the Balance Druid and perhaps the Elemental Shaman.
lol. When I first advertised my Warrior Priest to WOWers, they said"so, you're essentially a meelee Shadowpriest, right?"
The class mechanic for AM is pointless. As a WP, I actually do what the Shadowpriests in WOW do. Heal and damage, all at the same time.
Warrior: Protection
Tanks that are designed to tank are in abundance in Warhammer, what may be suprising however, is that tanks actually are effective and useful aditions to RvR combat through abilities like hold the line and guard, as well as the heavy armor and sheilds that lend peerless survivability. Tanks will not only be in demand for their aggro holding and damage absorbtion for PvE encounters and public quests, but also are charged with aggressively attacking the enemy lines, using the player's own cunning, and not game taunt mechanics, to irritate enemy players so that they focus their attacks on the tank, while the tank protects the allies at his rear. Differing tank classes are also gifted with knockbacks, knockdowns, interrupts and damage absorbtion spells.
Tanking Classes include: Swordmaster/Black Orc, Ironbreaker/Blackguard and Knight of the Blazing Sun/Chosen.
Each archetype set includes a pure tanking specialty, a damaging specialty, and a group buffs or enemy debuffs specialty.
I played all 3 Order Tank classes. let just say, if you're a warrior Prot spec in the oldstyle(I have no idea how WOTLK Prot play now), prepare to be pleasantly surprised.
First of all, ignore the class mechanic. The Class mechanics only augment the different playstyles of each class, they in no way represent the class actual role and speciality.
Dwaves vs Orcs= Hard and Tough.
Humans vs Chaos= Utility
Elves vs Dark Elves= Damage. Well, in the case of the SM, pretends to do damage.
First of all, You're going to have to think about what role your tank should have. Is he going to be the traditional Prot warrior, holding down aggro and being hard and tough? The feral Bear who's toughness and armour is legendary? If so, choose IB and BO tanking talent class. By going down the route of stone, you gain immense KBs tactics, enhance your skills and toughness. However, do know that the Ironbreaker tanking buffs are single player, vs the Black Orc party wide buffs. In return, the Ironbreaker has better utility as grudge improves his buffs, is not reliant on a combo mechanic for his tanking abilities and can deal better damage when fully grudged up. Overall, best tank in the game.Black Orcs with their self heals and the like are similarly extremely powerful tankers, and often favoured by Destruction.
A Paladin tanker that deals aggro on reactive damage? While there's no true equivalent, the Knight of the Blazing Suns and Chosen are for you. You get auras that boost people near you, giving you an instant utility miles better than any other class. Both class tankers are also similar in role and toughness/skills unlike other tank opposites, although the KOTBS has a better damage output due to tactics. The Chosen appears to be more....... defensive in nature, while the KOTBS appears more offensive. Nevertheless, the KOTBS equivalent of thorns make them an excellent utility tanker. Boosts to stats while debuffing your enemy make both of them highly useful in pvp.
The last tanking class is also one of the more......... disappointing variant. The Blackguard is highly anti-magic. While both of these classes are meant to be offensive and are "weaker", only the Blackguard is a damage dealer. The SM combo mechanic tends to swing it towards "burst" type damage, which is simply too low if he's using a shield. Which he needs because unlike the Black Orc, he's simply too weak to stand up to anything if not shielded. The Blackguard is also superior in anti-magic abilities, as his abilities work via debuffs and not limited to self, which is what the SM does. The advantage is that the SM allows for increased party damage via debuffing spirit resistance and other skills, but utility wise, he's still worse off than the KOTBS. The combo mechanic allows him to deal out more steady DPS, as they preserve AP, but unlike the BO, he can't capitalise on that, and steady DPS do not down players. The Blackguard also find himself lacking in terms of straight burst DPS.
Still, Destruction may like the Blackguard, but for Order players, avoid the feminine bitch like the plague! Sorry elvies, but you're on your own. The closest in WOW thinking would be the Arms/Prot Warrior, which specs deep enough to get Mortal Strike, while using the remainding talents for Prot. This is even more equivalent when you arm yourself with a 2-hander, although no respective WAR player does that.
In theory, aura class mechanic gives you instant, superior utility, combos give you more steady utility and DPS while grudge/hate gives you upgraded abilities(tanking buffs for IB, increased dps for blackguard). But that's in theory.................