Mass Effect 2 teaser
Posted: 2009-02-21 11:54pm
Get your fill of sci-fi, science, and mockery of stupid ideas
Tali's name you mean? It's not, it's still Tali'Zorah nar Rayya there.Havok wrote:It is Dorsk. It is right there in the trailer.
*Ahem* Yeah, whatever. I might get this.
They change their name after they get on another ship, which is something Tali has not done yet, as she promises to stay with Sheppard until they've resolved the whole Saren/Reaper thing, which they still have not.Dorsk 81 wrote:One thing though, shouldn't Tali's name be different now? She went back to her people after Mass Effect with the Geth data right, so shouldn't her name be Tali'Zorah var [name of the ship she joined]?
I doubt it. She knew that the Reapers were a threat to galactic civilization before anyone else in your party, and when you find out that there are more of them, and that they are still out there, and that they might come back, I'm pretty sure she'd take "galactic level threat" over "get this info back home"Dorsk 81 wrote:I'd have assumed she'd have gone back once the immediate threat from Sovereign, was over. She seemed sure the data about the Geth was going to be pretty important.
If it involves the obvious explanation that the Geth are being used by the council to keep minor races in line and continue their hegemony in perpetuity and Saren just went rogue and took them with him to serve silly old Solder, it'll be awesome.Peptuck wrote:A geth squad member would either be the most awesome thing ever or the lamest thing in the history of gaming.
Yeah, I can't wait to see how crap Bioware games can get either. From KotOR to ... this.Peptuck wrote:Also, standard issue squee.
Stark, your shiny rays of optimistic joy never cease to warm my heart.Stark wrote:Yeah, I can't wait to see how crap Bioware games can get either. From KotOR to ... this.Peptuck wrote:Also, standard issue squee.
Honestly, ME has some good stuff going for it. It has a great, complex pulpy sci-fi setting and some interesting characters (Garrus, Wrex, Tali, and Ashley are among my faves) but the Reapers...ugh. That needs some serious work.Stark wrote:If they made Gears of Effect they'd be better off; the combat in ME wasn't shabby at all (although the level design and power balance needs work). The retarded plot and hackneyed, incoherent questlines are what made it bad. They should either give up on that or play the fucking Witcher and grow up.
Surely you don't actually think Ashley is an interesting character. I could pass Tali, but Ashley? She was awful.Peptuck wrote:Ashley
You know, it would be pretty cool if, in this instance, you were wrong.This has zero chance of happening and we all know how worthless the Geth are.
What was wrong with Ashley?Ford Prefect wrote:Surely you don't actually think Ashley is an interesting character. I could pass Tali, but Ashley? She was awful.Peptuck wrote:Ashley
It's a game, not a world-building exercise. It has to be fun to play, which beyond the combat ME is not.Peptuck wrote:Honestly, ME has some good stuff going for it.
'Useless fluff with no impact on game'. It's absurd how much nonsensical fanfiction the game was filled with - what did they call it, in the journal, with the stuff not just game-irrelevant but actually contradicted by the game? The 'codex'? lol.Peptuck wrote:It has a great, complex pulpy sci-fi setting
Dirty cop, Angry Warrior, Outcast, Fundamentalist. Original!Peptuck wrote:and some interesting characters (Garrus, Wrex, Tali, and Ashley are among my faves)
No, it's obvious they hoped nobody had played Star Control 2 and wouldn't bother actually examining the plot which makes almost no sense on any level beyond 'everyone is a fucking retard'. The fact Solder had a fucking villian monologue is the second-best proof Bioware can't write shit to save their fucking lives. Random idiots on the internet like me can fix the setting and plot; Bioware just don't care because why would they? Nerds don't want 'consistent' or 'dramatic' they want OMG TEH BEWBS and WOOT MEANINGLESS CUTSCENES OF EXPLOSIONS.Peptuck wrote: but the Reapers...ugh. That needs some serious work.
That needed work decades ago when it appeared in other, better games. It's retarded to say the setting is 'great' and then say that the fucking centrepiece of that setting is crap.
Peptuck wrote:Its obvious they were trying to go for some Lovecraftian-style incomprehensible space horror, but Sovereign was like Cthulhu fused with Goldfinger. Sovereign would have been a hundred times more frightening if it had never spoken at all, and just did things.
She was obnoxious as all get out. Remember the first time religion comes up? Sheppard makes a completely neutral comment and she bites his head off. That first conversation with her about her faith is actually impressive writing, because while Sheppard is tactful, it's clear from the way the line is written and delivered he thinks she's being an obnoxious redneck.Peptuck wrote:What was wrong with Ashley?
This is still annoys me. Wrex was my favourite character. He was a shining beacon in a mediocre cast. WHOOPS SORRY WREXFRIENDS.Wrex was totally destroyed as a character by the writer's cowardice.
The combat system was fine. I was wholly underwhelmed by the level design and art direction though. Look! It's a superfluous set piece! Anyone else remember the last level of Halo?Peptuck wrote:
Honestly, ME has some good stuff going for it.
Pulpy? *HACK* All the "complexity" of the plot comes from borrowed episodes of DS9's emo nonsense. Instead of "team of professional guvmint assassins" we get "teh epic characters".It has a great, complex pulpy sci-fi setting and some interesting characters (Garrus, Wrex, Tali, and Ashley are among my faves) but the Reapers...ugh. That needs some serious work.
Well, the thing is Stark has actually played good games so he knows how to spot the bad ones. In this case, Stark played Mass Effect 6 times because he lives in Australia. Presumably the interval between orgies was too long and he had to find something to do.Galvatron wrote:Wow. I played ME for the first time just a couple months ago and loved it. Who would have guessed it was actually a piece of shit before reading this thread?
Enjoy game = is good? This isnot a logical relationship.Galvatron wrote:Wow. I played ME for the first time just a couple months ago and loved it. Who would have guessed it was actually a piece of shit before reading this thread?