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Skate 2
Posted: 2009-02-27 01:49am
by weemadando
Is anyone else even playing this? I'd like to try out some of the Freeskate stuff (stolen straight from Burnout Paradise it would appear) but have no one to MP with.
In the meantime, check this out:
My best vid
Broke both legs hitting the downed postbox, was travelling at about 42km/h when I hit the pole HEAD FIRST, then cracked the rest of me into it. In slow mo you could actually see the broken legs going in all the wrong directions.
Re: Skate 2
Posted: 2009-02-27 02:32am
by DPDarkPrimus
This is a game where you make your own fun. It's not for everyone.
Re: Skate 2
Posted: 2009-02-27 08:34am
by Chardok
It's not for everyone because it's horrible, the controls are shit and it's BORING.
Re: Skate 2
Posted: 2009-02-27 04:10pm
by chitoryu12
Chardok wrote:It's not for everyone because it's horrible, the controls are shit and it's BORING.
Maybe you just suck. I was getting nice combos after checking the move list and control scheme the first day I played for real (I had played Hall of Meat and Spot Battle a few times with the demo, but never actual skating outside of those two small areas). The right stick is a bit irritating when you want to hit it at an angle, but it's not hard at all, and it got pretty intuitive after less than an hour of playing.
In fact, the one thing I have a problem with is that you always seem to be going too slow, but that may just be because I was raised on Tony Hawk where you could sometimes outstrip passing cars.
Re: Skate 2
Posted: 2009-02-27 04:30pm
by TheMuffinKing
That was hilarious. I think I'll give skate 2 a try!
Re: Skate 2
Posted: 2009-02-27 07:19pm
by DPDarkPrimus
Chardok wrote:It's not for everyone because it's horrible, the controls are shit and it's BORING.
The controls are amazing. Yes, it's more difficult to pull of tricks than Tony Hawk, but it's a lot more satisfying, too, because in Tony Hawk you can just button mash and get 598,495 points.
As per "it's BORING", I direct you to my comment where I said you make your own fun. Obviously, if you're an uncreative lout who can't play games that don't have flashing arrows on-screen telling you where to go next, then maybe you'll find it "boring".
Re: Skate 2
Posted: 2009-02-27 09:49pm
by chitoryu12
And the tricks you pull look cooler anyway. Tony Hawk just looks ultra-fake, especially when you leap off a precipice, come to a stop in midair, and tilt down to land into a quarterpipe before hitting a ramp and flying a hundred feet into the air and pulling a McTwist over a passing blimp, then a few kickflips on the way down.
In Skate, you skate up a funbox, pop a heelflip onto a rail, slide along at an odd angle, then after slowing down to a near-stop, hopping off onto a ledge next to it, balancing for a second, and doing a pop-shovit off. In Tony Hawk, that wouldn't even be possible.
Re: Skate 2
Posted: 2009-02-27 11:39pm
by DPDarkPrimus
I've gotten more satisfaction in skate just pushing around and finding a spot where I see a line, setting a marker and then working it for a couple hours trying different things out until I get my "ideal run" than I've ever gotten out of a Tony Hawk game.
Re: Skate 2
Posted: 2009-02-28 12:02am
by weemadando
One of my best lines thus far. Nothing spectacular, but simple solid grinds linked together. And yes I landed it. And yes. I killed that spot.
Re: Skate 2
Posted: 2009-02-28 09:24pm
by chitoryu12
weemadando wrote:One of my best lines thus far. Nothing spectacular, but simple solid grinds linked together. And yes I landed it. And yes. I killed that spot.
I remember trying to hit that sculpture. Never managed to get all the way along the edge, and just ended up grinding to a halt after around ten feet.
Re: Skate 2
Posted: 2009-03-01 02:31pm
by weemadando