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(40k) Non-green orks

Posted: 2009-02-27 06:57pm
by Pulp Hero
I plan to create secondary army of orks in the future. But the greenskin is so overdone- I'm going to paint them red instead.

Is there any fluff about non-green orks out there or am I going to have to invent my own techno/bio-babble?

Re: (40k) Non-green orks

Posted: 2009-02-27 07:10pm
by Tasoth
I don't know if it extends to 40k, but Warhammer has black orcs, which are bigger, meaner, and the most frightening part, intelligent then the bog standard green orcs.

Re: (40k) Non-green orks

Posted: 2009-02-27 07:14pm
by Vendetta
Tasoth wrote:I don't know if it extends to 40k, but Warhammer has black orcs, which are bigger, meaner, and the most frightening part, intelligent then the bog standard green orcs.
Black Orcs aren't actually black (they used to be, back in about 3rd ed), they're very dark green.

There's no reason you couldn't do different coloured orks, your mekboy got a big idea about a new way of brewing squig juice one day, and, well, look what happened.

(I doubt anyone will let you get away with an extra 1" move for painting all your boyz red though....)

Re: (40k) Non-green orks

Posted: 2009-02-27 07:15pm
by DPDarkPrimus
Why not paint them green, then use a sponge to put red over most of their skin?

Re: (40k) Non-green orks

Posted: 2009-02-27 07:23pm
by Pulp Hero
I want the skin itself to be red. I swear I've seen some fantasy art with red orc/orc like creatures and it looks really cool.

Re: (40k) Non-green orks

Posted: 2009-02-27 07:32pm
by Zor
Pulp Hero wrote:I want the skin itself to be red. I swear I've seen some fantasy art with red orc/orc like creatures and it looks really cool.
Khorne Corrupted Orks?


Re: (40k) Non-green orks

Posted: 2009-02-27 07:38pm
by Raxmei
No fluff precedent, so you'll have to make something up. Red Tyranid super-algae?

Re: (40k) Non-green orks

Posted: 2009-02-27 07:41pm
by Juubi Karakuchi
It sounds similar to an idea I had. I came up with the concept of a Chaos Warlord providing chaos-corrupted Orky booze to an Ork warband, turning them into monsters he could control. This was inspired by the Fel Orcs in Warcraft III: bigger, red-skinned, with more ornate weapons and demonic magic.

Here's a link for your perusal.

Re: (40k) Non-green orks

Posted: 2009-02-28 07:45am
by white_rabbit
The Orks of Golgotha, according to Gunheads,have reddish brown skin due to the dust storms and "fines", a condition in which the constant wind and tiny particles of stuff in the atmosphere combine to create some sort of illness which can kill humans.

Orks are obviously okay, cos they is Tuff, and not squishie.

And I mean really tuff, who the fuck gets back up after a 120mm armour piercing round through the chest ? :shock:

If it were fantasy you could go with the Chaos Dwarves playing silly buggers with Orc genetics, they tried it once already after all! The orks in Brothers of the Snake indicate another possibility, they are so covered with white skin paint, tattoos, fetishes etc that their green skin colour is barely visible.

Re: (40k) Non-green orks

Posted: 2009-02-28 10:11am
by Teleros
In the fluff the green colouring is largely due to algae or somesuch in the blood. A mutation in this (perhaps even selected for through orky / natural selection if it gave enough other advantages) might do the trick.

Re: (40k) Non-green orks

Posted: 2009-02-28 02:16pm
by fgalkin
Moved to G&C, since this is mostly about justifying painting an Ork army red (to make 'em go fasta! WAAAAAAGH!)

Have a very nice day.

Re: (40k) Non-green orks

Posted: 2009-02-28 04:54pm
by Ford Prefect
fgalkin wrote:(to make 'em go fasta! WAAAAAAGH!)
There's your reason. They want to run faster, and so traditionally dye themselves red.

Re: (40k) Non-green orks

Posted: 2009-02-28 05:34pm
by fgalkin
Ford Prefect wrote:
fgalkin wrote:(to make 'em go fasta! WAAAAAAGH!)
There's your reason. They want to run faster, and so traditionally dye themselves red.
Except that apparently he wants to have actual red orks, rather than green Orks painting themselves red.

Have a very nice day.

Re: (40k) Non-green orks

Posted: 2009-02-28 05:52pm
by weemadando
fgalkin wrote:
Ford Prefect wrote:
fgalkin wrote:(to make 'em go fasta! WAAAAAAGH!)
There's your reason. They want to run faster, and so traditionally dye themselves red.
Except that apparently he wants to have actual red orks, rather than green Orks painting themselves red.

Have a very nice day.
OK, so have a Dok-boy do some gene-therapy to create a whole new line of red-chlorophyll spores.

To make them go faster obviously.

Re: (40k) Non-green orks

Posted: 2009-02-28 07:18pm
by Vendetta
Gene therapy be damned, the dok just needs a big needle full of red stuff, and all da boyz gots ta bend over and 'ave dere shots.

Re: (40k) Non-green orks

Posted: 2009-03-01 02:26am
by Tanasinn
If you're trying to give this a fluff-ish justification, it might be worth considering how other orks view your guys. Orks in general take a very dim view on anything un-orky, and suddenly turning red might qualify, even if it is fasta.

Re: (40k) Non-green orks

Posted: 2009-03-01 03:13am
by The Grim Squeaker
Vendetta wrote:Gene therapy be damned, the dok just needs a big needle full of red stuff, and all da boyz gots ta bend over and 'ave dere shots.
A) I can totally see that making sense and really working, fluff wise.
B) But with a Really Big Fucking needle. I mean something that looks built to extract like a miniature oil derrick.

Re: (40k) Non-green orks

Posted: 2009-03-01 05:31pm
Ford Prefect wrote:
fgalkin wrote:(to make 'em go fasta! WAAAAAAGH!)
There's your reason. They want to run faster, and so traditionally dye themselves red.
Why did it take so long for someone to mention this?

Forget all the contrived reasoning, just have them paint themselves red.