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DVD cleaning - glue residue
Posted: 2009-03-04 03:13am
by El Moose Monstero
I got the stargate season 1-10 box set for christmas, but got it late, so can't just return it to the sender as the 28 day period has expired. The discs are all marked with a solid, encrusted and raised glue residue which is on the inner circle of every disc, just around where the turntable bit sits into the hole, and this seems to be having some effect on the disc playing as despite not being scratched, they are virtually unplayable. Is there anything I can do to remove this glue residue without fucking my discs further and potentially returning them to playable status?
I googled this, but as I have no idea what the damn stuff encrusting the discs is, it's difficult, and most people looking for 'glue removal' appear to be looking for something to remove sticky stuff, where as this residue is solid.
Any help much appreciated!
Re: DVD cleaning - glue residue
Posted: 2009-03-04 04:02am
by pj1351
First off, have you already tried normal CD/DVD cleaning fluid, or warm and mildly soapy water? If so, I suppose you could try something like methylated spirits or mineral turpentine, though it's probably best to test whatever you use with an expendable CD/DVD disc to make sure it won't end up dissolving and frakking up the discs you try to use them on.
Re: DVD cleaning - glue residue
Posted: 2009-03-04 05:15am
by Laughing Mechanicus
As I recall turpentine has a tendency to turn transparent plastics opaque, so you definitely need to test that on some useless disc before putting it anywhere near the ones you want to fix.
To be honest, if you have a box set of ten seasons of SG-1 and every disc has solid glue encrusted on it then I really think you should at least try returning it, even if the normal returns period has expired. That is a seriously major defect and I would think there's a worthwhile chance they will make an exception and swap it for you, especially if you explain that it was a gift and hence why you missed the returns window.
Re: DVD cleaning - glue residue
Posted: 2009-03-04 06:37am
by Tolya
Be very very careful. Most glue removers are just solvents which mess up the surface of the plastic.
If I were you I would get a small knife and try to remove the residue physically. No chemistry, since you don't know what the residue is and what would work on it.
Re: DVD cleaning - glue residue
Posted: 2009-03-04 08:09pm
by Rye
Firstly, I'm assuming you've attempted peeling it, if that hasn't worked, 28 days or not, you should be covered for actual faults like glue for ages. Contact the people involved and they should replace it. If not, your local GAME store should have a cd repair (i.e. grinding in a disc-go devil machine) service. I think it's 3 discs for a fiver.
Re: DVD cleaning - glue residue
Posted: 2009-03-05 02:52am
by El Moose Monstero
Yes, I've tried peeling it, the damn stuff is totally solid and immune to even a careful probe with a sharp knife, I just don't know what it is, I've seen it on other discs, but I always associated it with cheap imports from China/Taiwan etc that I got on ebay. I'll post a picture tonight, if only to satisfy my curiosity and maybe to avoid getting stung by it in future if it's likely to occur in x scenario or y box sets.
My Hornblower DVD box set and my Deep Space Nine box set also showed this problem, but nowhere near as badly, but those were cheap ebay imports, whilst this was from Although maybe they buy from the same people.
Play say they should be able to take it back if I can get the person who got it for me to ring in, so hopefully that should be resolved soon. I just don't know whether I want to get another one from Play if it's going to come from the same source, or get a refund and buy it from someone else.
Re: DVD cleaning - glue residue
Posted: 2009-03-05 07:53am
by Rye
Play are pretty good for it. Replace it and then if it's still fucked ask for a refund.