No RE5 light-ups? :)
Posted: 2009-03-17 06:22pm
Gentlemen, distinguished ladies and esteemed transgendered folk,
Gamespot gives RE5 8.5/10. 1UP gives it a B; and GameSpy, an effective 9/10.
From the [albeit incredibly brief] demo I downloaded from XBox Live, I find these ratings ... optimistic.
In the section I played, my partner and I were inside a shack, trying to keep zombies out. The premise is fine; God knows that I loved RE1, 2 and Code: Veronica many years ago.
Judging by the reaction y'all had to the demo, though, I wonder: how in the hell can this game make up for its slow-as-molasses controls?
I did my level-best to shoot the demo zombies invading my shack, but pointing my laser sights at them and firing away was a fucking chore. The word "plodding" came to mind, and I was immediately turned off. It felt like the virtual opposite of latter-day GTA targetting, in which you'd simply lock onto the nearest target. While that works, it's almost too easy. Much as I hate to invoke a golden mean, how about -- gasp -- natural aiming?
For example -- and although I'm not a marksman by any means -- when I shoot live rounds, target acquisition doesn't require that I slowly drag a laser up to the target's head and/or torso over the course of two seconds. Ceritus paribus, I can acquire the "meat" of the target in a second or less, fire and, of course, see an immediate effect (holes in the target paper).
Has anyone played RE5 proper and, if so, can you confirm that the awkward shooting in the demo doesn't impede the game taken as a whole?
I might rent the sucker tomorrow just to see if I can better slog through it, but I'm obvious curious here: what do you make of the title?
Gamespot gives RE5 8.5/10. 1UP gives it a B; and GameSpy, an effective 9/10.
From the [albeit incredibly brief] demo I downloaded from XBox Live, I find these ratings ... optimistic.
In the section I played, my partner and I were inside a shack, trying to keep zombies out. The premise is fine; God knows that I loved RE1, 2 and Code: Veronica many years ago.
Judging by the reaction y'all had to the demo, though, I wonder: how in the hell can this game make up for its slow-as-molasses controls?
I did my level-best to shoot the demo zombies invading my shack, but pointing my laser sights at them and firing away was a fucking chore. The word "plodding" came to mind, and I was immediately turned off. It felt like the virtual opposite of latter-day GTA targetting, in which you'd simply lock onto the nearest target. While that works, it's almost too easy. Much as I hate to invoke a golden mean, how about -- gasp -- natural aiming?
For example -- and although I'm not a marksman by any means -- when I shoot live rounds, target acquisition doesn't require that I slowly drag a laser up to the target's head and/or torso over the course of two seconds. Ceritus paribus, I can acquire the "meat" of the target in a second or less, fire and, of course, see an immediate effect (holes in the target paper).
Has anyone played RE5 proper and, if so, can you confirm that the awkward shooting in the demo doesn't impede the game taken as a whole?
I might rent the sucker tomorrow just to see if I can better slog through it, but I'm obvious curious here: what do you make of the title?