[Let's Play] Sins of a Desperate Gamer [no56]
Posted: 2009-03-19 11:02pm
As always, Ford Prefect deserves our thanks. He is the best of all of us!

Idyllic Trade Port Fatman in orbit around Tastng
In any case, in the beginning there was Planet Tastng and it was riven by WAR and GREED and general BADNESSES. However, at approximately the same time as seven other nearby sentient races, the planet was united. Tastng was ruled by the Self-Determinance Novitiate - dedicated to harnessing the intrinsic potential of all to serve the Greater Good. Universal celebrations greeted the launch of the SDN Tokash, a Seize-and-Hold class vessel of enormous size, bringing benefit to society with it's combination of colony pods and giant space lasers. Early scouts had been sent out to discover the layout of the system, and the following data was quickly revealed.

The Known Universe
After securing the home sector, the Novitiate quickly engaged in Phase 1 Development; a lucrative ice world teeming with purple space crystals... but treacherously near the base for the dreaded space poirots! Phase 2, undertaken at extreme risk by a Captain Prefect-patent 'colonise and drive away' operation, secured Red Magmo, the only significant source of Space Rocks in the local area.

SDN Tokash defeats the pirates, Captain Prefect commanding
Many other groups had come into contact with the Novitiate, but none were more feared and hated than the Dreaded Empire of Mb'eeni, a race of unoriginal zergling-ripoffs who constantly menaced Ice Planet Fanta and the coreward frontier. On the outward marches lay Blue Swirly Station, sat squarely on the deceptive and unknowable wormhole (not black hole), where Admiral Dong's giant lasers and infinite supply of missiles would kill a great many blue and even purple spaceships, protecting both the wormhole's bizarre lighting effects and planet Magmo.

Admiral Dong saves Magmo, the wormhole, and our way of life
Early on in the expansion, the allure of the desert planet drew the Novitiate into conflict with the forces of Mb'eeni. It was necessary to secure the coreward flank and acquire the living-space required for the teeming, productive masses... but at what cost?
Next Week on Dumb Shit Stark Does and Takes Pictures Of - GIANT SPACE BATTLES and Jose B. Bear's damnation!


Idyllic Trade Port Fatman in orbit around Tastng
In any case, in the beginning there was Planet Tastng and it was riven by WAR and GREED and general BADNESSES. However, at approximately the same time as seven other nearby sentient races, the planet was united. Tastng was ruled by the Self-Determinance Novitiate - dedicated to harnessing the intrinsic potential of all to serve the Greater Good. Universal celebrations greeted the launch of the SDN Tokash, a Seize-and-Hold class vessel of enormous size, bringing benefit to society with it's combination of colony pods and giant space lasers. Early scouts had been sent out to discover the layout of the system, and the following data was quickly revealed.

The Known Universe
After securing the home sector, the Novitiate quickly engaged in Phase 1 Development; a lucrative ice world teeming with purple space crystals... but treacherously near the base for the dreaded space poirots! Phase 2, undertaken at extreme risk by a Captain Prefect-patent 'colonise and drive away' operation, secured Red Magmo, the only significant source of Space Rocks in the local area.

SDN Tokash defeats the pirates, Captain Prefect commanding
Many other groups had come into contact with the Novitiate, but none were more feared and hated than the Dreaded Empire of Mb'eeni, a race of unoriginal zergling-ripoffs who constantly menaced Ice Planet Fanta and the coreward frontier. On the outward marches lay Blue Swirly Station, sat squarely on the deceptive and unknowable wormhole (not black hole), where Admiral Dong's giant lasers and infinite supply of missiles would kill a great many blue and even purple spaceships, protecting both the wormhole's bizarre lighting effects and planet Magmo.

Admiral Dong saves Magmo, the wormhole, and our way of life
Early on in the expansion, the allure of the desert planet drew the Novitiate into conflict with the forces of Mb'eeni. It was necessary to secure the coreward flank and acquire the living-space required for the teeming, productive masses... but at what cost?
Next Week on Dumb Shit Stark Does and Takes Pictures Of - GIANT SPACE BATTLES and Jose B. Bear's damnation!