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[Hypothetical] RPG game

Posted: 2009-03-24 08:51pm
by Pulp Hero
I've been thinking about how all RPG games seem focus of combat and how pretty much every console RPG plays the same, and I came up with an idea for an RPG and combat system. I want to know, would this system be annoying, and has it been done before?

Combat system: Basically once combat starts, the combat options pops-up and their success percentage rate appear similar to the dialog options were are all used to in RPGs. The options are chosen and carried out in real time. The success rates go down if no option is chosen, but not to the rate of QTE, think a drop in percentage every ten seconds or so.

Now, what actions are chosen affect the next available options.

For example you might have the options:
-Shoot baddie with pistol.
-Dive over bar for cover.

If you choose to dive over the bar you might get options like:
-Shoot over bar
-Grab booze bottle
-Grab baseball bat under bar.


The setting for this hyptothetical game would be a 1920s-1930s detective game. All character traits are chosen at the start, with no leveling up during the game. In addition, the detective starts of with all his pistols and a Thompson, so there is no need to go collect weapons.

Instead of going the usual RPG route of getting increasingly bigger weapons, the game forces the player to think about what is appropriate to take on a certain "quest".

For example, lets say the character has to go talk to a mid-level mob boss and a pair of bodyguards present. When your character enters the area he is automatically frisked-

No weapons means he will likely get to talk and get the info he needs, or at worse the character gets beaten up in a cutscene and loses the opportunity to talk to the mob boss.

If they find a weapon, he has a chance to either talk his way out of it, or try to get the first draw on a shoot-out (leading to the combat system above). Increasingly dangerous weapons are increasingly hard to talk away, so while you might have 90% chance if found with a .38 special, you get a 10% or maybe even 0% if you have a tommy gun or shotgun.

Yes, or no to this system.

Re: [Hypothetical] RPG game

Posted: 2009-03-24 08:55pm
by Eleas
Is this a computer-based RPG system, or table-top?

Re: [Hypothetical] RPG game

Posted: 2009-03-24 08:57pm
by Pulp Hero
Computer/console. Though I guess the ideas could be applied to table top.

Re: [Hypothetical] RPG game

Posted: 2009-03-24 09:01pm
by Stark
Are you saying you want context-senstive option trees? You want fights and conflicts to be centred around drama and decisions rather than stats-whoring and loot?

Re: [Hypothetical] RPG game

Posted: 2009-03-24 09:03pm
by Pulp Hero
Right, context sensitive trees have been used in dialog for a long time, why not for the combat itself?

Re: [Hypothetical] RPG game

Posted: 2009-03-24 09:08pm
by Stark
I imagine you could even largely auto-generate it given location + enemies, but it could be a pain to balance (at least in the RPG-nerd 'must be 100% predicatble way).

Re: [Hypothetical] RPG game

Posted: 2009-03-24 09:14pm
by Formless
This sounds like a nice system, but wouldn't it necessitate that all combat scenes be essentially scripted? I mean, there are already plenty of games making use of quick time events, and the only thing I see distinguishing this system is that you get to make up your mind which way the pre-scripted events happen. Not that there aren't some advantages to that kind of game (like the fact that it ensures the developers have to pay closer attention to the events that happen), but it has the disadvantage of ruling out on the spot encounters (yes, random encounters are a subset of this, but not the only one) and overall lowering the replay value of the game. I guess that's fine for some types of games, like tabletop RPG's or interactive fiction, but I doubt it would really work in a traditional Final Fantasy or Diablo style setup.

Re: [Hypothetical] RPG game

Posted: 2009-03-24 09:17pm
by Pulp Hero
I imagine you could even largely auto-generate it given location + enemies, but it could be a pain to balance (at least in the RPG-nerd 'must be 100% predicatble way).
Well with this there are no "random" fights (maybe ones the player doesn't see coming, but all enemies and fights will have context and interaction defined for their particular setting.)

Fights won't be against mobs of grunts either. A big fight might be 5 vs. 1, or for something really huge 10 vs. 1.

And you don't have kill everyone, remember- you don't level up. So "spray cover fire with tommygun/dual pistols and run away" is a valid tactic if are just trying get from point A to point B.

Re: [Hypothetical] RPG game

Posted: 2009-03-24 09:21pm
by Stark
Oh yeah, but having to create hundreds of options and varients for each fight would be a hit on development time; my point was just that it could be automated to reduce that overhead. A focus on meaningful, high-pressure decisions is a good thing. :)