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Drive letters all jacked up?

Posted: 2009-03-25 05:39pm
by RogueIce
So I go to play a game today, and when I insert the CD and try to run it, it says CD not found. This is odd, says I, because the Autoplay worked. So I take a look at My Computer and find that instead of being drive E:, my CD/DVD drive is now L: for some odd reason. And I have no idea why, and worse, no idea how to fix this! So, given that this is Windows XP Home SP2, I have two questions:

1) Why would this happen, and how could I avoid it in the future?

2) Most importantly: how do I fix this??

Help much appreciated.

Re: Drive letters all jacked up?

Posted: 2009-03-25 07:28pm
by Redleader34
I believe in administrative options, in control panel, you go to drive management and change the drive letter by right clicking the drive and going through menu prompts, I have no idea what caused your drive change though.

Re: Drive letters all jacked up?

Posted: 2009-03-25 11:49pm
by RogueIce
Redleader34 wrote:I believe in administrative options, in control panel, you go to drive management and change the drive letter by right clicking the drive and going through menu prompts, I have no idea what caused your drive change though.
Thanks. I went and had to do some shuffling, since drive E was being taken by some USB thingy...and it seems the drive letter of F is forever lost to me now, even though nothing is occupying it. Very sad. But at least my CDs will work, since I never used the second CD drive anyway, unless I was copying one CD into another CD. But now that I have an ISO doohickey I guess I'll do it like that if I need to.

Odds are I fucked something else up, since my MMC/SD thing now looks like a generic USB port in My Computer rather than the little icon it used to have...oh well. Never used it anyway. Fuck if I even knew what it did in the first place.