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Let's Play: Forge of Freedom!

Posted: 2009-04-18 11:56pm
by MKSheppard
Okay, based off the old thread HERE

I'm starting a new Let's Play, inspired by Starglider's EAW LP; and also due to the just released patch for Forge of Freedom that fixes some bugs, adds new features, etc etc.

What's Forge of Freedom


Some screenshots to show what it looks like:

Detailed Battles

City Development Screen

Research Selection Screen

So you want to be in the game

Please note I can't add generals after I start the game; so If you want in, say so within a day or so!

BTW, if you have a preference for a state; say so, because state governors play a very important part in the game; they can come to you with demands that such and such general be promoted (cause they're from their state); or if you promote someone from their state, their happiness goes up.

If you come in afterwards; I can find you a non game part, like admiral in charge of a ironclad (naval combat is abstract in this game), or in charge of the ironworks of pennsylvania; or West Point Commandant.

The Current General list sorted alphabetically by user name is:

Adrian Laguna = Adrian Laguna
Big Steve = Stephen T. Garrett
Civil War Man = Charles Washington Mann
Companion Cube = Eustachius V. Manley
Dark Silver = Obidiah Steele
DEATH = Derek A Thompson
Ford Prefect = Llewellyn Amadeus Thorn
Hawkwings = Daniel P. Hawke
Jason L. Miles = Jason L. Miles (from CA)
Lonestar = Baron Matthew Bulow von Bucher (from VA)
Mayabird = A.M. Colette (from GA)
Rawtooth = Charles Jonathan Hunt
The Dark = Johann Heinrich Tauber
Vehrec = Ernest William Fobes
Weemadando = William Mathers Anderson
White Haven = Arnold T. Pants
Yosemite Bear = Colin Brian Witz

How you're ranked in the game is like this:


The question marks represent unknown skills/attributes; which is a feature of the game, you can go with historic attributes or randomize them and hide them; so that in each game; you don't know who will turn out to be great or not -- which is historically accurate:

At the beginning of the war; some people who were highly regarded in the pre-war army turned out to be absolute zeroes; while some who were absolute zeroes pre-war -- US Grant -- turned out to be awesome.

The ratings are:

Initative: The Initiative rating of each general on both sides is multiplied by the rank of the general, and the results are then compared. The general with the highest result determines the base Initiative score for each side; and thus, who gets to go first, etc etc.

Leadership: The Leadership rating describes the chance that a general will be able to restore order to units under his command during battle.

Tactics: Each rank of Tactics is worth a 10% bonus to damage inflicted by units to which the general is directly attached

Command: The Command rating helps units change formation in detailed combat. Command also helps prevent units from becoming either Shaken or Disordered when being charged in detailed combat.

Cavalry Rating: Each rank of a general’s Cavalry rating is worth a 10% bonus to damage inflicted by cavalry when they charge.

The Special Attributes a general can get, and can in turn pass on to units under their command are:


Formation changes cost only two movement points.

Can charge with no chance that the charge degenerates into a fire-fight.

Automatically makes an opportunity charge after disordering an enemy in fire combat

+3 to unit’s movement rate

-50% chance of suffering fatigue

Oblique Fire
Making a fire-attack does not end turn if unit had more than 6 movement points before firing

2x normal chance to entrench. Allows unit to entrench without Hasty Entrenchment upgrade.

Night Owls
No penalty for night movement rates. Receives only half the normal damage penalty at night.

Only 10% chance to become disordered when issuing/recalling skirmishers. Changing skirmish order only costs 3 movement points.

+10% to fire-attack damage

Doubles flanking bonus damage this unit deals

If in swamp, -25% to damage taken. Movement penalty for swamps is halved. No penalty for charging out of mud/swamps.

+25% additional damage when charging

Gets 50% chance to avoid becoming disordered as a result of fire combat

+50% damage when charging artillery.

Gets 50% chance to avoid going out-of-command.

Gain +2 supply whenever this brigade successfully forages

Polar Bears
Takes no additional combat damage from fire-attacks in winter.

33% bonus when firing or charging from Forest (instead of normal penalty)

Sustained Volley
Takes 25% fewer casualties from return-fire when firing on enemy infantry

Causes double Morale damage against adjacent enemy units while making a fire-attack.

Restores 0.25 levels of Morale to all friendly units within two hexes every turn.

100% chance to return to column formation if Morale is greater than zero.

New Attributes added in latest patch

Attacks use only 1 point of supply, infantry and artillery only)

(While unit is Fresh it takes only 1/10th normal morale loss from fire attacks, infantry and cavalry only)

(Reduces cost to enter a hex by 1 if the terrain cost is 3 or more, infantry only)

(Reduces damage this unit takes and causes in fire combat by 25%, infantry and artillery only)

(Increases damage this unit takes and causes in fire combat by 25%, infantry and artillery only)

(When in a pin-position with another unit, both units are automatically pinned, infantry only)

Hill Defenders
(retains good morale defending a hill, infantry only)

Uphill Charger
(what it sounds like, infantry only)

Efficient Fire
(artillery can take an extra shot, like dragoon tactics)

(artillery harms other artillery)

Anyway, here is the game map:


So guys, what do you want to do? Do you have any general ideas what you want your guy to do? Want to go out west and kill rebels in Kentucky? Want to stay, and ambitiously plot to murder the commanding general of the Army of the Potomac to rise to power?

The floor is open for suggestions.

Re: Let's Play: Forge of Freedom!

Posted: 2009-04-19 12:00am
by Steve
As long as I get to defeat Rebels I don't particularly care. :wink:

Re: Let's Play: Forge of Freedom!

Posted: 2009-04-19 12:10am
by Questor
I have come from a long way to crush the rebels. Let the blood of my mother's family run beneath our feet. (I.E. Let's attack Texas and Louisiana.)

I recall there being several campaigns in the Trans-Mississippi region, and cutting off the ports would help the blockade.

Also, if we give Houston some time, maybe we get another ally, at least in the northern areas.

Re: Let's Play: Forge of Freedom!

Posted: 2009-04-19 12:14am
by MKSheppard
I've also considered an amphibious operation led by Steve to land a force in FLORIDA; just because......

Re: Let's Play: Forge of Freedom!

Posted: 2009-04-19 12:17am
by Lonestar
I want to push down the Mississippi River, chop the Rebs in half. Leave some of the military in a holding patten near DC while we do that,

Re: Let's Play: Forge of Freedom!

Posted: 2009-04-19 12:27am
by Questor
President Sheppard,

I find that I must agree with General von Buchard as to the necessity of a campaign in the Mississippi region. From the gulf coast, we are well placed to begin a campaign of total destruction against the southernmost states loyal to the dog, Jefferson Davis, who shall join the other traitors in the Ninth Circle of Hell.

Jason L. Miles

Re: Let's Play: Forge of Freedom!

Posted: 2009-04-19 01:04am
by White Haven
General Pants follows one simple edict: If you blink and your lashes don't scratch the other sonabitch's eyeballs, you're not pressing him hard enough.

Wise? Fuck no. More blood and chunks than 'Aaaaaugh' spelled out in alphabet soup letters in a bowl of tomato sauce? Fuck yes. CHAAARGE!

Amusingly enough, that isn't at all how I play strategy games, but fuckit. :)

Re: Let's Play: Forge of Freedom!

Posted: 2009-04-19 01:18am
by Peptuck
I second the vote that we burn Texas with the closest thing we can get to nuclear fire.

General Peptuck demands the Dreaded attribute, as well.

Re: Let's Play: Forge of Freedom!

Posted: 2009-04-19 01:30am
by Questor
Peptuck wrote:I second the vote that we burn Texas with the closest thing we can get to nuclear fire.

General Peptuck demands the Dreaded attribute, as well.
Note, I said attack, not use Sherman style tactics, as those would probably bring Houston out of hiding against us, and turn the Union sympathetic norther areas of Texas to the Confederacy. I would rather not have to face Sam Houston and Jefferson Davis, *spit*.

Also, if we burn Texas to the ground, we run the risk of creating more support for the Confederacy. Historically, its possible that something like that would convince Johnson to allow California to secede into The Pacific Republic with Oregon, opening another front to the war. Of course, that depends on the date.

ETA: Clarification

Re: Let's Play: Forge of Freedom!

Posted: 2009-04-19 03:54am
by The Yosemite Bear
Demand eventual Ranger status, since I'm a mountain Man myself.

Re: Let's Play: Forge of Freedom!

Posted: 2009-04-19 04:02am
by weemadando
I'd like to cut off the Reb's income. Blockade and burn their ports.

Re: Let's Play: Forge of Freedom!

Posted: 2009-04-19 05:54am
by Starglider
Alas I missed your original thread (crazy work stuff probably) but this does look fun. The tactic of swinging around through the west and cutting off rebel supply lines does seem attractive.

Re: Let's Play: Forge of Freedom!

Posted: 2009-04-19 10:12am
by The Vortex Empire
Could I be a general from Rhode Island? I believe we should focus on blockading the rebel supply lines and taking the Mississippi, cutting the rebels in two. I also suggest that we should maintain a policy of total war against South Carolina and Georgia, the first members of this rebellion. When we reach them, burn everything to the ground. The enemy population will lose the will to fight and call for a surrender, and then victory is ours.

Re: Let's Play: Forge of Freedom!

Posted: 2009-04-19 05:43pm
by MKSheppard
Starglider wrote:Alas I missed your original thread (crazy work stuff probably) but this does look fun. The tactic of swinging around through the west and cutting off rebel supply lines does seem attractive.
Don't worry; if the British Empire choses to declare war on the Union and intervene, you can be the general in charge of British forces in Canada. :twisted:

Re: Let's Play: Forge of Freedom!

Posted: 2009-04-19 05:46pm
by Vehrec
I'll stay in the Potomac region for now, work up the army and get ready for the push to Richmond. We'll be home by Christmas at the latest, I'm sure of it.

Re: Let's Play: Forge of Freedom!

Posted: 2009-04-19 07:04pm
by darthkommandant
Id like to be a general from New York. Name Jonathan Andersonn

Re: Let's Play: Forge of Freedom!

Posted: 2009-04-19 07:06pm
by MKSheppard
Sheppard (as titular CINC)

Current Player Listing

Organization is Alphabetically by the user name on SDN; and goes like:

User Name (on SDN)
Game Name
Game Picture ID (sos I can remember if you don't like your pic and wanna change it)
Adrian Laguna
Adrian Laguna

Civil War Man
Charles Washington Mann

Companion Cube
Eustachius V. Manley

Darth Kommandant
Jonathan Anderson (from NY)

Dark Silver
Obidiah B. Steele

Derek A Thompson

E.B. Tylczak (from Minnesota)

Ford Prefect
Llewellyn Amadeus Thorn

Daniel P. Hawke

Jason L. Miles
Jason L. Miles (from CA)

Baron Matthew Bulow von Bucher (from VA)

A.M. Colette (from GA)

Charles Jonathan Hunt

British General in Canada and/or British Diplomat in DC and/or British Diplomat in Richmond

Stephen T. Garrett

The Dark
Johann Heinrich Tauber

The Vortex Empire
Thaddeus V. Emley (from Rhode Island)

Ernest William Fobes

William Mathers Anderson

White Haven
Arnold T. Pants

Yosemite Bear
Colin Brian Witz

Re: Let's Play: Forge of Freedom!

Posted: 2009-04-19 07:16pm
by Vehrec
Know what the best part about this is?


I've got facial hair now. I could never grow one of these babies in real life.

Re: Let's Play: Forge of Freedom!

Posted: 2009-04-19 07:24pm
by Ford Prefect
I look like a total badass. And I totally support the notion of invading Florida from the south and heading north to sandwich the the reds between myself and some other army. Behind enemy lines, no resupply, hopeless situation. Heroes will be born.

Re: Let's Play: Forge of Freedom!

Posted: 2009-04-19 07:36pm
by MKSheppard
In AD 1861, war was beginning....

Richmond, VA
Mr. Bucher, your home state of Virginia needs you. Are you ready to stand against the Northern Tyrant that would crush all of our freedoms?

Sir, I am no traitor to my country!

*Baron Bucher punches Jefferson Davis*
Goddamn it! Shit! Ow, that fucking hurts. Bring in the other guy.

Mr. Lee, your home state of Virginia needs you. Are you ready to stand against the Northern Tyrant that would crush all of our freedoms?

Sure. Who was that guy who left right before me?

Nobody at all, Mr. Lee. Nobody at all...

Re: Let's Play: Forge of Freedom!

Posted: 2009-04-19 08:48pm
by Force Lord
Can I join the Union? I want to be called Raphael A. Blacker.

Re: Let's Play: Forge of Freedom!

Posted: 2009-04-19 08:55pm
by MKSheppard
Yeah sure, I haven't started the game yet. Still waiting for feeedback. on my first initial forays

Re: Let's Play: Forge of Freedom!

Posted: 2009-04-19 09:24pm
by Questor
President Sheppard,

I wholeheartedly approve of my portrait, where will these be hung?

Jason L. Miles

Re: Let's Play: Forge of Freedom!

Posted: 2009-04-19 09:31pm
by MKSheppard
In various southern homes after we occupy them for our headquarters.

Re: Let's Play: Forge of Freedom!

Posted: 2009-04-19 09:35pm
by The Yosemite Bear
Come on, lets get our army of Coolies*, Indians**, and other Californians together to traumatize those Rebs....

*Chinese and Japanese peoples who immigrated to California during the Gold Rush.
** I am refering to the Mexican/American Indian population of california, lots of Plueblo, Piute, Tooli, Miwok, etc.

Come on, the Roman Army principal of Citizenship for military service should be utilized.