Lt. JonB walked the corridors of Star Fleet Command, headed for the simulator. This was it, he reminded himself as he wiped his hands on his pants. His final command examination. Years of training, and shipboard service had all led to this moment.
He stood at the entrance to the Simulator, and looked up at the engraving some ancient cadet has manually engraved into the top of the frame. "Use your tractors, dammit!" The eternal piece of advice, the final reminder to every cadet who entered this room - use everything at your disposal.
Lt. JonB stepped across the threshold and into a perfect facsimmile of the bridge of an FFD+, one of the smallest ships in Star Fleet. Sure, there were the POL classes, but they were police, not Navy. He sat in the center chair, and ran his hands over the armrest. A voice came down from above.
"Hello, Lt. I am Captain Butler, and I will be administering your tests today." JonB noted that there was no one else in the simulator at the moment, and that was quite unusual. While someone like him was taking the Command test, other cadets and junior officers usually filled out the other stations, taking their own tests, or were part of the test.
"Captain Butler, Sir? Where are the other Cadets, if I may ask?"
"Wondering when you would comment." Captain Butler's face came up on the main viewscreen, and JonB came to attention, hopping out of his seat in the process. "At ease." JonB relaxed. "The programmers and engineers were refitting the entire thing late last night, and it seems, we now need someone to help us test out the new modifications. I've already cleared this with your instructors, and your help here will help your marks."
Faced with a no-lose situation, JonB agreed. "So, this means no other cadets?"
Captain Butler shook his head. "Not today Lt. This is strictly a systems test. We'll be running a couple scenarios, to see how they work out on our end. Your tests with actual staff come later."
JonB nodded, understanding. "So, what do I do?"
Captain Butler nodded to someone out of frame, and then turned to JonB. "Take your seat, Lt. We have two scenarios for calibration purposes, and you'll go through both of them before being released." The viewscreen turned off, returning to its blank default state.
JonB sat back down, and waited in the silent room. Slowly, life trickled into the simulator, consolses activated, and sounds emerged. The floor even began to gently vibrate in time to the fictional distant engines.
Captain Butler's face eventually returned. "Alright, JonB. Here is the first scenario. Just give the orders aloud, and the people on my end will take care of it. Your mission is to close to within 100,000km of the planet, and scan it, then leave the scenario area."
Typical of standard scientific missions. "Anything in particular I'm looking for?"
The Captain made a negative gesture. "Nope. Just general information. In and out." JonB nodded, and the scenario began.
The first words out of his mouth were "Red Alert", and JonB was rewarded when the lights on the simulated bridge took a darker hue. On the weapons console, his weapons began to arm themselves, and shields activated. All this took less than half his power, so he ordered his ship to Warp 2.5, and any spare power to reinforce his shields. He also noted that the planet was only 800,000km away, and from there set course straight for it, noting to turn and make a close pass as he got closer.
That's when he noticed something out of his eye.
"Ah, Captain Butler, sir? There's a Space Monster here. Is this part of the scenario?" Normally, he wouldn't ask this, but if he was helping test the system, it seemed prudent.
Captain Butler's voice came over the speakers. "Ah... no. Looks like a randomizer subroutine needs fixing. It's out of position to interfere with your mission anyways, so ignore it."
JonB nodded, and focused his attention back to the planet. With weapons armed, more power was available for other purposes, and he ordered the sensors brought to full power, in preperation for the pass around the planet. Just for kicks, he also ordered an overhead view of the area, with his ship in the middle, and the target planet in the upper-right corner. The errant monster was beyond the scope of the screen, to the lower right.
The rest was quiet. His ship skimmed at 29,700km above the surface of the planet when he was alerted that his ship had the data the scenario needed. He then ordered his ship to turn to the port and make for the edge of the scenario, leaving the planet behind.
The lights came on, and Captain Butler's face appeared on the viewscreen. "Well, that was within parameters. Except for the cosmozoan. But we've isolated that problem. The next one is strictly a combat mission, get in and win. Ready?"
JonB nodded, and the simulation dimmed again.
Instantly, he commanded Red Alert status again. This was serious combat. He noted there was a single Klingon Frigate over 600,000km away, headed in his direction, while the simulation provided him with...
He didn't need the communications gear to hear Captain Butler demand to know how a pair of cruisers - one a
Province Class Light Cruiser, and the other the
Heavy Drone Cruiser Agincourt. JonB had enough presence of mind to fire a probe at the enemy frigate.
As Butler continnued to yell at his staff, the probe revealed that the enemy was a Klingon E3 class police ship. Not even a full frigate. A pair of disruptors, an anti-drone Kinetic Kill system, as well as a double pair of light defense phasers. JonB pondered just how bad this fight was in his favour, and why Captain Butler was angry. The combat encounter randomizer was supposed to make things interesting, not this stupid. But until the Captain halted the scenario, or he finished it, he would continnue.
But the E3 made the first move, firing its Disruptors at the maximum range for those weapons on that ship, just under 150,000km. They hit, and the weapons were followed up by the phasers - which did minimal damage at that range.
As he was far closer to the E3 than his allied ships, JonB continnued to close, firing his phasers at 50,000km. He also fired off a pair of drones at the enemy ship, but watched as the anti-drone system made short work of them both. He wondered who would run out of ammo first.
At that point, the ally CL+ added 4 of its offensive phasers at mid range, scoring damage through the shield that he had downed with his own phasers. He heard, but didn't see the photons from that ship hit the frigate.
Less than a minute later, Captain Butler's anger was a dull roar as the battle progressed. The firepower brought to bear by the Federation ships were beginning to tell, and the Klingon ship was rapidly being overwhelmed.
Death came to the frigate when eight nuclear tipped warp missles (aka 'drones') slammed into the halpless frigate. 2 came from JonB's simulated ship, while the others came from the
With the scenario over, Captain Butler's face came back onto the viewscreen. "Thank you Lt. Now, get out of here, while I deal with the people responsible for this. See you in a couple days when we have gotten all this sorted out. And we'll try to have some other cadets to assist you."
Well, now that this is getting off the ground, anyone wanna join my intrepid crew on their quest to save the Galaxy? Taking positions for XO, Chief Engineer, Marine Major, Science Officer, and Weapons Officer, at the least.