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Let's Play: Blood Bowl PC - PALELABOR!
Posted: 2009-06-30 10:32am
by GuppyShark
To celebrate the PC release of the Blood Bowl game, and my love of the Dwarf Fortress Let's Play championed by MRDOD, I'm starting a Dwarfy Blood Bowl team Let's Play!
I will play one match per day, take screenshots and write up the match result.
The Palelabor Pickaxes need recruits!
Volunteer your name to be attached to a Dwarf and cheer when your player gets the touchdown or clobbers some damned ball-runner. Your character is unlikely to die as Dwarves are tough as nails and there'll be an apothecary on the sidelines waiting to save you if worst comes to worst.
Dwarves in Blood Bowl have three types of player. There's the Dwarf who likes to hit things, the Dwarf who likes to hit things after moving slightly further, and finally the Dwarf who thinks this game is about picking up a ball. If you have a preference let it be known and I will try to accomodate it, but most Dwarves will be the first and that's fine because hitting things is a perfectly satisfying career.
Re: Let's Play: Blood Bowl PC - PALELABOR!
Posted: 2009-06-30 10:42am
by Starglider
Sure why not. Dwarven Slayer please. Does the computer version have the Chaos Dwarves? They were cool, but most likely not, given how GW hasn't released anything about them for ages.
I hope there are Skaven cheerleaders in this version. That would be so kawaii

Re: Let's Play: Blood Bowl PC - PALELABOR!
Posted: 2009-06-30 10:47am
by Temjin
Oh I have to get in on this. No preference as to a specific type.
Re: Let's Play: Blood Bowl PC - PALELABOR!
Posted: 2009-06-30 12:04pm
by Alan Bolte
Temjin wrote:Oh I have to get in on this. No preference as to a specific type.
See above.
Re: Let's Play: Blood Bowl PC - PALELABOR!
Posted: 2009-06-30 12:29pm
by Eris
I approve of this notion, and volunteer both myself and Duckie (MRDOD) whether she likes it or not. Naturally I am for hitting things in fine dwarfy fashion, whether after running or not.
Re: Let's Play: Blood Bowl PC - PALELABOR!
Posted: 2009-06-30 01:33pm
by UCBooties
What the hell, make me the kind that picks up the ball
Re: Let's Play: Blood Bowl PC - PALELABOR!
Posted: 2009-06-30 01:38pm
by Vendetta
Eris wrote:Naturally I am for hitting things in fine dwarfy fashion, whether after running or not.
Dwarves aren't much for the running. Traditional dwarfy blood bowl tactics are to make a solid block of beards with the ball carrier in the middle and trudge dourly but inexorably for the endzone.
Re: Let's Play: Blood Bowl PC - PALELABOR!
Posted: 2009-06-30 01:59pm
by White Haven
I don't know if you can rightly have dwarfs without axes, but on the off-chance that you can, I volunteer as one.
'It's like using an axe, only without the axe.'
Re: Let's Play: Blood Bowl PC - PALELABOR!
Posted: 2009-06-30 03:04pm
by 2000AD
Well this gives me a way to 'play' the game while I wait for the UK price to drop to a reasonable level.
Do I need to change what name is given or are you comfortable with a dwarf named 2000AD? Preferably a Dwarf who hits things when they come to him, not one of those hyper active dwarfs who move to other places to hit things.
Can you also do a quick review of the game too? Is it worth the current high price (assuming you're somewhere where it is above average)?
Oooooohhh, and if it's in can I call dibs on being the deathroller driver if you get one?
Re: Let's Play: Blood Bowl PC - PALELABOR!
Posted: 2009-06-30 04:52pm
by Kuja
If you've still got a spot, old man Kuja from Palelabor of long ago is willing to throw down.

Re: Let's Play: Blood Bowl PC - PALELABOR!
Posted: 2009-06-30 04:58pm
by consequences
Dwarf that hits things please(any velocity is fine). Groinstab Ballcrusher or something of the sort if you get to pick names.
Re: Let's Play: Blood Bowl PC - PALELABOR!
Posted: 2009-06-30 05:48pm
by Dargos
I would like to be a defensive lineman- eh.. dwarf.
Re: Let's Play: Blood Bowl PC - PALELABOR!
Posted: 2009-06-30 06:43pm
by White Haven
Son, this is Blood Bowl. 'Defense' is something you worry about once you've finished massacring the other team.
Re: Let's Play: Blood Bowl PC - PALELABOR!
Posted: 2009-06-30 07:29pm
by andrewgpaul
What - no Deathroller pilots?

Re: Let's Play: Blood Bowl PC - PALELABOR!
Posted: 2009-06-30 07:48pm
by Ford Prefect
As if I could NOT be involved in this. I desire the important job of PICKING UP THE BALL.
Re: Let's Play: Blood Bowl PC - PALELABOR!
Posted: 2009-06-30 08:59pm
by bilateralrope
If there is still room I'll take a spot.
Re: Let's Play: Blood Bowl PC - PALELABOR!
Posted: 2009-06-30 10:24pm
by Vympel
Why have I never heard of this game?
Re: Let's Play: Blood Bowl PC - PALELABOR!
Posted: 2009-06-30 10:28pm
by GuppyShark
Starglider wrote:Does the computer version have the Chaos Dwarves?
No Chaos Dwarves. I don't know what the final lineup is expected to be, but the current range is:
Wood Elves
with Dark Elves and something else I've forgotten expected to be included by September when it releases on Steam and retail/consoles.
2000AD wrote:Can you also do a quick review of the game too? Is it worth the current high price (assuming you're somewhere where it is above average)?
Price seemed pretty reasonable to me. I think the digital download is something of a pre-release version as there's some areas where it still lacks polish and the retail release is not slated until September. Nonetheless, I'm having a lot of fun playing a perfectly faithful replica of Blood Bowl against a surprisingly challenging AI opponent.
Also, it's cheaper than buying the tabletop game and a set of Citadel miniatures...
Kuja wrote:If you've still got a spot, old man Kuja from Palelabor of long ago is willing to throw down.
The Legend returns!
andrewgpaul wrote:What - no Deathroller pilots?
At this point I don't intend to include one. It's a starting team so there won't be much in the way of opposing star players to worry about and I don't like the idea of having a player that is only on for one half. Maybe later.
everyone else wrote:Pick me, pick me!
At twelve requests and a few 'posted but didn't ask for a spot', we're now covered for the starting lineup and some extras.
Re: Let's Play: Blood Bowl PC - PALELABOR!
Posted: 2009-06-30 11:16pm
by Ford Prefect
Kuja wrote:If you've still got a spot, old man Kuja from Palelabor of long ago is willing to throw down.

Rockin'. Go dig a gigantic hole in a mountain so I can put some goddamn DOORS on that motherfucker.
Man, I miss the Palelabor threads.

Re: Let's Play: Blood Bowl PC - PALELABOR!
Posted: 2009-06-30 11:32pm
by Lord Relvenous
I'll be waiting on the sidelines, just in case an Ork gets a lucky swing in. (In other words, an alternate)
Re: Let's Play: Blood Bowl PC - PALELABOR!
Posted: 2009-07-01 02:15am
by weemadando
Dwarves? Really?
Fine. Chalk me up as a Blitzer. I'm keen to smash heads.
Re: Let's Play: Blood Bowl PC - PALELABOR!
Posted: 2009-07-01 08:45am
by Force Lord
I want to be "the Dwarf who likes to hit things after moving slightly further".
Hopefully I will survive.
Re: Let's Play: Blood Bowl PC - PALELABOR!
Posted: 2009-07-01 11:27am
by GuppyShark
Palelabor Pickaxes
The Palelabor Pickaxes are the first team from the fledging Dwarf Fortress of Palelabor to compete in the Blood Bowl. The team would not have gotten off the ground if not for the efforts of such revered and ancient dwarves as Kuja, Ford Prefect and bilateralrope. These three dwarves, having gotten bored, assembled together a team to be coached by the equally bored farmer GuppyShark.
They found eight more dwarves too stupid or useless to do rewarding and productive things like carry rock and polish stone, and started out on their journey to greatness!
Representatives from a local brewery approached the team after a drunken brawl erupted into an impromptu sporting match. We have accepted the sponsorship deal with Bugman's Brewers which will net us some extra income.
Coach Guppyshark was careful not to promise anything.
The Clean Cup
The first event of the season is "The Clean Cup", so called because of its (relatively) draconian rules. It's also the preferred entry point for most new teams - many of the most successful Blood Bowl teams started out in the fields of the Clean Cup before going on to major tournaments.
The Palelabor Pickaxes first match is against the "Skrits Razorclaws", a new Skaven team. It will likely be an entertaining match, a contest of opposites. Will the ratkin be able to penetrate the iron wall?
Match One
Wow, what a match. Writeup will come tomorrow, but it was amazing. I cannot believe the result.
EDIT: Ford Prefect is the first Dwarf in the Palelabor Pickaxes to level up. Congratulations, you've been appointed team captain!
Re: Let's Play: Blood Bowl PC - PALELABOR!
Posted: 2009-07-01 04:12pm
by weemadando
Dude, we got Bugman's sponsorship?
They're the largest brewer in the GW-verse. Fuck yeah!
Bugman's XXXXXX for ALL!
Re: Let's Play: Blood Bowl PC - PALELABOR!
Posted: 2009-07-01 06:05pm
by consequences
Let me guess, the Pickaxes somehow scored five or six touchdowns? Or the Skaven managed to kill a Dwarf?