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Mount & Blade: Warband
Posted: 2009-07-07 12:59pm
by Lagmonster
Those people who really like Mount and Blade will probably already know about this, but Taleworlds is getting set to deliver their first expansion to the core game, in the form of
Mount and Blade: Warband.
While the details read like a laundry list of things already available with mods (running your own country, HDR/bloom lighting, higher res textures), the big news will be the addition of a multiplayer component for some big, and hopefully exciting, melee battles.
Frankly, I've been looking for something like this ever since I played Viking on the 360 and thought, "I want to do this battle again, but with
people". I can only hope the mod community snaps this open so that I can enjoy some Me 'n' My Horde o'AI vs. You 'n' Yer Horde o'AI slaughter.
Re: Mount & Blade: Warband
Posted: 2009-07-07 03:09pm
by Oskuro
There is only one appropiate response to this development:
Re: Mount & Blade: Warband
Posted: 2009-07-07 05:22pm
by Stark
I'm more interested in the non-MP improvements (ie, code improvements after Armagan gave up the project), as everything I've read about the MP gametypes sound pretty crap. I'm sure mods will improve it, but the idea of riding in circles and getting chopped sounds terrible.
In other words, the base game AI is pretty bad; but nobody has any idea how lame combat will be with 8 people in there massively gaming the system. MP is something that really quickly exposes balance and mechanical problems in games, and these guys don't talk much about 'making combat less cheesy' or whatever. At least they were sensible and balanced the shit out of equipment; though - the base games' approach to equipment scaling was literally worse than an MMO.
The GFX work and map changes are going to be very useful to mods, I expect (since it's code changes, and not just 'replace crappy textures', it'll help everything), but some simpleminded equation that says 'MP = WOOOOOT' is absurdly stupid and wrong. Just think; who the fuck are you going to play with? That's right - gamey, long-haired Europeans obsessed with how the combat system is perfect and you just have to 'learn' it.

Re: Mount & Blade: Warband
Posted: 2009-07-07 06:04pm
by Oskuro
What are you babbling about? I'm Wooting because there's an expansion coming for Mount&Blade, a game that began as an independent project by some guy and his wife. Despite its flaws, it's quite an achievement in today's market for such a thing to go retail, and we really need more Mount&Blades out there bringing new ideas into the fray.
Re: Mount & Blade: Warband
Posted: 2009-07-07 06:13pm
by Stark
Yeah, because Armagan basically stopped developing it after 1.013 and some crazy Norwegians took over development. I'm not seeing how the game's lineage is even remotely relevant; it's based around a fun melee combat system that is fine in SP and is probably going to massively suck in MP (since it's pretty sploitable and the AI doesn't really use it properly). The guys appear to have addressed the need to structure MP and reduce the retarded equipment system, but I haven't seen or heard anything around how the actual business of fighting is going to stand up in multi.
ITT we learn 'talking about a game's attributes, the nature of an expansion, released information regarding an expansion, and expected consequences in a thread about an expansion' = 'babbling'.
Re: Mount & Blade: Warband
Posted: 2009-07-07 06:59pm
by Narkis
I'm far more interested in the SP improvements too. I doubt I'll even try the MP portion of the game, since I don't particularly like getting chopped up by crazy twitchy guys who know every exploit in (and out of) the book. Now, if there was an MP campaign it would be a different matter entirely. I have a friend who got hooked by the game, and we both agreed it'd be awesome if we established our own kingdom and fought together against vast hordes of retarded AI troops. Though we never agreed on who'd be the king.

Re: Mount & Blade: Warband
Posted: 2009-07-07 10:23pm
by Vympel
I'm looking forward to the SP mostly. Can you carry on from your existing 'campaign'? My dude has a fully set of Lordly Armor (Lordly Plate, Gauntlets, Iron Greaves, Winged Helmet), a Masterwork Heavy Bastard Sword, Champion Charger and Reinforced Knightly Shield, and I've been occupying myself with just making money and trying to buy every Lordly item in the game.
I'm sick.
Re: Mount & Blade: Warband
Posted: 2009-07-08 02:19am
by Setzer
I don't really care about the HDR or what have you. I kinda liked the simple graphics. It was a constant reminder that two people working out of their home could design a game that's more fun to play then several games with big corporations backing their design.
Re: Mount & Blade: Warband
Posted: 2009-07-08 03:41am
by Oskuro
Stark wrote:Yeah, because Armagan basically stopped developing it after 1.013 and some crazy Norwegians took over development. I'm not seeing how the game's lineage is even remotely relevant;
Wich still means that an indie development was picked up and brought up to retail. It is relevant for someone who hopes to do some indie development in the future, and who thinks that such developments are one of the few venues through wich new game concepts can make their way into mainstream gaming, due to the major publishers' minimal-risk practices.
Stark wrote:
ITT we learn 'talking about a game's attributes, the nature of an expansion, released information regarding an expansion, and expected consequences in a thread about an expansion' = 'babbling'.
Awesome, first you assume that me wooting is due to "
some simpleminded equation that says 'MP = WOOOOOT'", now you assume that I'm referring to all your post with my comment on 'babbling' rather than just your obnoxious remark. Really, are you so desperate for reasons to bash people?
Re: Mount & Blade: Warband
Posted: 2009-07-08 06:12am
by PeZook
Taleworlds is expanding last year's engaging game about medieval life and warfare.
There was a component other than "war" to Mount & Blade?
In all seriousness, though: what are the actual SP features? Bloom and HDR are utterly meaningless, and the only other improvement mentioned is running a kingdom (already available from a gazillion mods).
So...what else?
Re: Mount & Blade: Warband
Posted: 2009-07-08 06:53am
by Lagmonster
There's not a hell of a lot of info to go on, but as it's an expansion pack, I can't imagine they're going hog wild. With the exception of the multiplayer addition, they're actually still behind the mod Sword of Damocles or Eagle and the Radiant Cross in terms of content.
For the serious need-to-know, the smart thing to do would probably be to check out TaleWorld's forums. There's bound to be piles of rumour, speculation and confirmation threads there.
Re: Mount & Blade: Warband
Posted: 2009-07-08 10:21am
by Oskuro
PeZook wrote:There was a component other than "war" to Mount & Blade?

Was there a component other than "war" in medieval life? You know, besides misery and illness.

Re: Mount & Blade: Warband
Posted: 2009-07-08 10:28am
by PeZook
LordOskuro wrote:
Was there a component other than "war" in medieval life? You know, besides misery and illness.

Uh...yes. Or do you think the massive centers of trade, craftsmanship and learning that still exist today all sprung up by themselves?

Re: Mount & Blade: Warband
Posted: 2009-07-08 11:13am
by Oskuro
C'mon, adjust your "He's kidding'O'meter", my comment wasn't serious.
Now, in a more serious vein, I'd wager adding crafting, economy, or even social dynamics might turn the game more into Civ&Blade rather than Mount&Blade. Or maybe a medievalish Free&Lancer? Now, that sounds interesting (to me).
Re: Mount & Blade: Warband
Posted: 2009-07-08 11:16am
by Vympel
In all seriousness, though: what are the actual SP features? Bloom and HDR are utterly meaningless, and the only other improvement mentioned is running a kingdom (already available from a gazillion mods).
Looking at the (not very informative and poorly put together) preview video, you can now pick up missiles (as in thrown javelins and stuff).
They've improved the environments for sure.
Also sieges appear to have added palisades for the attackers to defend themselves from arrows.
I'm sure there's more, but yeah that's three things.
I'm all for the game looking prettier, and it really does.
Re: Mount & Blade: Warband
Posted: 2009-07-08 01:56pm
by ray245
It would be nice if you can add in some sort of organisation to your army/followers beyond the few simple commands we currently have.
Re: Mount & Blade: Warband
Posted: 2009-07-08 06:51pm
by Stark
Vympel wrote:I'm looking forward to the SP mostly. Can you carry on from your existing 'campaign'? My dude has a fully set of Lordly Armor (Lordly Plate, Gauntlets, Iron Greaves, Winged Helmet), a Masterwork Heavy Bastard Sword, Champion Charger and Reinforced Knightly Shield, and I've been occupying myself with just making money and trying to buy every Lordly item in the game.
I'm sick.
What's sick is that you're playing vanilla past the 'laughably easy' level 15 and wasting your time buying ludicrously overpriced lategame items that make no difference because the game is so easy anyway.

Some of the better mods have actually caught up with the latest version now (six months later, lol) so it's possible to be interested in playing MnB again... but it still gets way too easy way too fast and that's boring as hell. Hoarding meaningless statlines is boring in an MMO; in a singleplayer game it's... bad. The way SDN people 'brag' about the 'items' they have in a purely singleplayer game is hilarious.
The SP stuff that's 'already in mods' needs to be looked at properly; while their textures are meaningless in the mod environment, implementing other features in code (especially graphic stuff) means the basic engine is being improved, rather than shit (like HDR) being hackishly applied externally.
PS, don't worry Oskuro, you'll win one eventually.
Re: Mount & Blade: Warband
Posted: 2009-07-08 09:46pm
by Vympel
What's sick is that you're playing vanilla past the 'laughably easy' level 15
I'm Level 36. And counting.
and wasting your time buying ludicrously overpriced lategame items that make no difference because the game is so easy anyway.
Luckily it doesn't take me as long to get them because I've fucked with the scripts.txt to increase the frequency at which enemy lords are both captured and ransomed to something more credible (and lucrative)
Some of the better mods have actually caught up with the latest version now (six months later, lol) so it's possible to be interested in playing MnB again... but it still gets way too easy way too fast and that's boring as hell. Hoarding meaningless statlines is boring in an MMO; in a singleplayer game it's... bad. The way SDN people 'brag' about the 'items' they have in a purely singleplayer game is hilarious.
But I like it.
Re: Mount & Blade: Warband
Posted: 2009-07-08 09:50pm
by Stark
Levels even go that high? Are you weapon skills at 1000 (ie, no goddamn difference from 200) yet?
AND YOU EVEN CHEAT TO DO IT! You have to be stopped!

Re: Mount & Blade: Warband
Posted: 2009-07-08 10:05pm
by Commander 598
Better not tell him about character import/export!
Re: Mount & Blade: Warband
Posted: 2009-07-08 10:51pm
by Vympel
Stark wrote:Levels even go that high? Are you weapon skills at 1000 (ie, no goddamn difference from 200) yet?
Somewhere in the 300s (for one handed and lance weapons)
AND YOU EVEN CHEAT TO DO IT! You have to be stopped!

It's ... enhancing things. The idea that an enemy lord I've knocked unconcious is going to successfully escape capture 80% of the time is just stupid. So I made him only able to escape 20% of the time.
And ransom frequency, well, come on, how much money do these tight-asses have?! So up that went too.
Better not tell him about character import/export!
Oh I've thought about it. But no, that's going too far!
Re: Mount & Blade: Warband
Posted: 2009-07-08 10:56pm
by Stark
Vympel wrote:Somewhere in the 300s (for one handed and lance weapons)

I can laugh, but the skill rating actually does work for missile weapons; at 300-400 bows are basically railguns. Poor old skill system.

Re: Mount & Blade: Warband
Posted: 2009-07-09 04:56am
by Oskuro
I personally don't care much for the graphical improvements, as long as the gameplay is improved, but I understand that if they want to sell boxes, they need to cater to those who refer to anything that doesn't fit their graphics wet dreams as "dated". Although, given the amount of metal in the game (armor and weapons), having is glow and shine will be noticeable.
IGN Preview wrote:Warband should beef up the strategic aspects of the game a bit. One of the big issues in Mount & Blade is that while you could rebel against your liege, you couldn't get other noble houses to support you that well. In Warband, you can carve out your own kingdom and get lords to kneel to you, basically becoming their liege. You'll also be able to use marriage to form political alliances, which falls in line with the politics of the era. The AI has also gotten a boost in this department, as well.
Taleworlds does hope to make things easier for newcomers, as well. That means more feedback and information, but also a better learning curve.
Sounds interesting, although the bolded part does make me fear they might ditch some of the elements that set the game appart from the rest, and turn it into a mre generic action game.
Stark wrote:PS, don't worry Oskuro, you'll win one eventually.
Coming from you, that's like a full-blown Victory Parade, with Gungans to shoot at and all.