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Your gaming names

Posted: 2009-07-15 11:21pm
by phred
I've been playing WoW with some friends from another game we all used to play, and with all the alts I tend to get confused as to which person I'm talking to.

I also play with some RL friends who tend to reuse a name for a while until a new name catches their attention.

I tend to use some variation of Phred, and have been doing so since there have been games where you get to name your character, empire, team, whatever.

So which one are you?

Re: Your gaming names

Posted: 2009-07-15 11:39pm
by Stormin
I try to not reuse names, the only times I will recycle an old one will be if I am rolling on a new server/game and I need people to instantly recognize me.

Re: Your gaming names

Posted: 2009-07-15 11:40pm
by Gandalf
Most of my gaming is done at LAN parties.

I use the following:

The Jewish Guy (Sometimes changed to Muslim if necessary)
Winston Smith
Ringo Starr

Re: Your gaming names

Posted: 2009-07-16 12:07am
by Pulp Hero
Expendable EOD, because I had just finished reading "SCUD: The Expendable Assassin" when I got my XBox Live account and I thought the word "Expendable" sounded cool.

The EOD part shouldn't be too hard to figure out.

Re: Your gaming names

Posted: 2009-07-16 12:09am
by Enigma
prolapsed anis
aynal leakage

Re: Your gaming names

Posted: 2009-07-16 12:13am
by White Haven
White Haven
Andrew Riviera *waves at Nepthys!*

And assorted other names from time to time, but those are the ones that either recur or that I've just played that damned much.

Re: Your gaming names

Posted: 2009-07-16 12:26am
by Temjin
Lately, I've mainly gone by "Lodgik" or some variation thereof (Main variations: Lodjik, Lodgika). I use this in all games I play online.

In the past, I've mainly used Darfasti. I've mainly phased out this name, but I will tend to still use it once in a great long while.

Re: Your gaming names

Posted: 2009-07-16 12:52am
by Enigma
Enigma wrote:Enigma
prolapsed anis
aynal leakage
Edit: Crusty Bumcrunch
Blue Beans

Re: Your gaming names

Posted: 2009-07-16 01:22am
by Alyeska
I use one name and one name only. Makes it easy to identify me. I have no reason to hide behind multiple names on different games, or change my name once a week.

Re: Your gaming names

Posted: 2009-07-16 02:04am
by Knife
Rainsford or Nymn usually.

Re: Your gaming names

Posted: 2009-07-16 02:48am
by defanatic
Comrade Da

Or some variant thereof.

Re: Your gaming names

Posted: 2009-07-16 02:54am
by Karza
Karza or Kras in non-MMO games. In MMORPGs my first characters got "serious" names, and then I just started giving them daft names in finnish, such as Pyhimys (Saint), Painajainen (Nightmare), Moukari (Sledgehammer), Kuvainraastaja (a fairly archaic word for iconoclast), Kuolema (Death). I don't play MMORPGs any more though.

Re: Your gaming names

Posted: 2009-07-16 04:49am
by Joviwan
Joviwan or Vorpal_Fragbait when I'm online, typically speaking.

In single-player RPG's where I can name my character, I almost invariably name them Democracy.

As far as MMO's go, I'm one of those RP people, so it tends to change a lot.

Re: Your gaming names

Posted: 2009-07-16 05:17am
by Lord Woodlouse
I try to be Captain Woodlouse in FPS games. In WoW I played as Barniferous (the name is something of an obscure in-joke among my friends).

Other than that, I tend to even go with Lord Woodlouse or my actual name (or sometimes, a fancified version of my actual name).

Re: Your gaming names

Posted: 2009-07-16 05:38am
by Darkdrium
I usually go by the name of Karanas. No reason to hide anything and I like the name.

Re: Your gaming names

Posted: 2009-07-16 06:08am
by Narkis
Alyeska wrote:I use one name and one name only. Makes it easy to identify me. I have no reason to hide behind multiple names on different games, or change my name once a week.
This. I'm not the only Narkis in the internet, but Narkis is the only name I use. If it's already taken, I use Sikran or Narkis with something added to the end..

Re: Your gaming names

Posted: 2009-07-16 09:33am
by Lagmonster
I've used Lag-monster since my MUD days, and I continue to use it for recognizability, but in all honesty a handle I had at 20 is not necessarily what I'd pick today.

Where I have no other choice due to name poaching, I'll use the name of a character I wrote up once, "Daeors". In fantasy RPG games, I'll often use another name I came up with, "Val Tannis".

Re: Your gaming names

Posted: 2009-07-16 10:03am
by DarkSilver
Dark Steel, or Dark Silver, or some variation there of.

It's a hold over from my Table Top RP days, when I played Mage the Ascension. DS was my favorite character, and I use his name to identify myself online and in MMO's.

It's been that way for nearly ten years. Don't think it'll change anytime soon.

Re: Your gaming names

Posted: 2009-07-16 10:45am
by Lord Revan
for the names of my Online chars (well most WOW chars) that aren't variations of my real name, are Spiritborn, spiritsworn, shadowborn, shadowborn, Blightaxe, Deathshroud(used this twice though), Bloodleaf and Sunleaf.

yeah I'm rather uninventive when it comes to names.

Re: Your gaming names

Posted: 2009-07-16 11:10am
by Chardok
Snargib Tallyhawk
Sanini Alderbrooke
Zolpidem Tartarate


Re: Your gaming names

Posted: 2009-07-16 11:37am
by White Haven
The name Tallyhawk puts me in mind of an avian version of Count von Count. One small rodent! Two small rodents, ah ah ah! *birdshriek*

Re: Your gaming names

Posted: 2009-07-16 11:40am
by Uraniun235
Farmer Crack-Ass

Re: Your gaming names

Posted: 2009-07-16 06:45pm
by The_Saint
The_Saint I've used for many years for just about anything (from reading Simon Templar novels at primary school)
INXS (my first screen name ever) and Xynophaede from my Quake II days
GreenHeart and SilverBaron got me through endless hours of combat flight-simulators during high school
Draeger was a name I came up with when I got dragged into a Traveller game, and it's been reused ever since for mmo's
Vorpal_Templar and Lethe are alternate names I've used when avoiding some people in TF2 and DoD

Re: Your gaming names

Posted: 2009-07-16 06:53pm
by Vanas
On XBL, Steam and pretty much any other non MMO game I play, it's Vanas or Vanaseffs. Generally the second becauseI've seen the first taken on occasion.

MMOs, anything goes. I've filled up all my alt slots on City of Heroes and I forget how amny I've got on GW or WoW.

Re: Your gaming names

Posted: 2009-07-16 07:05pm
by Haruko
I use the user name "Medora" in all my games. Medora is a misspelling of an obtainable item from the SNES classic, The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past, called "The Book of Mudora." As for the reason for the misspelling: I like the name better that way. You can still find me with that user name on Tiberian Sun. If I ever play that game again. Ever since I discovered Supreme Commander even the online play lost appeal to me.

Another user name I used was "Onigumo." I got the name from Inuyasha, an animated series I never cared for, but from which a character of that name, a miserable wretch of a man, made a pact with a horde of demons that entailed granting them his body in exchange for their power, so that he could pursue a woman he lusted for. The character was no role model, but I liked the name.