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Victoria 2 Announced

Posted: 2009-08-19 12:22pm
by TC Pilot
Now that Hearts of Iron 3 is out of the way, Paradox is finally getting around to making another Victoria. ... p?t=423311

EDIT - There's also "For the Glory," an expanded mod of EU2 by the AGCEEP mod team using the released source code. ... p?t=423301

Re: Victoria 2 Announced

Posted: 2009-08-19 02:35pm
by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba
I'm cautiously optimistic. The interface in their map conept art looks a lot less terrible than is usual for Paradox, and the map itself is much prettier than the awful Clausewitz engine map of HoI3.

Re: Victoria 2 Announced

Posted: 2009-08-19 04:27pm
by Enigma
If it is at least as good as Vic1 then I'm all for it.

Re: Victoria 2 Announced

Posted: 2009-08-19 05:15pm
by MKSheppard
Jesus H Christ, at least fucking FIX HOI3 before you put your full efforts into ANOTHER game....Oh wait, I'm sorry, this is Paradox; they're dependent on cranking out crap games to keep the spigot flowing.

Re: Victoria 2 Announced

Posted: 2009-08-19 05:25pm
by Pablo Sanchez
MKSheppard wrote:Jesus H Christ, at least fucking FIX HOI3 before you put your full efforts into ANOTHER game....Oh wait, I'm sorry, this is Paradox; they're dependent on cranking out crap games to keep the spigot flowing.
Based on experience they'll finally have a patch that makes HOI3 work in six months or so. At this point I can barely believe that anybody buys their games on release day, because they're basically paying to be a late-stage beta tester for Paradox. If you want to get the most out of their games, don't even buy them until like a year after they've been released.

Re: Victoria 2 Announced

Posted: 2009-08-19 05:31pm
by Stark
Not to echo Shep too much, but oh yay. Another clunky ugly bugfest is on the way!

How much will I have to pay for good looking units?

Re: Victoria 2 Announced

Posted: 2009-08-19 07:28pm
by TC Pilot
It would be hilarious if the AGCEEP guys' "For the Glory" ends up being more stable on release than Vicky 2, especially since development time will pretty much be equal (it's supposed to come out Q2 2010).

Still, I'm actually looking forward to this game.

Re: Victoria 2 Announced

Posted: 2009-08-19 07:52pm
by Serafina
Stark wrote:
How much will I have to pay for good looking units?
Wait, what? You are actually expecting good graphis out of a Paradox Game??

Yes, they should fix HOI3 first (though the actual number of bugs is not tha big, its more about errors in game (and map) design). But complaining about the look of the units is just....pointless.

Re: Victoria 2 Announced

Posted: 2009-08-19 07:54pm
by Stark
Get a clue, idiot. HoI3 offers 'sprite packs' for the US and Germans... as a paid-for service. Thus, my comment is both accurate and relevant. Thanks for demonstrating how poorly informed you are.

Re: Victoria 2 Announced

Posted: 2009-08-19 09:53pm
by Vympel
I couldn't even comprehend Victoria, so I have no interest in the sequel. Buying that game was a waste of money, but at least I got it cheap.

As for Hearts of Iron 3, I've decided not to buy it until it's fully stable in about 6 months to a year, or whatever.

What's this shit about sprite packs? So, what, the units of every other nation look generic but the Germans and Americans look unique?

Re: Victoria 2 Announced

Posted: 2009-08-19 09:57pm
by Stark
I don't know, but I've seen the example shots (the 'sprites' look more like 3D models to me). It's basically stuff like little Shermans, Iowas, U-VIIs, Tigers etc. And it's $2! It's bizarre in the extreme, given the sort of game HoI3 is.

Re: Victoria 2 Announced

Posted: 2009-08-20 04:29am
by Serafina
So we have a corporation which wants to make extra money....oh noes, they are evulZ!

Seriously, whats wrong with the sprite packs? You already have decent sprites, its's not like you have to buy them.
If people want to spend money on it, thats their problem.

Re: Victoria 2 Announced

Posted: 2009-08-20 04:45am
by Stark
Did I say that? No. So shut the fuck up and learn to live with the embarrassment of being wrong.

Re: Victoria 2 Announced

Posted: 2009-08-20 04:46am
by MKSheppard
Serafina wrote:Seriously, whats wrong with the sprite packs? You already have decent sprites, its's not like you have to buy them.
Except that these aren't for random little shitty countries or for exotic weapons that didn't see much service; they're for the US and Germany -- and include Essex CVs and B-29s.

Re: Victoria 2 Announced

Posted: 2009-08-20 05:15am
by Vympel
The sprite packs cost virtually nothing. What, are you saving money for a chocolate bar or two? Don't be so fucking cheap. :twisted:

Re: Victoria 2 Announced

Posted: 2009-08-20 05:48am
by Stark
I'm not stupid enough to buy a paradox game in the first place. It's just sad that they're so greedy when paying people to do no testing for two years can't be that expensive. :)

Re: Victoria 2 Announced

Posted: 2009-08-20 06:12am
by MKSheppard
Vympel wrote:The sprite packs cost virtually nothing. What, are you saving money for a chocolate bar or two? Don't be so fucking cheap. :twisted:
So explain why they picked the B-29 and Essex to be in the US Sprite Pack. I mean, these aren't T95 Heavy Tanks, or United States Class Super attack carriers -- but some of the US' primary fighting power in WWII

Re: Victoria 2 Announced

Posted: 2009-08-20 07:55am
by Bluewolf
I could understand the packs if they were like experimental concepts that never took off, rare weapons like the Paris Gun and etc. It would be quite good actually; a special weapons pack but really? Primary WW2 units? Thats blatent $$$. Even ETW gave units that were not the bread and butter of certain forces. I own HoI3 and the weapon pack stuff hardly endears itself to me. Even more so when its again a slider fest.

Frankly this may just be me but I hate it when they release games in such speed like this. I mean HoI3 is still only a few weeks old in terms of being released and they should focus on the broken stuff thats in that game rather then work on another one. It pretty much feels like conveyer belt style game making. I also like how this conincides with NTW announced, at least closely. At least there is fun to be had in CA games though.

On the topic of Vic 2, the orginal was Ok for the most part but was boring, no tutorial and barley any animation. It was just not fun to play and turned out to be complex for me. Looking at the screenshot there, it looks promising but still, it looks lik a slider fest. This is a problem I have with Paradox games. I don't feel excited or happy when I turn into an industrial superpower, I just see a load of sliders bars and numbers. Maybe you can say I am playing the wrong type of game but thats no excuse. The game barley even shows you units and is filled with a load of stats that it needs about three user guides to understand. Even DEFCON which was just a neon like map with unit symbols on was fun its own way despite it having very little to do. Paradox games tend to have few animations or eye candy which does in fact go a long way into making a game look more appealing.

Re: Victoria 2 Announced

Posted: 2009-08-20 08:17am
by Vympel
So explain why they picked the B-29 and Essex to be in the US Sprite Pack. I mean, these aren't T95 Heavy Tanks, or United States Class Super attack carriers -- but some of the US' primary fighting power in WWII
My point is it's so ridiculously cheap it doesn't matter. Of all the many problems Paradox has with its current development model, selling some sprites for peanuts over the internet doesn't even register. And this is coming from someone who refuses to buy the game until its fixed. Which given the usual time frame, is when it's much cheaper anyway :)

Re: Victoria 2 Announced

Posted: 2009-08-20 08:19am
by Stark
Do they restrict the units availability? I thought it just made existing units look better (ie is entirely cosmetic) rather than introducing new units you couldn't use otherwise.

And it can be as cheap as they want, they're still greedy cunts selling primitive, unfinished horrible games and then selling stupid addons to fat nerds. :)

Re: Victoria 2 Announced

Posted: 2009-08-20 10:59am
by Archaic`
Another announcement. EU3: Heir to the Throne. ... p?t=423306
Requested by the fans, Heir to the Throne is the third expansion to the
preeminent historical strategy game Europa Universalis III. The expansion takes the hugely successful game beyond complete, with improvements across the board:

• Intriguing Casus Belli system, where wars have specific goals from start to finish.
• Monarchs now belong to dynasties, with far reaching effects on the diplomatic model.
• More involving and powerful Holy Roman Empire and Papacy options.
• Special diplomatic options for Republics.
• Set your National Focus in a province to enhance growth and strengthen your hold in the region.
• Permanent Terra Incognita removed and replaced with impassable regions.
• Cultural Tradition allows better advisors in the same way that Military Tradition allows better generals and admirals.
• Spheres of Influence simulate the Great Game of the major powers.
• More dynamic pirates. Issue letters of marque to plague the sea zones of rival nations.
• Monarchs need to uphold their legitimacy in the eyes of their subjects
• Many other additions and improvements.
Now this is the one announcement that does have me excited. The original EU3 was a bit of a disappointment, but the subsequent expansions and mods such as SRI and MMP have really raised the game to new levels. Looks like some of the additions in this expansion (HRE options and Spheres of Influence) may actually have been directly inspired by some of those major mods, so with any luck their implementations of them will be fully moddable as well.

....of course, we'll probably need to wait 1 or 2 patches of the expansion down the track until it's stable and worth playing again, but still, it'll be good when we have it.

Re: Victoria 2 Announced

Posted: 2009-08-20 01:28pm
by Slacker
The EU3 expansion's got me intrigued, most of the additions they're talking about genuinely sound like they'll add something to the game. Diplomacy is really the one area EU3, after the expansion packs, could use boning up on. I'm cautiously pleased, and honestly the expansions have generally only needed one patch to work properly, unlike the core games.

As for Vicky 2...meh, maybe in 2012, if the world doesn't end.

Re: Victoria 2 Announced

Posted: 2009-08-22 02:26am
by RRoan
People actually use sprites in the HoI games? Counters are so much more informative... :|

Re: Victoria 2 Announced

Posted: 2009-08-22 03:20pm
by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba
Well, now we know why they made HOI3 before Victoria 2 even though all the fans wanted Vic2: they didn't think it would make any money.

But I guess extreme fanservice beat out their desire for profits? I'm not even sure how to feel about that. WHICH SHOULD I HATE MORE?! STARK, HELP!

Re: Victoria 2 Announced

Posted: 2009-08-23 11:09pm
by Slacker
I think it's kind of awesome, honestly. The head-shave thing is pretty funny.

Still not going to buy it until I know it's reasonably bug-free.