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Trailer for Halo ODST
Posted: 2009-09-08 04:40am
by hongi
That Brute should have just fucking ripped the guy apart right there instead of that bullshit roaring. And I
really want a Halo movie. Thoughts?
Re: Trailer for Halo ODST
Posted: 2009-09-08 04:50am
by Stark
It sure is a good thing the Cov have no decent artillery, lol.
Re: Trailer for Halo ODST
Posted: 2009-09-08 05:16am
by Lord Relvenous
Yeah, cuz troops that are dropped from the air can never be effective, right?
Either way, the advertising is a very cool concept. I feel that live action trailers build atmosphere much more effectively than random snippets of gameplay. The Halo 3 live action trailers (the soldiers relating their experiences with Master Chief) were similarly cool. While trailers have no effect on the actual game, I like this approach. Bungie implements it pretty well.
Re: Trailer for Halo ODST
Posted: 2009-09-08 05:43am
by Stark
Paratroopers who land and assemble equipment then move toward objectives = soldiers dropped individually in small numbers who walk directly into combat, right? Alternately you're comparing apples and oranges and an idiot. Turns out since there was a battle ongoing and it's supposed to be the goddamn future, you'd think the Cov would have a countermeasure to the whole 'ODSTs will be landing right here sometime soon let's blow them up instantly'.
What's 'cool' about this advertising is idiots keep falling for it. Halo marketing has always been about the sizzle and not the actual content; Bungie are masters at selling things that don't exist. If this trailer makes you want to play ODST any more than you already did, you are quite simply a retard.
Re: Trailer for Halo ODST
Posted: 2009-09-08 06:00am
by Lord Relvenous
Hey Stark, point out to me where in the trailer it was said "hey guise, gonna be dropping you in small numbers into an ongoing battle. kthxbai." You infer a lot from a few seconds of film. The ODST that was followed in the trailer could very well have been part of a second wave that was dropped shortly after the first, as the other soldiers we see on the field are also ODST. The Covenant forces could very well have been their reaction to the ODST tactic. Additionally, the only time that the player views an ODST drop is in Halo 2, where the ODST drop, assemble equipment, and then move toward an objective. Amazingly enough, that sounds similar to paratroopers. Yes, the whole run directly into combat thing that the trooper did was stupid, but we can hardly assume it's basic operating procedure.
As to the "cool" thing, let me quote myself.
While trailers have no effect on the actual game, I like this approach.
Just because I liked the trailer doesn't mean I want to buy the game (I'm not). I just like watching atmospheric shorts.
Edit for typos.
Re: Trailer for Halo ODST
Posted: 2009-09-08 06:05am
by Stark
You mean the part where they drop in squad strength into a battle in progress, and the protaganist is nearly killed in seconds?

The use in Halo2 was totally different, as you note. The whole idea of them being combat capable after a dead-drop like that just because they're OMG SO HARDCORE is stupid.
Hey I like the trailers too; I'm not going to go nuts and say it means a movie would work, but they're very polished. It's just dishonest, because it's nothing whatsoever to do with the game, just like the Halo3 thing.
If they could make a Halo-verse movie without MC, it'd probably be good. Sadly, that's impossible due to branding so we'd get a bunch of mastubatory fanservice Cortana sighing bullshit.
Re: Trailer for Halo ODST
Posted: 2009-09-08 06:11am
by Lord Relvenous
Stark wrote:You mean the part where they drop in squad strength into a battle in progress, and the protaganist is nearly killed in seconds?

The use in Halo2 was totally different, as you note. The whole idea of them being combat capable after a dead-drop like that just because they're OMG SO HARDCORE is stupid.
While I'm tempted to argue that there's no indication that it's only a squad-size drop, or argue about the worthiness of said drop, I'll let it pass as we do agree on how stupid the protaganist and the fan view of ODSTs are.
Hey I like the trailers too; I'm not going to go nuts and say it means a movie would work, but they're very polished. It's just dishonest, because it's nothing whatsoever to do with the game, just like the Halo3 thing.
Sure it's dishonest, but if I'm going to see a Halo trailer, I'd much rather see this than shoddily edited "these are cool moments with awesome voiceovers lol" trailers.
If they could make a Halo-verse movie without MC, it'd probably be good. Sadly, that's impossible due to branding so we'd get a bunch of mastubatory fanservice Cortana sighing bullshit.
I'd much prefer a movie without MC, as his story has been done to death, and it's boring. However, fatty nerds need their wanktastic super-human fantasies fulfilled, so no luck.

Re: Trailer for Halo ODST
Posted: 2009-09-08 06:18am
by ray245
Stark wrote:You mean the part where they drop in squad strength into a battle in progress, and the protaganist is nearly killed in seconds?

The use in Halo2 was totally different, as you note. The whole idea of them being combat capable after a dead-drop like that just because they're OMG SO HARDCORE is stupid.
Hey I like the trailers too; I'm not going to go nuts and say it means a movie would work, but they're very polished. It's just dishonest, because it's nothing whatsoever to do with the game, just like the Halo3 thing.
If they could make a Halo-verse movie without MC, it'd probably be good. Sadly, that's impossible due to branding so we'd get a bunch of mastubatory fanservice Cortana sighing bullshit.
I remember a while back when Peter Jackson and Neil are still involved in the project, they were saying that they are hoping to make MC a secondary character, and tell us how other soldiers cling on to MC as their morale booster or something like that.
Re: Trailer for Halo ODST
Posted: 2009-09-08 06:25am
by Lord Relvenous
ray245 wrote:
I remember a while back when Peter Jackson and Neil are still involved in the project, they were saying that they are hoping to make MC a secondary character, and tell us how other soldiers cling on to MC as their morale booster or something like that.
Sounds similar to the presentation of the "Believe" trailers with the old men describing their experiences in the war. I think it'd be an effective method of telling the story, and I would greatly prefer to see a presentation other than the "YAH! YOUR A BADASS!" approach of the Halo games. The stories of the common foot soldier are much more interesting to me.
Re: Trailer for Halo ODST
Posted: 2009-09-08 06:37am
by Stark
Yeah, even the games would work more if they worked the mysticism of the Spartans; if they had actual superpowers and showed up like a shiny golden god to save the day.
Y'know, instead of just walk down a corridor shooting endless waves of idiots.

Re: Trailer for Halo ODST
Posted: 2009-09-08 06:40am
by Aaron
Well the trailer did it's job, it got me interested in checking out the game. Before I saw it I ignored it, figuring it was just Halo1/2/3 with a different character but I'll at least rent it now.
Re: Trailer for Halo ODST
Posted: 2009-09-08 06:42am
by Pulp Hero
Well, I think it would incorporate the theme of the books- a lot of soldiers get creeped out by Spartans actually being around, even if they like the idea of having one fight alongside them.
And regarding the trailer: We got only a few seconds of the fight, so it is really hard to make assumptions. Maybe the covenant are ambushing the ODSTs at their dropzone?
Re: Trailer for Halo ODST
Posted: 2009-09-08 06:59am
by weemadando
Stark wrote:
What's 'cool' about this advertising is idiots keep falling for it. Halo marketing has always been about the sizzle and not the actual content; Bungie are masters at selling things that don't exist. If this trailer makes you want to play ODST any more than you already did, you are quite simply a retard.
Hai guys. I hear that some people here fucking LOVE bees.
As for the Halo ad campaigns I watch them and go: "well that's very impressive. Now make a game that makes me feel even a little of that."
Re: Trailer for Halo ODST
Posted: 2009-09-08 07:03am
by Stark
Yeah, it's like games that have exciting action-packed intros ... full of shit you can't do/never see/etc. Like how DoW's intro made the combat look brutal, fast-paced and exciting.

Re: Trailer for Halo ODST
Posted: 2009-09-08 07:19am
by weemadando
Can someone make a game where I spend hours looking at a diorama of some battle and imagine how JAWSOME it'd be?
Oh. Wait.
Re: Trailer for Halo ODST
Posted: 2009-09-08 08:37am
by Pulp Hero
Really, your ragging on tabletop games? That's your plan?
Re: Trailer for Halo ODST
Posted: 2009-09-08 11:26am
by Sarevok
What is this talk of Halo story ? I am the biggest Halo you will find so far in this thread and I think the story is what sucked most in Halo games. Halo 1 had a shitty story that made no sense. Why go into the trouble of building a Halo and then put the flood right on it ? Why not just delete Cortana if everyone is going to wind up captured in a day or two ? Why do space marines fight with Vietnam gear ? It made no sense and the "plot" if you want to call it that was completely absent ingame. It was just one most mute guy in power armor walking through long linear corridors / canyons / hallways for ten levels in a row leaving a trail of dead aliens and burning hover tanks in his wake.
But then Bungiee goes overboard with the story and screwed up the gameplay with Halo. They start a trend of "epic storytelling" with flashy trailers, novels and stuff. Eventually by now you end up with shitty games that are not as good and don't feel like "Halo". Why can't they just give up with turning Halo into a Star Trek / Star Wars like franchise and just make another game where pouring Needler barrages into Elites and watching them explode at 4 am in the morning is fun again ?
Re: Trailer for Halo ODST
Posted: 2009-09-08 11:34am
by ray245
Sarevok wrote:What is this talk of Halo story ? I am the biggest Halo you will find so far in this thread and I think the story is what sucked most in Halo games. Halo 1 had a shitty story that made no sense. Why go into the trouble of building a Halo and then put the flood right on it ? Why not just delete Cortana if everyone is going to wind up captured in a day or two ? Why do space marines fight with Vietnam gear ? It made no sense and the "plot" if you want to call it that was completely absent ingame. It was just one most mute guy in power armor walking through long linear corridors / canyons / hallways for ten levels in a row leaving a trail of dead aliens and burning hover tanks in his wake.
But then Bungiee goes overboard with the story and screwed up the gameplay with Halo. They start a trend of "epic storytelling" with flashy trailers, novels and stuff. Eventually by now you end up with shitty games that are not as good and don't feel like "Halo". Why can't they just give up with turning Halo into a Star Trek / Star Wars like franchise and just make another game where pouring Needler barrages into Elites and watching them explode at 4 am in the morning is fun again ?
The only thing that really interest me in watching a Halo movie is mostly the background setting.
Re: Trailer for Halo ODST
Posted: 2009-09-08 11:44am
by Samuel
So all this story telling is added onto to expand the ways they can make money
Sure it is barely coherant, but people are willing to pay money for it and the customer is always right... even if the subject has been done a thousand times before. Any bets on what the reiteration in 30 years will be called?
Re: Trailer for Halo ODST
Posted: 2009-09-08 11:58am
by General Zod
Cpl Kendall wrote:Well the trailer did it's job, it got me interested in checking out the game. Before I saw it I ignored it, figuring it was just Halo1/2/3 with a different character but I'll at least rent it now.
Based on a live action trailer with no gameplay whatsoever? LOL. Hilariously ODST started off as a mod but they kept adding so much stuff they decided to market it as a full game. It's basically Master Chief but with less health and "zomg night vision"!!111
Re: Trailer for Halo ODST
Posted: 2009-09-08 12:07pm
by Aaron
General Zod wrote:\
Based on a live action trailer with no gameplay whatsoever? LOL. Hilariously ODST started off as a mod but they kept adding so much stuff they decided to market it as a full game. It's basically Master Chief but with less health and "zomg night vision"!!111
No, I mean the trailer did it's job of letting me know the game was there. I never actually paid attention to it before, I know the game will not resemble the trailer in any ways shape or form but I will actually give it a rental.
I did not know that it actually started off as a mod though.
Re: Trailer for Halo ODST
Posted: 2009-09-08 12:11pm
by General Zod
Cpl Kendall wrote:
I did not know that it actually started off as a mod though.
Mod in the sense that the creators were designing an expansion to the original game anyway, but yeah. It's basically a Halo 3 mod.
Re: Trailer for Halo ODST
Posted: 2009-09-08 12:13pm
by Aaron
General Zod wrote:
Mod in the sense that the creators were designing an expansion to the original game anyway, but yeah. It's basically a Halo 3 mod.
Ahh OK. I never played past the first Halo, so I have no idea what the story is anyways besides "super space marine saves galaxy".
Re: Trailer for Halo ODST
Posted: 2009-09-08 12:15pm
by General Zod
Cpl Kendall wrote:General Zod wrote:
Mod in the sense that the creators were designing an expansion to the original game anyway, but yeah. It's basically a Halo 3 mod.
Ahh OK. I never played past the first Halo, so I have no idea what the story is anyways besides "super space marine saves galaxy".
That's about sums up everything you need to know about the story.
Re: Trailer for Halo ODST
Posted: 2009-09-08 12:55pm
by CaptHawkeye
Sarevok wrote:What is this talk of Halo story ? I am the biggest Halo you will find so far in this thread and I think the story is what sucked most in Halo games. Halo 1 had a shitty story that made no sense.
I'm in the same boat as Sarevok. Against my better judgement im a fan of the Halo series but christ sake, is the writing ever bad. And it doesn't help that Bungie sets precisely zero ground rules for Halo's Expanded Universe. So they're allowed to do whatever the hell they want and Bungie just follows that for lack of interest in writing their own story.
Man i'll always have to take a minute to pause and laugh whenever I read about or see the super equipment the ODST's get to use that the Spartans don't. Master Chief's armour didn't even have night vision. I guess whole SPARTAN II program suffered from serious budget cuts at some point?