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Star Trek Legacy is completely broken

Posted: 2009-10-16 03:44am
by Bounty
You know hwo some games have bugs? When I hear the word "bug" I think of things like AI characters getting stuck behind walls, or a wall texture ending up on the ceiling. Maybe Skirmish mode doesn't start when you use knives right after mines on a particular map. Maybe you can finish a race and get stuck on the results screen. Those are what I expect game bugs to be; annoying little faults that are fixed by the first patch.

Star Trek: Legacy, a piece of software which by all accounts had the potential to be brilliant but which Bethesda never bothered to finish, doesn't have "bugs". It's not even a game.

It crashes. Hard. Frequently. before it even starts. It's the only game I've had so far that has managed to BSoD Windows 7. Incidentally making this the only time 7 has BSoD'ed on me - ever! Whatever hackjob the programmers did on this monstrosity - and reports suggest it's the ancient Armada engine zoomed in - it causes my video card to choke, throw out random visual garbage, and reset its driver.

How the hell did this ever get out of beta? I'm not alone in this either; apparently it's a small miracle getting this even to work, and when it does it doesn't work right. I'd complain about half the promised features getting cut and the in-game saves being programmed but disabled to stretch out the campaign (!), but that would assume I could actually even get the game to load.

Now, there are fixes - not official ones, nooo, unofficial workarounds done by very brave and very bored people. You wanna know what they are? Maybe fiddle with compat mode, force a safe resolution, something you shouldn't have to do but seems sort of sane in a beta-testing way?

The user-made fixes list I most commonly bumped into is nine steps long. This is a direct copy of two of the steps:
6. Now run the game until it crashes (for me it was when game was almost loaded). do that 5 times!! be sure you remember the first time and the last time you started the game!!

7. Return to the folder "aders" and remove any files that where NOT accessed between the first time and the last time you ran the game in step 6.
All emphasis original. Yes, that's right: fixing this game requires the computing equivalent of witchcraft.

Re: Star Trek Legacy is completely broken

Posted: 2009-10-16 04:16am
by Darth Tanner
Just to be contrary I never had any problems with this game. At least no problems getting it to run, the lack of in-mission saving (I never got past the Stargazer missions), the poor graphics and crap control were obviously problems.

It was fun leading a huge Romulan fleet against DS9 though.

Re: Star Trek Legacy is completely broken

Posted: 2009-10-16 07:27am
by Stark
I didn't have crashes either. That stargazer mission is fucking horrid.

Re: Star Trek Legacy is completely broken

Posted: 2009-10-16 07:30am
by Zac Naloen
I haven't played this game, is it worth a bargain bin pick up for my xbox?

Re: Star Trek Legacy is completely broken

Posted: 2009-10-16 07:32am
by Stark
Sorta? It's pretty simple with terrible missions, but it looks kinda nice. Difficulty is all over the place though.

Re: Star Trek Legacy is completely broken

Posted: 2009-10-16 07:57am
by Bounty
I'll never know cause it just makes my graphics driver crash.

Re: Star Trek Legacy is completely broken

Posted: 2009-10-16 10:54am
by Gramzamber
Bounty wrote:a piece of software which by all accounts had the potential to be brilliant but which Bethesda never bothered to finish, doesn't have "bugs". It's not even a game.
A sentence that can be used to describe any Bethesda came, both in-house and published (the latter in Legacy's case).

Re: Star Trek Legacy is completely broken

Posted: 2009-10-16 09:57pm
by Darth Paxis
Zac Naloen wrote:I haven't played this game, is it worth a bargain bin pick up for my xbox?
Worth renting, at least.