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Not a good time for my gaming pleasure (crashes/corruption).

Posted: 2009-10-24 07:09pm
by weemadando
My Saints Row 2 appears to be locking up every time I complete the current story mission (Brotherhood one where you are blowing up trucks). I get a hard lock of the game when the cutscene finishes - and sadly it doesn't record that I've finished that mission. So after a few attempts and a trip to the web to find a solution it's heading for the trade-in.

And then we have Batman: Arkham Asylum. Sure - I'd only just gotten up to the Medical Facility, but I booted up to play last night and get a "Corrupted Save" issue. NOOOOOOOOO! I really like B:AA, and want to finish it, but I'm just not sure if I have the patience to play back through to there again.

Re: Not a good time for my gaming pleasure (crashes/corruption).

Posted: 2009-10-24 07:47pm
by Joviwan
Two completely unrelated games crashing on the 360 in a short time-span for what seems an awful lot like when it's trying to access the hard-drive makes me thing "hardware issue," not "Buggy game issue." Just throwing that out there as an idea. I'm not sure how you'd check for faulty hardware, though.

Re: Not a good time for my gaming pleasure (crashes/corruption).

Posted: 2009-10-24 09:24pm
by weemadando
I think Batman was because I had a cat step on the power button on the remote while I was playing challenge mode and that might have blown my save.

The SR2 thing seems to be a fairly common family of issues within that game with lock-ups and freezes. No matter. I now have Brutal Legend, Forza 3 and a bunch more MS points (Gay Tony ahoy).

Re: Not a good time for my gaming pleasure (crashes/corruption).

Posted: 2009-10-24 11:34pm
by JointStrikeFighter
Maybe the RROD is looming.