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World of Warcraft servers and such

Posted: 2009-11-16 05:10am
by Red
Saw Lagmonster's thread on Wii/PSN/Xbox codes as well as Game Session Planning, and wondered if it might not be a good idea to keep a similar listing of contacts in some of the larger PC games? World of Warcraft immediately comes to mind, but Blizzard's other games like Starcraft or Diablo use a system similar to the Xbox Live system. And I'm sure some other larger online games and sites (EVE? Second Life*?) might have a few from the SDnet crew in their memberships.

Admittedly, my interest is in exchanging WoW info. I tried running a search for topics with World of Warcraft in the title for this forum, but only found about 1-2 threads a year on the subject. Any interest in this sort of thing?

For what it's worth, Talen helped hook me about two years ago. Now I lead a minor empire of willing minions on Cenarion Circle, alliance. :x ... e&n=Reddon

Re: World of Warcraft servers and such

Posted: 2009-11-16 09:14am
by DesertFly
I'm always up for more friends :}

The Scryers: Horde: Alysake (main)
Frostwolf: Alliance: Aleanenya (once in a blue moon)

(a smattering of others elsewhere)

Re: World of Warcraft servers and such

Posted: 2009-11-16 12:04pm
by Darmalus
See my signature for my major characters, but I wouldn't mind rerolling on another server if I had someone to roll with. I really can't play WoW solo anymore, I know how much fun groups make it.

Re: World of Warcraft servers and such

Posted: 2009-11-16 01:58pm
by SirNitram
Nesingwary for my Alliance. I need to reroll for Horde.

Re: World of Warcraft servers and such

Posted: 2009-11-16 02:10pm
by Kuja
Alliance on Twisting Nether

Horde on Venture Co.

More Horde on Moon Guard, with Alliance planned.

The only one I play with anything like regularity is group three.

Re: World of Warcraft servers and such

Posted: 2009-11-16 03:01pm
by Lancer
Misha, Horde-side. Asurmen or Ulthanesh. Yes, blatantly ripped from 40k.

Re: World of Warcraft servers and such

Posted: 2009-11-16 04:08pm
by White Haven
Mannoroth Alliance, Hezra, Lightwarden, Boneweaver, Ursia, and Dureck.

Re: World of Warcraft servers and such

Posted: 2009-11-16 07:22pm
by Edward Yee
I play on The Sha'tar-EU, with a possible move to Argent Dawn-EU or some other server where Horde isn't the worst in the battlegroup. :evil:

Re: World of Warcraft servers and such

Posted: 2009-11-16 08:12pm
by Archaic`
Horde on Emerald Dream, no Alliance. Not that I've had the time to play regularly of late.

Re: World of Warcraft servers and such

Posted: 2009-11-16 09:42pm
by Agent Fisher
Kelthran, DK, Human, Bladefist

Re: World of Warcraft servers and such

Posted: 2009-11-16 10:54pm
by Steve
I played Cenarion Circle (primary is Rhysdav, Dwarf Paladin, Level 70) but, alas, I am broke and cannot afford WotLK or even the monthly fee. :(

I thought about doing the free 10 day trial soon just to experience Northrend, but I might wait until I know that soon I would be able to play the game regularly. Which means a job. Without adequate transportation, a wardrobe, and in a craphole economy even with the holidays on.

Re: World of Warcraft servers and such

Posted: 2009-11-17 12:10am
by Minischoles
The Maelstrom EU - Minischoles, level 80 druid. That or playing my mage, Minmag (80), my warlock (level 78 as of tonight) or my priest Minispriest (level 40). Usually always playing from 7 server time to 11 server time since thats raiding time.

Re: World of Warcraft servers and such

Posted: 2009-11-17 12:24am
by Red
Discovered this is one of the forums I -can't- edit my posts in. So.

World of Warcraft
Agent Fisher - Kelthran, alliance: Bladefist
Archaic` - Emerald Dream, horde: ?????
Darmalus - Malfurion, horde: Darmalus, Frogtosser, Qualtana, Mareimbrium
DesertFly - Scryers, horde: Alysake ... also Frostwolf, alliance: Aleanenya
Kuja - Moon Guard, both: ?????? ..... also Twisting Nether, alliance: ????? ..... Venture Co., horde: ?????
Lancer - Misha, horde: Asurmen, Ulthanesh
Red - Cenarion Circle, alliance: Reddon
SirNitram - Nesingwary, alliance: ?????
Steve - Cenarion Circle, alliance: Rhysdav
White Haven - Mannoroth, alliance: Hezra, Lightwarden, Boneweaver, Ursia, Dureck

Edward Yee - The Sha'tar, horde: ?????
Minischoles - The Maelstrom, ?????: Minischoles, Minmag, Minispriest

Re: World of Warcraft servers and such

Posted: 2009-11-17 03:35am
by Minischoles
Oh i'm Horde, have been since vanilla wow.

Re: World of Warcraft servers and such

Posted: 2009-11-17 04:52am
by Lord Revan
I'm at Draenor(EU) mainly, my primary chars being Deathshroud (human DK) and Bloodleaf (Belf mage), though I got a host of alts as well.

Re: World of Warcraft servers and such

Posted: 2009-11-17 06:19am
by PhilosopherOfSorts
I'm on Bloodhoof server, I have a level 80 Dwarf Paladin, Bjornorcbain, and a level 60 Tauren Druid, Phillysteak.

Re: World of Warcraft servers and such

Posted: 2009-11-17 10:05am
by Lancer
Whoo! Just picked up Dual-Blade Butcher last night!

Re: World of Warcraft servers and such

Posted: 2009-11-17 11:38am
by Red
*happy dance for Lancer*

With all the changes rolling out for Cataclysm, I'm really hoping server transfers become Not A Big Deal. It's so frustrating to meet people--online, at school, at work, in the store--and know that unless I'm willing to shell out a not-insignificant amount of cash, I'll never get a chance to really play with them...

Re: World of Warcraft servers and such

Posted: 2009-11-17 12:25pm
by Temjin
Lodgika, alliance, on Undermine.

Haven't played for months, but I'm thinking of maybe renewing my account soon.

Didn't really get to enjoy WotLK. Got the expansion in January, and fractured my wrist a week later. Plus the comp I had back then didn't handle it that well. By the time my wrist healed and I got a better comp, I had already become addicted to Eve online.

Re: World of Warcraft servers and such

Posted: 2009-11-17 07:31pm
by SirNitram
Malkamar on Nesingwary. Though I'm on the PTR lately; I have an unhealthy love of the new 'Looking For Group' tool.

Re: World of Warcraft servers and such

Posted: 2009-11-17 07:41pm
by White Haven
Malkamar. Heheh. Long time...

Re: World of Warcraft servers and such

Posted: 2009-11-17 08:58pm
by Edward Yee
I'm sticking to my non-PTR Tauren hunter 80 (the only character I really play... haven't picked up the draenei pallie and human warrior in months, not intending to either), still wanting to gear him before Icecrown Citadel, and to get that last Timear Foresees quest for the achievement (do the daily mob kills) before it becomes a Feat of Strength; for PVE I already got the Proof of Demise achievement. Notable bits of gear... got the T8.5 helm, the 10-man ToC wrists (from ToC 10) and gloves (from from VoA 10), the Brewfest holiday DPS trinket, some TotC heroic pieces (chest, leather feet, belt, polearm, gun), the DPS ring from TotC normal, Braxley's Backyard Moonshine (+haste, more AP on command, but my character gets completely smashed), Ymiron's Blade, and the Headless Horseman's sword. *dances*

That, and a TON of RP gear... all my bags are filled with legacy items.

As much as I liked the Marksman spec/rotation that I used for the PTR version of this character (yay for more shots!), the regular version of him on The Sha'tar-EU is a Survival/Beast Master; hopefully I won't lose too much DPS if I respec to Marksman, since playing in the US perpetually means 300ms at best most of the time, about 250-ish some of the time, 150-ish rarely, 100 never.

Re: World of Warcraft servers and such

Posted: 2009-11-17 11:16pm
by Faabio
These days I hang out on the EU-realm Argent dawn as an undead mage lvl80 called Tuomio. I do have some alts on both sides on the same realm but that mage is the one I play the most.

Re: World of Warcraft servers and such

Posted: 2009-11-18 12:38am
by squidman001
US Azjol Nerub- Alliance: Hunter main lvl 80 Azaghad, DK lvl 64 Azadrien, Warlock lvl 51 Azagelas, Shaman lvl 45 Ortherion.

US Moon Guard: Priest lvl 25 Azvanya

Re: World of Warcraft servers and such

Posted: 2009-11-18 03:01am
by Edward Yee
Sweet, Faabio, I might be seeing you on of these days. I originally made the EU account to help out an online friend who however... well, we just don't have so many opportunities to interact anymore, and lately he joined the Argent Dawn server, so I might just pay up to do a paid server transfer (since there won't be FCM).

Long story short, the problem on The Sha'tar-EU (besides of course gold spammers and it being a RP server where there's little RP and no enforcement) is... we have the worst Horde PVP-wise on the entire Vindication battlegroup, are perpetually outnumbered by Alliance come time for Wintergrasp, it's pretty ugly seeing how badly Horde sometimes fails even during battlegrounds, and the wait times to PVP are looong.