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Join the Empire today!
Posted: 2003-02-26 09:11am
by John Ramses
The Combine Galactic Empire would like to extend an offer to all of you.Rejoin the Empire. Here, at the combine, the roleplaying is different then found anyplace else on the internet. We use a number of methods for roleplaying, combining the use of Email, Message boards, Internet Relay Chat, and our own interface client. We have many job openings on our ranks. Our Navy and Army are the largest within the Combine universe and their members recieve the finest training available.
So if being a hot hand behind the stick, bombarding a planet, or putting a few blaster bolts into a rebel at close range sounds fun, look no further, here is where you belong. Become part of one of the biggest Imperial comunities on the web, interact with other fellow Imperials on a daily basis and move trough the StarWars Universe as it should be; fight the rebels during the morning, visit the Tatooine pod races at noon and finish your day having dinner at Coruscant... you can do all of this here, with us.
And don't you think that the Army and the Navy are our only options, we are far from it, join our research teams and help them developing the next Imperial super weapon, or designing the next ship to strike fear in rebel hearts. We also have jobs available in other avenues, including government, Imperial Intelligence, and the Imperial Security Bureau.
Join us now!
If you want more information, contact me at
The parent site for all this is for those who want to see it all first - Keev
Posted: 2003-02-26 09:30am
by DPDarkPrimus
Site whoring isn't a good way to make a first post.
Posted: 2003-02-26 09:32am
by John Ramses
I have authorization from CPT Frank.
EDIT: And also from Mr. Dalton.
Posted: 2003-02-26 10:27am
by Slartibartfast
I'm already with Intellifish. And the Combine could use better software
Oh and poke.
Posted: 2003-02-26 02:46pm
by Cal Wright
Hey! Do not try and plod your way on already conquored territory. The Dark Guard Fleet will not allow such asshatedness. Begone with you!
Posted: 2003-02-26 02:49pm
by Enlightenment
His post was made with the permission of the board staff.
Don't spam this thread by dismissing it as spam.

Posted: 2003-02-26 03:22pm
by Robert Treder
Good to see you doing your part for the Empire, citizen. What's your rank/branch?
-Lt. Zwei Neuf, Imperial Navy
Posted: 2003-02-26 03:25pm
by Stravo
And what of those of us who want to actually fight for justice, liberty and equality? If one thing the movies proved is that neo fascists lose to Teddy bears everytime. Give me a beat up X-Wing, a lost cause and a shot at the enemy.
Posted: 2003-02-26 05:35pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Stravo wrote:And what of those of us who want to actually fight for justice, liberty and equality? If one thing the movies proved is that neo fascists lose to Teddy bears everytime. Give me a beat up X-Wing, a lost cause and a shot at the enemy.
Ah. Spoken like a true Reb.
I'm with Stravo.
Posted: 2003-02-26 07:24pm
by Keevan_Colton
Bow down imperial....if you've spent any real time in the galaxy you should know me.....I am Keevan Colton, the Shadow Prince, former ruler of the Underempire, onetime Guildmaster of the BHG, Kaliff of Nentan and Regent of Kalikibul and a great many more things.....
Pass my regards to the Emperor...ask him if I can still have use of rooms in the imperial palace when I next stop by coruscant....
Posted: 2003-02-26 08:15pm
by HemlockGrey
Posted: 2003-02-26 08:22pm
by Keevan_Colton
Stravo wrote:And what of those of us who want to actually fight for justice, liberty and equality? If one thing the movies proved is that neo fascists lose to Teddy bears everytime. Give me a beat up X-Wing, a lost cause and a shot at the enemy.
Unless they have seriously pulled thier finger out thier ass the Alliance arent likely to get much done short of divine (admin) intervention......if you dont want to be in the Empire...go join Black Sun....though you might like Emperor Charon....good chap, best they've had with Emperor Piett a close second.....

Posted: 2003-02-26 08:47pm
by Robert Treder
Keevan_Colton wrote:Unless they have seriously pulled thier finger out thier ass the Alliance arent likely to get much done short of divine (admin) intervention......if you dont want to be in the Empire...go join Black Sun....though you might like Emperor Charon....good chap, best they've had with Emperor Piett a close second.....

As for Divine Intervention, it's happened before, for an even more lost cause...but we don't talk about that, now do we?
The Empire and those allied with her offer such a wide variety of positions that it's frankly incomprehensible that one wouldn't want to work for or with us. Though if you absolutely must work for a non-Imperially affiliated group, Black Sun isn't that bad a choice.
Among the fine opportunities one finds in the Empire proper are:
TIE Pilot
Army Officer
Capital Ship Commander
Intelligence Officer
Government Administration
Bounty Hunter
...and much, much more!
And don't be fooled, people...this is better than SW Galaxies. For one, it's free. Also, you don't have to serve no stinking NPC Emperor. This is a real man, one that you can trust and respect. He's someone that you will want to serve, not just the committee decisions that some game designers decide the Emperor should be like.
Posted: 2003-02-26 09:06pm
by Keevan_Colton
Well, I was on the senate before it was disbanded....and I was *technically* an admin (RP Admin for a short while....) despite keeping my character......and I always pushed for the admin to stop screwing about.....
As regards Black Sun....its gone down hill since my days as the Shadow Prince....but its still got some things going for it.....
Posted: 2003-02-27 02:37am
by Utsanomiko
An RPG? But no dice?
What a drag.

Posted: 2003-03-01 03:57pm
by His Divine Shadow
Robert Treder wrote:Well, since you seem nice and draconian, you can go ahead and join the Core. Oh, that's right, you can't...because Veynom's an ass.
Oops, did I say that?
Who what where, I have no idea what you are talking about.

Posted: 2003-03-03 02:37pm
by John Ramses
Veynom is the Combine´s Simmaster. As to your question LT Neuf, I am also a LT in the Navy.
About there being no dice... well there are dice, it´s just oyu do not see them

Posted: 2003-03-11 06:31am
by Robert Treder
Pleased to meet you, Lt. Ramses.
Posted: 2003-03-13 12:46am
by Gandalf
Well, I've joined, and applied to the Imperial Navy, waiting for them to accept me and hopefully pick me up.
Posted: 2003-03-13 04:28am
by Robert Treder
Gandalf wrote:Well, I've joined, and applied to the Imperial Navy, waiting for them to accept me and hopefully pick me up.
Excellent! Good to have you aboard. Don't worry about being accepted; the Empire has room enough for all her loyal citizens.
Posted: 2003-03-14 01:53am
by Gandalf
Yeah, since I've applied I created a charcter, now I'm lost on Coruscant with no idea how to contact anyone.
Posted: 2003-03-18 10:33am
by Slartibartfast
Gandalf wrote:Yeah, since I've applied I created a charcter, now I'm lost on Coruscant with no idea how to contact anyone.
Welcome to the wonderful world of the Combine

You actually have to contact people via ICQ or such, and the forums. The "program" is just a side effect, it's only good for one or two actions (like traveling in a ship)... apparently they're almost finished working in the next reincarnation of the software, and it's gonna allow you to do pretty much everything.
Posted: 2003-04-13 12:29pm
by Keevan_Colton
I'm going to unlock this topic now since it's appropriate for here....just dont make a mess in the thread....its a devil cleaning up......
Any questions about the Star Wars Combine ask away...
Posted: 2003-04-13 03:29pm
by Coaan
Keevan_Colton wrote:
As regards Black Sun....its gone down hill since my days as the Shadow Prince....but its still got some things going for it.....
Actually...Black sun just went plain down hill. Since Kosh dissappeared, it practically died.
Posted: 2003-04-13 03:32pm
by Coaan
Welcome to the wonderful world of the Combine
You actually have to contact people via ICQ or such, and the forums. The "program" is just a side effect, it's only good for one or two actions (like traveling in a ship)... apparently they're almost finished working in the next reincarnation of the software, and it's gonna allow you to do pretty much everything.
Is that not what they said about Icis?
If darkness manages to do everything they say it will....then frankly it'll be a miracle. If they get it released that is