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40K Question (Gameplay related)

Posted: 2010-01-09 12:26am
by Darth Fanboy
Is there any kind of precedent for someone who takes some of the space marine units with no direct Chaos equivalent such as the Razorback or Thunderfire cannon and used them as part of a Chaos force? Maybe with a backstory such as "Space Marine chapter has only recently become corrupted by Chaos and thus has newer weapons"?

Re: 40K Question (Gameplay related)

Posted: 2010-01-09 04:22am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
As far as I know, recent renegade Space Marines are just built with the regular Space Marine codex, just painted differently and fighting for the other side.

Either you get the fancy new toys or you get the warp-spawned demonic pacts and unholy powers; not both ya beardy sod! :P

Re: 40K Question (Gameplay related)

Posted: 2010-01-10 12:30am
by Darth Fanboy
But I WANT both.

One day when i'm rich i'm going to make a Chaos Tainted IG force too...

Re: 40K Question (Gameplay related)

Posted: 2010-01-10 01:17am
by Samuel
Can't they just steal them from a loyalist chapter?

Re: 40K Question (Gameplay related)

Posted: 2010-01-10 01:24am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Not in the game's rules you can't.

It used to be that the 3rd Edition Orks could "loot" other race's vehicles and weapons, but they discontinued that in their 5th Edition codex.

Re: 40K Question (Gameplay related)

Posted: 2010-01-10 02:06am
by The Yosemite Bear
no, chaos can currupt ANYTHING, even rocks, well not sensei

Re: 40K Question (Gameplay related)

Posted: 2010-01-10 08:29am
by Sinewmire
Huron Blackheart's Astral Claws and associated raiding forces, based in the smaller warp tear "The Maelstrom" include almost all of the renegades from other chapters. There are tales of individual marines or squads turning traitor (exceptions to the rule of Space Marine Loyalty) or entire "Cursed Founding" chapters being cast out and purged for mutation or aberrancy.

Ruleswise you can't take stuff like Razorbacks, but rules always take second place to fun. Either ask your opponent if its OK, or simply use the counts-as rule.

Perhaps you could try looking for an Astral claws army list online? Or make your own. As long as it's for friendly games, and your opponent agrees, you can do whatever you like.

Regular Chaos Space marine forces aren't allowed these things because they're based on 10,000 year old Traitor Legions, who have largely kept to the ways and equipment of the Heresy era, and haven't paid the price for antiqated eqipment because of the horrific technological and scientific stagnation of the 40k universe, Tau not included, Johnny-come-lately kid-friendly long-range easy-to-win blue-skinned xenos bastards! :evil: *ahem*. Excuse me.

Re: 40K Question (Gameplay related)

Posted: 2010-01-10 08:39am
by Acidburns
Wouldn't such an army be valid in Apocalypse rules? Besides if your playing with friends I'm sure you could come to some sort of agreement.

Re: 40K Question (Gameplay related)

Posted: 2010-01-10 10:56am
by Vendetta
Basically, there's nothing stopping you doing the model conversion, and you may even be able to use it in a friendly game, assuming your opponent isn't too much of a fluff-nazi, but the only competition you could use it in would be a painting competition.

Re: 40K Question (Gameplay related)

Posted: 2010-01-10 11:05pm
by Darth Fanboy
Not worth the trouble trying to convince the people I know to allow it, so I guess i'll just keep savin' up for a new Defiler I guess.