Well, he's at it again!
Summary of nice quotes:
You mean like:Johan [Paradox]: Tactical combat does not work in a strategygame. It makes the strategygame into a joke.
X-Com Series?
Jagged Alliance Series
Forge of Freedom (by Matrix and Western Civ Games)
Crown of Glory (by Matrix and Western Civ Games)
All mix the two different playstyles very well.
Also some nice gems:
There will be no more patches for HOI3 after 1.4 -- If you want more bugfixes, etc; you will have to buy Semper-Fi (the expansion).
Johan had this to say about Semper Fi:
Johan [Paradox]: its in test by the great betas we had on hoi3, who do a splendid job of tracking down problems and suggesting tweaks.

Link to Semper Fi Page
The key thing that leaps out at me (and what should have been in HOI3 from the start:
---Players can now define their own Theatres with a simple dragbox system.
That's not to get to the absolutely horrid issues with time compression with HOI3 -- yes, I do own HOI3; but I bought it for $7 bucks when it was on a Direct2Drive sale last christmas....and even at that price, the game is shit.
HOI3 Patch 1.04
Road To War 1936 Scenario
1920x1080 60 Hz
Core 2 Quad Q6600; 8 GB RAM, Geforce 8800 GTS
It takes about 4-5 seconds for each day in January 1936. By that average, it takes 150 seconds (2.5 minutes) for a 30-day month to pass. That comes out to 1800 seconds (30 minutes) for a year to pass.
1936-1939 is three years. That's 1.5 hours of doing nothing but staring at the screen as the US waiting for war to break out.
Additionally, it takes about a year for me as the USA to research single engine fighter technology. That's 30 minutes before I can substantiatively change my direction of research.
While waiting 30 minutes for a year to pass may be acceptable to some younger masochoists who have a lot of time, I'm no longer the person I was in 2002; I'm older now, and I don't want to spend time twiddling my thumbs.
For this reason, I just can't play Silent Hunter 3 and 4 anymore -- even a simple war patrol in SH4 with a S-Boat out of the Phillipines takes several hours, due to the absolutely horrible way that the Silent Hunter series handles time compression.